A/N: Okay, so a huge thanks to Marissa Davis for reviewing, and giving me this idea. Basically Lucas' thoughts on those same six words.

Also, as for the timeline. There was no phone call to ANY of the three girls, Lucas took off to Vegas by himself. When he returned, Peyton refused to talk to him and their relationship slowly deteriorated from there. This is a few years later.

Disclaimer: I still don't own One Tree Hill. I also don't own the song, "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You" by the Rocket Summer

He's Not Good Enough For You

(Part Two)

He had been happy then. Truly happy. But she walked back into his life, years after his proposal, and he didn't know what to do. He had Lindsey, he was supposed to be in love with Lindsey. But my goodness, she still drove him crazy. Just one look at her, and he could hardly think straight. And now he was supposed to deal with those feelings, but remain loyal to the woman he had pretended to be in love with for so long? When he had made it clear to Peyton that he was with Lindsey, thinking he was doing himself a favour, it turned out he was only hurting himself more.

Because then Peyton tried to move on, causing him to say six words he was probably going to regret for as long as he lived.

"He's not good enough for you."

And he wasn't. Whoever 'he' was. Because Lucas had known deep down in his heart that he was the only one who was ever going to be good enough for her.

It was his own selfishness trying to prevent her from being happy again, without him. Even if he had gone and tried to do the same thing. Sure he didn't really love Lindsey, but he almost had himself convinced. The fact of the matter was, he couldn't stand watching Peyton move on. He wanted her all to himself. But it looked like it was too late for that considering the mess he had made.

I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy
What is closer to the truth
Is if I lived 'til I was one-hundred and two
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

He lay down on his bed, thinking about all the mistakes he had made with her, and how he had succeeded in pushing her away without even trying. He had become a mess in these past few years. He couldn't even attempt to blame her, because it was far from being her fault. It was his fault, all his fault. His fault for saying those six stupid words.

"He's not good enough for you."

He looked at the empty bottles of alcohol that lined his dresser, and laughed to himself. It was almost funny now, how he had turned to drinking to solve all his problems. Everytime he was hurt, his first impulse had been to go to the bar and down as much as possible and become numb. But it had gotten to the point where even that didn't numb him. The pain just bled right through. And there was nothing he could do to stop it these days.

I'm no longer moved to drink strong whiskey
I shook the hand of time and I knew
That if I lived 'til I could no longer climb my stairs
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

Maybe one of these days he would go see her and apologize, for everything. Tell her how much he loved her. But it had been so long, and she hadn't wanted to see him or talk to him in that time, much less listen to anything he had to say to her. She probably hated him now, and he was just going to have to deal.

Maybe someday he'd move on, and forget about those gorgeous long legs, her beautiful messy hair or the piercing green eyes he loved so much. Because the only think that Peyton Sawyer would ever think about him now was,

"He's not good enough for you."

And she would find better. She deserved better. Better than the hell he had put her through. He could still feel her, hear her, see her, just like she was right beside him.

One thing however, no matter what happed in the end, would never change; he was and always would be in love with Peyton Sawyer.

Your face it dances and it haunts me
Your laughter's still ringing in my ears
I still find pieces of your presence here
Even, even after all these years

the end.

So thank you all for reading, and if you enjoyed it, leave a review! :)