Chapter 13

Chapter 13

(Nov 14)

Draco look around the room, making sure no reporters had gotten inside. It had been four hours, six minutes and ten seconds since they had found out that their children had been kidnapped. "Mr. Malfoy this is a very large home, with many charms and enchantments setup as alarms. What I am asking is, is there anyone at all that comes to mind that knows how not to set it off? Or any area they could have entered without being caught?"

"Every room, hall and floor is set with alarms…except one. And no one but mother, I and our house elves know about it." Draco went on to explain the sealed off floor. "No one has step foot on that floor for years. Not even my mother or I go there…I couldn't imagine anyone else knowing that seeing as we keep all guest on the top floor."

"What about cooks, butlers, maids…Or someone passing through?" Harry Potter asked. Draco shook his head 'no'.

"Everyone in the house stays on the first, third, four and fifth floor. The second floor is house elves only and even then the east wing remains untouched." Draco stated, feeling like he wanted to do more for his children than talk about the east wing.

"Wait," Narcissa said, looking at them. "There is someone else who knows about the east wing…Back when Hermione just moved in and Draco decided he drank too much. We went through the whole house to get rid of all the liquor, except the wing Draco is talking about…He…He asked me why it was off limits and I foolishly told him it was closed off and no one entered or had been in it for six years or more…He could have been mad because Hermione left him and he could have entered that area because of what I told him." His mother look horrified with this idea.

"Mike…" Draco hissed, getting to his feet. "He had plenty to be mad about and he even called our children rats." He was ready to find the guy and kill him with his bare hands.

"Ok, it's a very good start… I know it's hard for you all, but I think it best you stay here and wait this out," Harry said, making Hermione and Draco glare daggers at him. There was no fighting it, they we're coming to help find their children one way or another. "Malfoy can you show us the east wing on the second floor?"

Draco's mother stayed behind incase the kidnapper tried to contact them. As they entered the area they came to his father's office door first. It was open and Draco couldn't re-call if he or his mother had shut it the night he had come for a drink. Lighting the dark dust-covered room they began to search for sighs of someone popping in. When none were found they were about to leave, but Hermione stopped them.

"If it was Mike he would have come by floo. He tends to like it better than most other forms of travel," she said, walking to the fire place. All they found was evidence that no one had entered either way for quite a few years. They lit the hallways and searched room after room, finding nothing until they came to the last room in the east wing.

"This was once my room, it has a fire place…But I have several other spells in place for reasons I rather not talk about." He had everyone wait by the door as he started to check the room. "Someone was in here not to long ago," Draco said, moving to the fire "They came in through floo," He added. As he continued to search, Draco growled "They left throw floo to an apartment building in Labix!" The reason he growled was because he knew Labix was where Mike and Hermione had been living ten months ago. 'I'm going to kill him with my bare hands'.

(Mike's place Nov 14)

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE RATS!" He screamed at the two children before turning to the table of his loyal friends and followers. "As I was saying, the children of the rich and powerful will one day lead this world. Either they can lead it as their parents are or with our guidance, they can lead us into a much more worth wild world." His friends chuckled as they looked on in agreement.

"Think of it my friends, 10 wives to control and take care of the needs of everyman. Muggle slaves to do the dirty work." He laughed lightly, "Oh the Dark Lord was a fool to try and get ride of them when they proved to have many a good skills we can exploit. We'll be rich, powerful and enamored as the greatest wizards to ever have walked the earth."

"All we need is the children of the Malfoy family?" Asked one of the other men at the table.

"Be fore I lost my girl to that punk Malfoy I saw a seer in London." Mike explained that the seer had seen that the children screaming behind him would own the largest industries the world would ever know and they had some secret power. "I plan to get my girl back and teach her a lesson she'll never forget before I force her to raise these rats as our own. With them believing I am their father we will have control over everything they do."

The laughter ensued as the dark gathering started their plans for taking over the world to make it a wizard run world. No more hiding or having to hold back on their powers and skills. Every wizard in the world could torment whoever they wish with no penalty of jail to hold them back. "Just think of it: a lawless world for our own enjoyment!" It was truly the greatest thing to ever be conceived.

The group heard alarms ringing, making most of them including Mike flee. His brother James remained behind with the children as planed. He would force Hermione to marry Mike and in turn, she would get to raise the children. If she refused he was instructed to kill one of the brats in front of them.

Within minutes he spotted the wizards and witches getting ready to make their move. Seeing Hermione with Draco was sickening to see. James turned to choose the child he would use as his bargaining chip and shield. Sneering, he reached for the boy who looked too much like his real father anyway. As his finger curled around the boy's little body, the two children screamed and took hold of one another as if for protection. James yanked them apart, but as he let go of the boy, a blinding white light killed him.


Hermione could hear her babies crying. It took several people to hold her and Draco back from running blindly into gods knows what. Suddenly the earth shook violently as the apartment building windows and doors were blown sky high in a steaming white fire. "NOOO!" Both parents screamed, breaking free and running into the white flames to save their children.

Inside, everything had been burned away leaving nothing but scorch marks and white fire behind. A basket on the floor was the only thing untouched by the fire and inside laid two little babies crying for their parents. Draco took Lea as Hermione took Jr. and they aparated their children to safely. After every family member was given a check-up, they proved to be in tip top shape. As for the building and everyone in it…They were gone as if blinked off the face of the earth.

No one knew what caused the explosion or why the twins had not been victims. All that was assured was whatever happened had never happened anywhere else on earth before. A warrant for Mike's arrest was still out, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind he too had died in the explosion.

(Six months later)

Daily News

The Malfoy family historical hotel was open for business today. The hotel, once being known as the Malfoy Mansion, was changed into a high class hotel over the passed few months. The Manager at the front desk, a Ms. Jan Ritz, says her head house elf Olivia is one of the best in the business. Their staff is on hand 24 hours a day to give historical tours, along with anything else you could dream of. They also have made the top floor of the hotel a private place the rich and famous can come to have their children in the lap of luxury and privacy. The head med-witch, a Miss Nelly Beaks, could not be reached for questioning as we're told Mr. Potter and his wife Ginny just singed in to have their first born.

As for the Malfoy family, it is well known that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were married on January 3. One year to the day Hermione signed the allusive contract. The small family of four and Narcissa Malfoy moved into a small home Hermione had purchased before the kidnapping of their lovely children. Narcissa didn't live with the family long before she got re-married to a Mr. Jack Spinner: A gentleman who owns a free hospital center for the homeless wizards of the world to go and be taken care of.

It has not been confirmed yet, but rumors have been wide spread that Draco Malfoy and his new wife Hermione are also buying several small animal hospitals. As Draco runs the hotel and other small business at home it is believed Hermione will be running the animal hospital. As we look back over what the world once was and how these two have changed so much we must say their children will be raised in a world not yet seen in our own eyes.

(The end)