Title: "Close to you"

Genre: Humor, romance.

Rate: R-15 for language and sexual suggestions.

Warnings: boys love!!

Summary: Ed wants one, and this "one" is running from him.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist. All rights to HIROMU ARAKAWA and SQUARE ENIX.

A.N.: First drabbles for "You Never Know". I'll try to explain how those two felt in love for each other and now are married and Ed is pregnant… My recent project and it needs a beta reader! Please anyone!!

1 – In the middle of rain: the beginning.

A lonely figure was walking slowly through the silent streets. Edward whimpered feeling the increasing pain from his automail ports. He was freezing and surely a rain was on its way. The hotel was far from there and he barely left the headquarters, maybe he should take a taxi. He looked for a misery cenz in his pocket and discovered that he shouldn't have leaved all his money in the hotel. Limping and hurting, the blonde tried to rush to his hotel before it rains, but it started to fall copiously.

Panting hard because of the pain and exercise, the short blonde stopped in front of a bar which was the only place still open so late. Ed thought that there he could warm up and call a taxi, but when he was about to enter he saw a huge poster in the entrance: Minors and animals are not allowed.

Ed grunted and with only fifteen-years old he wasn't allowed just such a dog wasn't. It pissed him so far that he was about to throw a tantrum inside of the fucking place when someone opened the door and stared at him. The Colonel Mustang in flesh and bones was there with a dumb expression.

"Fullmetal? What are you doing here?" he observed the blonde.

"Not of your business, fucking colonel." Ed was freezing, soaked and pissed. The colonel was the last person that he wanted to see.

"Harsh as always." the raven man grabbed his umbrella and opened it. He came closer to the boy protecting him too from the rain.

Ed widened his eyes surprised. This was the first time that someone treated him so kindly.

"Thanks." Ed mumbled.

"You're welcome." the raven man replied and offered his black coat "I called a taxi and I'll take you to your hotel… while it doesn't come, use my coat."

"Why are you doing this?" Ed covered himself and confused, the boy gazed at those charcoal eyes.

"I do care about my subordinates," He grinned and they heard the noisy car approaching them "Look it's here."

In the car, warmed up and comfortable Ed couldn't tell anything else and felt asleep. Even in his sleep, he could feel someone holding him tight and the sensation was so good… Ed never felt like this. The delicious scent of cinnamon and spice invaded his nose, inviting him to the heaven. But good things don't last forever and he awoke with somebody calling his name.

"Brother! Ed!" Al was at his side and he was in his hotel room.

"Al? Where's the colonel?" Ed looked around.

"He left minutes ago… he didn't want to wake up you."

"Ah…" Ed sighed. He wanted at least thank the man.

"You need to take a warm bath and change your clothes! You're so soaked!" Al yelled "I'll prepare your bath." The suit of armor headed to their bathroom.

Ed preferred to stay in bed for a little longer. He noticed that the colonel's black coat was still covering his body like a blanket. With a smile on his face, the boy wrapped himself with the coat and smelled the faint scent of cinnamon and spice, saturated in the fabric. He closed his eyes and tried to remember again that wonderful sensation which never left him, even in his dreams…

2 – Fallen

Ed was sure that something changed from that night in the rain. Wet, wild, wonderful, wrecked, whacky and wicked dreams with the colonel were happening every night during the last weeks. In one the colonel was a big cucumber and he was going to eat it raw, in other he was a dog and the colonel his master and the last ones were so naughty that he blushed every time when he remembers it. And Ed didn't lose his virginity yet! How could it be possible?

The teenager refused to accept it, he wasn't gay. He tried to imagine Winry doing a strip for him like the porn movies that he and Al borrowed from Lieutenant Havoc. But the idea gave him the creeps when she started to wrench him for not paying attention. Okay Ed, let's try again – he thought. Maybe Lieutenant Hawkeye, she was a gorgeous woman under that uniform. He imagined her in mini-skirts, holding her gun. Again, he remembered that mini-skirts were the dream of that Bastard and the image of Hawkeye disappeared from his mind… replaced with one sweaty-covered and naked colonel who was above him, filling his ass… NO! IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!

Before the librarian could expulse him, Edward went determinate to the only place where his problem can be resolved: the bastard's office. When he pocked his head over the door, he saw the office empty despite for Lieutenant Hawkeye organizing the paperwork.

"Where's the colonel?" he asked.

"He took the day off," she sighed and finished "He caught a cold."

"Thanks lieutenant!"

Ed headed right to the market with an idea in mind.

Later that day, sucking in the bed was the Flame Alchemist with a great headache and low fever. His nose was running, body aching… nothing could be worse. He heard someone knocking the door, and tried to ignore it. When the knocks became so insistent he thought that was better to attend it.

"Damn Maes, let me alone…" Roy's jaw went to the floor after he looked at who was in front of his door.

Ed smiled sympathetically and showed the basket in his hands.

"I brought you food… Will you let me come in?"

"Sure…" he moved a bit of the way and Ed entered in the apartment.

"It's chicken soup… but if you don't want it I made stew too." Ed seated in the black leather sofa.

"G-good…" perplexed, the older man made his way to the other sofa and covered himself with a blanket.

"May I use your kitchen?" Ed stood and took the basket with him.

After fifteen minutes, Ed brought the soup, fresh breads and the stew in a trail. He served Roy who used the center table for support. Noticing that the blonde was getting nothing, he invited Ed to eat the stew with him at least.

"It was pretty good." The raven man commented after finished the meal.

"Thanks… I cooked with Gracia's help." Ed grinned.

"Fullmetal… why are you doing this?" Roy gazed at the blonde quite confused.

"I'm returning a favor… you took care of me that night." Ed was holding himself. His heart was beating accelerated, just for being closer to him. When he finally realized that he really has strong feelings for the man, he felt sad. Roy could never respond to his feelings.

"That night in the rain?" Roy sounded sad, he thought that the blonde's actions today could be affection - he always had a crush on Ed - but he was wrong "I don't feel that you were in doubt with me."

"I did want to do this, that's all." Ed gave a sad smile.

After the dinner, the boy cleaned the kitchen and prepared a hot bath for the colonel. Spoiled and satisfied, Roy went to his bed feeling much better.

"Let me check the temperature." Ed placed his flesh hand against Roy's forehead.

For just a moment their eyes met and suddenly, Roy pulled Ed closer to him. Their faces were so close, breaths mixed, and lips almost touched each other. However something inside of the older man hinted, and he broke apart.

"It's wrong… you're so young." Roy downed his head sadly.

"I wanted it… it's not." Ed blushed.

"I can be arrested for pedophilia and you're my direct subordinate, we can't."

"Colonel… no, Roy…"

"Please, leave me Ed. I'm very grateful for what you did today, but we can't continue this." He turned his face to another way "Leave me Ed, please."

"Okay… I'll do it. But I won't give up, are you hearing me?" Ed said hurt. "I won't give up because I never felt like this before!"

The teenager rushed out of the apartment and left the man to his thinking. However the teen never heard the three lonely words which were spoken by the colonel after his departure… I hate soup.

3 – Creamy coffee

Roy entered in his office as always, grabbed his creamy hot coffee from Breda's hand and took a mug before find his way through the mountains of paperwork on his desk. It was Monday, and Roy hates Mondays, because Hawkeye always was in a mood slave driver at Mondays, showing a gun at his head. He sighed, and then he noticed something.

"What are you doing Fullmetal?" he raised an eyebrow and gazed at the delicious blonde seated in his chair.

"Just warming it up for you, colonel." Ed grinned and licked his lips.

"Hum… I-I mean get out of my chair!" Roy left a small gasp escape from his lips and saw the disappointed teen rose from the chair.

"May I help you with something? More coffee? Maybe some massage…" Ed rested his elbows at Mustangs desk while playing with his braid.

"No Fullmetal, I don't need anything." The raven man looked away disinterested. He tried to be.

"Oh, I see." The blonde passed his flesh index finger at the man's coffee and tasted the cream, sucking his finger deviously.

"F-Fullmetal…" Roy felt his pants so tight and sweat rolled from his temper "You should be searching for the Philosopher Stone, don't you?"

"Now I'm looking for something else." The blonde grinned.

"Fullmetal, I think that you're watching 'Wild Pussies' too much." The man lowered his voice.

"FUCK! HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Ed widened his eyes surprised.

"Because I know all the dialogues after watch it ten times." Roy replied meekly.


Ed headed out stomping hard at the floor with a mental note in his mind… "Porn movies aren't a good source".

To be continued (?) - it's up to you readers, so GiMME REVIEWS XD