Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight!



"Tight form, pointed toes, and don't forget to throw your shoulders back and pop up!" I heard Mike, my coach, yell at me as I did my bar routine. He was reminding me of the shapes I need for the Shaposhnikova. Why the hell did Natalia Vitalyevna Shaposhnikova think of doing this skill? I would never think of doing this.

I was on the low bar and I gripped it firmly. I cast, threw my shoulders back as fast as I could and popped up into a handstand. I then let go of the low bar, still in my handstand form and arched my back as I reached for the high bar. I grabbed it with ease, swinging back and then forward and letting go toward the low bar, doing a half twist and grabbing the low bar again and kipping out. I proceeded to do a squat on and jumped back to the high bar, did a kip, cast into a handstand. I did one giant, two giants, three giants around the bar and let go to perform the Chusovitina in my routine. I landed on the hard mat and press finished.

I turned to my coach and smiled, he was smiling too. "That was very good Bella. You had tight form and you listened to what I said. You pointed your toes. You still need to work on stretching tall but I think you could get a firm 9.65 on that routine." He gave me a high five and I headed back to the chalk bucket.

"Hey, that was really good. I think you will do great at the IG Classic." Rosalie said to me as she gave me a hug.

"Thank you." I replied. "I just hope I can get my yurchenko double full before then." I laughed.

"You and me both." She replied laughing.

"Okay girls, time to rotate." Mike yelled loud enough for everyone on the girls side of the gym to hear.

The gym was separated into three parts. One was for the little kids, another for us elite gymnasts, girls only of course, and the last part was for the men's elite gymnasts.

I took off my grips and put them in my grip bag, which was stowed away in my locker. I grabbed my wrist guards and headed to floor while putting them on. We lined up on the floor and waited for Brooke, our floor coach and probably the youngest coach on the elite staff. She was very pretty with her shoulder length honey blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She came from the coaches room with her little boy, Anderson, attached on her hip. Ever since she gave birth to him a few months ago, she always had him with her.

"I want each of you to do 5 of your first tumbling pass, 4 of your two-flip pass, and 5 of your last pass. Then I want you to do one full routine with music and one dance routine with music right after… go on what are you waiting for?" We all dispersed to two corners of the blue spring floor.

I finished workout at 9:00 at night after being there for six hours. I had to wait while Jasper and Rosalie Hale both finished up.

Jasper was a honey blonde, blue eyed elite gymnast for the men's team. I had convinced him to try out for the Men's Olympic team, but was too afraid of failure. I thought he was being ridiculous, but I didn't push him. He was quite tall for a gymnast, 6' 2" to be exact. How he could be a gymnast and be that tall was beyond me. He pretty much towered over everybody at the gym, including the coaches. He was only 19, too.

Rosalie was the newest addition to the elite team for the women. She was a beautiful blonde with odd colored eyes. They were a violet type color and she was tall as well. I guess that was as expected considering she was Jasper's sister. She was a very talented gymnast and she was 19 as well. She and Jasper were twins.

I was just plain old Bella Swan. I was 18 and was a mere 5'4". The height a normal gymnast stood at. I had long dark brown hair that went to my waist and plain brown eyes. I have been a gymnast for 14 years and I actually tried out for the 2008 Olympics for the women's team. I made it and I was very proud of myself.

I practiced everyday for 6 hours and did 4 hours of independent studies, otherwise known as homeschooling. I may be 18 but still have to finish high school. Once I'm done with it though, I am going to stop schooling altogether so I can focus on gymnastics and nothing else. I wasn't allowed to go to school like normal kids due to my rigorous gymnastics schedule, but it was worth it. I loved gymnastics. It made me feel great to just fly through the air.

Jasper and Rosalie get to go to regular school. Only because they don't work out as much as I do. I pretty much had no life outside of this gym. I didn't have any friends other than the gymnasts here.

Rosalie had a boyfriend named Emmett Cullen and Jasper had a girlfriend named Alice Cullen, who was Emmett's sister. I had not met them yet, but from what Rosalie and Jasper said, they seemed like very nice people. Apparently Emmett and Alice had another brother named Edward. I know next to nothing about him except for the fact that he is their brother.

I had two brothers. A 12 year old brother named Sawyer and a 26 year old brother named Joshua, otherwise known as Josh. My father was an uptight old man who seemed to only love me because of my gymnastics career and my mother was a bitch. That was all there was to it. I hated her. She would never be around, always out with her friends or at work or at some stupid political function. When she is home she doesn't treat me like a daughter, but like a slave.

Rosalie and Jasper both came up to me and smiled. "Come on let's go." I said trying to forget my thoughts.

A/N: I know this is a weird story, but it has been one my mind for the longest time and I just wanted to get it out there. For the Three's Company readers… I have not stopped that story, I will update either today or tomorrow.

Anyway this story is pretty much about my life. I am not in the skill level that Bella is in. I am a level 7/8 gymnast, but I know about everything I talk about in this story. IF you think I should continue please tell me. I want to know if you like this idea.

Oh also I have a link on my fanfiction profile where you can go to my freewebs page and see some of the tricks that Bella does. Make sure you see them, they are really cool!

Thanks to my Beta, TheBetafish!

Sorry for the long A/N!