Authors Note: I do not own H20: Just Add Water (Sad) but only the ideas behind the story plot.

Everything in bold is the narrator and everything else is dialogue.

Three weeks have passed since Charlotte lost her mermaid powers and things were getting back to normal, or were they?

Lewis- I love that me and Cleo are back together, but it still feels like we never spend a lot of time together. I mean she says, I will see you latter and then jumps into the water and swims off, comes back hours later and gives me a kiss and says see you tomorrow. I fell left out. o with I could be with her more.

Ash- I know what you mean. It is like they don't even remember us. I sometimes wish they weren't mermaids.

Zane- No, they wouldn't do this to us. We love them. well, ok maybe they would do this to us, but they love mermaids and it makes them happy. So, don't we make them happy too?

Ash- We should make them happy, but I guess there is no way to be together with them.

Lewis- Wait a minute. I have an idea that just might work. Meet me at Zane's house tomorrow and I will explain my plan.

Zane- Why my house! Come on can't we go to the Juice Net instead!

Lewis- No, we need to go somewhere where the girls can not find us. I mean, I don't want them to find out my plan because if they did they would stop us for sure.

Ash- Is it dangerous your plan. I don't want to be hurt.

Lewis- No, it is not dangerous, only life changing. SO meet at Zane's house at 8:00am and if the girls ask where we are going, tell them we are going to a science convention and that will keep them away.

Zane- Hey, I like your thinking Lewis. Tomorrow then.

So Zane, Lewis, and Ash get up from the beach and leave the girls to swim out on their way. Little did they know their perfect lives would change forever.