Disclaimer: Dark Angel and all the characters in Dark Angel do not belong to me. The original characters and plot are the property of Fox. No copyright infringement is intended.
Max was at crash, hanging out with OC, Sketchy and Alec like always after a hard shifted at Jam Pony. It had been two weeks since max had let Logan believe she was now with Alec and thankfully he was keeping his distance from Max and Alec, who still had know idea he was Max's boyfriend. Thank god for that Max thought that's one thing she didn't want to explain why Logan thinks their together. Just then Max felt her pager go off
"Dammit, this better be good" she muttered knowing that it was Logan and went to call him back.
"What?!" she barked at Logan, she didn't mean to be too hard on him, but she wasn't in the mood to talk to him, as the conversation was always about their relationship and why they should be together.
"I hope I'm not … interrupting anything" Logan said struggling with the connotations of his words concerning Max and Alec. "But I wouldn't call if I didn't need your help, or if it wasn't important."
"Should have known it was work related, what's up?" Max let out a little sign, if it was important she needed to help but didn't want to be anywhere near Logan.
"Well it's not something we should discuss over a phone. Will you come over?"
Max was about to answer objecting to being alone with Logan when he continued to say...
"I'll need Alec's help too, could you bring him?" His voice was much quieter and Max could hear the distain in his voice. It really was important if Logan had to involve him, knowing how much Max and Alec "relationship" hurt Logan.
"We'll be over in an hour" she said and ended the call. Max signed again if she was to bring Alec, she may need to inform him of their fake relationship. She shuttered at the thought.
"What's wrong boo?" OC said pulling Max away from her thoughts.
"Logan called, he needs help with something" Max signed "said needs Alex's help to"
"Oh" OC realised why Max's face was trippin her "well tell him no, he's not your boyfriend anymore so you don't need to help him."
"He said it was important OC, it could be about White or T.C. I can't just ignore him, because he's still helping us"
"Ok, you got a point" OC said "but if your taken Alec, does he know he's your new squeeze?"
Max rubbed her forehead trying to think what she could do to avoid him ever find that out "well I was thinking I won't have to, if I'm careful"
OC put her arm around Max "Boo I know you'd love that to be true. But you know that if Alec is going with you to Logan's your need to be straight with him" Max glared at OC she knew she was right
"Hey girl, don't kill the messenger you know I'm telling the truth." OC gave a little smile "Look if you don't tell Alec he won't play along if Logan says anything to him. Then Logan will know your not together."
Alec was at the pool table with Sketchy, who was about to lose his third game in a row. Max walked over to the pool table just in time to see Alec hit an amazing shot and win the game. "Sketchy, why don't you use that money your about to give Alec to buy us a pitcher?"
"What! Wait that's my money I won fair 'n' square" Alec shouted at Max. But she just crossed her arms and looked angrily at Alec.
Alec give a long drawn out sign "yeah whatever, fine. Sketchy get a pitcher." Once Sketchy had left the table Alec spoke first "That was my money you can't just tell people they can buy beer with it"
Max was much more calm in her speech "I would hardly call it fair that your using your abilities to take Sketchy's money from him." Alec knew she had a point so didn't give a reply "Anyway that's not why I came over. I need your help"
Alec rolled his eyes of course it was business related "What makes you think I'll help?"
"Logan's got something important for us. He didn't explain what it was but White could be involved " Max whispered so know one would over hear. Alec signed anything T.C or White related he knew was important. " OK let's go"
"Alec wait I need to tell you something…" Max struggled to find the words to tell him about her and Logan or that they were a pretend couple.
"Oh come on Max, the sooner we get this done the more time I have to get back to kicking Sketchy ass at pool" Alec said impatiently.
"Yeah sure" Max said heading for the door.