Death: well here's the start of the drabbles of randomness and sugar highs.

Kyros: not to mention funny! or at least we try to make it funny.

Disclaimer: we own nothing but a Toshiba laptop

Death Note & Pants

L held up the Death Note with his index and thumb, examining it very carefully. If this object could actually kill with a name written in it, it will certaintly amazes and disgusts the sugar addict. Closing the note, he holds it up to the light above.

"Um...Ryuuzaki what are you doing?" Matsuda asks, letting his curiosity get the better of him.

"I'm examining it. So far all I can say about this is that it has to be true. After all the creepy white thing behind us is a shinigami, thus proving that they are real, and not to mention its small enough to hide underneath any clothing." L mumbles, eyeing Light.

"What are you indicating Ryuuzaki?" Light barely hid his slight fear with his voice. Really, what is with this guy? Its like he's trying wait! No! It can't be that, it can't be that!

'But you know you want it to be that.' A little voice inside Light's head told him. Light mentally scowls at his mind, thinking up a good way to kill his evil little voice.

"What you're thinking Light-kun, is in fact correct." L grins. Light blinks.





"Ryuuzaki...are you hitting on my son?" Yagami-san demands. His eyes glarning at L for a truthful answer.

"No, just simply stating the fact that Light-kun is still my # 1 suspect."

Tch, more like # 1 gorgeous, handsome male who you want to get into his pants. Light growled to himself.

'See! See! You like it that way!'

Stop poisoning my brain with such distasteful thoughts! Oh god I'm insane!

'Of course you are.'

"Would you excuse us? I want to get some cake." L stands up and heads towards the door, dragging Light behind him.

Once in the kitchen, Light mentally killed off his little voice in his head with anything that came into mind with as he watched L take a piece of strawberry cheesecake. Figures, he always has strawberry cheesecake. Just how many does he actually have? Hmm...lovely cream, crea- no! Bad Light, bad Light! Don't think like that, just calm down, and pretend nothing's going on.

OMIGAWD! What the hell is he doing with that frosting!? Oh god...

L had frosting on his index finger and slowly licked it with his tongue. Making sure to eye Light in the corner of his eye as L continued on with licking. After he finishes, L tilts his head slightly in confusion.

I'm screwed.

"I wonder...Light-kun, what I said earlier about the Death Note's size. It's actually small enough to fit in your pants."

Screw that! I'm trapped in a hell hole!

"Ryuuzaki what are yo-"

L didn't explain as he reached forward and pulled on the chain, taking Raito stumbling forward. A sly grin from ear to ear carved itself on L's face, his spare hand trying to get under the tight fabric of Light's pants.

"AAGH! RYUUZAKI WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GROPING MY ASS!?" Light screams, struggling to get away.

"But Light-kun-"

Without warning Light punched L square in the face. L toppled to the floor, pulling Light with him from the force of the chain. Light groaned when his stomach made contact to cold, heard floor.

"Just what the on your mind?"

"I was just making sure that another Death Note wasn't hidden in Light's pants." L pouts. Pout shnout. He's gonna pay for that. Light thought bitterly.

"You see me change clothes every morning and night! Why do you have to check now?" L frowns.

"But I thought Light-kun likes it when I gropes him."

Light faints.

Death: Well there's the first drabble.

Kyros: haha, this one has been on our minds for WEEKS. and now we can finally lay the idea to rest now that its up and running.

Review plz!