Author's Note: I've been so thrilled with all your reviews! We've also had over 1,000 hits on this story. Yayyyyy.
I'm hoping with this next chapter we can make it to 30 reviews. But we'll need YOUR help to get us there. So enjoy this chapter and remember kids, review!

Also just to clear up some things, Bella is indeed a jumper and the Cullens are still those fun loving blood suckers.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Jumper.

Chapter Five: The Other White Meat

"Yes two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." - Secret by The Pierces.

Bella's POV

The car ride was interesting. Me and Emmett made small talk about music and cars while Edward remained silent. I made sure not to look at him during the ride, I feared he would give me another death glare. As we left the school I realized I had no idea where my new house was. I pulled out my phone and dialed my mother's cell. It rang four times and went to voicemail.

"Damnit." I cursed under my breath. My eyes travelled up to the rear view mirror where I could see Edward staring at me intently. I tried to smile but his look both scared me and took away my breath. His gorgeous eyes, I felt like they could see right through me. To the bone, blood, maybe even the soul. Well... if we have souls.

Needless to say those angry eyes were beautiful. I silently thanked the heavens that he was glaring, because if he smiles, I might just melt all over the place.

Oh god. What was wrong with me? This guy, who I've known a whole twenty minutes, obviously shares a huge dislike for me and I'm...I'm...drooling all over him! Fuck.

I stopped staring at him in embarrassment and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to relax. I glanced at Emmett's back and his usual lazy fun posture was now ridged. I could see the side of his face and the corner of his mouth. He was moving his lips very fast but I couldn't hear anything. I figured he was just mumbling to himself. I dared to glance back at Edward again and what surprised me was that every so often his lips would move slightly as if he was responding to Emmett's mumbling. What was going on here?

"I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world..."

I blinked. Someone had the Barbie girl ringtone? Emmett looked sheepish as he pulled out his cellphone. He mumbled much louder about how Alice, whoever Alice was, had changed his ringer. He flipped open the phone and I could a loud squeak erupt from the receiver. Emmett groaned and began talking very fast and once again there was no sound.

Did I need to get my hearing checked? I shook my head and rolled down the window, setting my head on the ledge. I let my hair blow with the wind.

These Cullens were very strange. Possibly not all there in the head. Damn...and I had such high hopes for Emmett.

"Oh well." I sighed.

Someone began to hum a tune I had never heard before and all the jet lag started to really hit me. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift...

Minutes later...possibly ten.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, it could have been minutes or mere seconds but the car had stopped.

I lifted my head up with bleary eyes and looked around. Neither of the Cullen siblings were in the car and the car was currently parked in a driveway. I followed the driveway to the attached house and my eyes widened. This certainly wasn't my new house. My mother didn't have THAT much money. There was other various cars parked in and around the driveway. Very expensive looking cars.

This little trip home had become a bit more complicated and confusing as it progressed and I really didn't want to stick around to see what would happen next. I pulled off my seat belt and scanned the area again. No one in sight was a very big plus. Problem? I need a picture of where in Forks I was going.

Teleportation was cool and all but just like super heroes and comic book characters, everyone had a barrier. A kryptonite. Mine? I need a photo of the place I was jumping to. Ridiculous, I know. The upside was once I got there I didn't need another photo. I could just picture it in my mind and go. I told myself eventually I would see every place in the world and photographs would be obsolete. However I didn't really want to go country hopping today, I just wanted to stay in boring Forks and take a large lovely nap at home.

Another sigh. This was not good. All I had on me was my cellphone and I hadn't advanced to the upgrade of a camera phone. All my other stuff, my backpack and what not, was still in my mother's car.

"Shit." I cursed swearing like the sailor I was.

I eyed the car's glove box lovingly. Ah ha! I slipped out my my seat and ran to the passenger's side. I opened the door and as quietly as I could shut it. A quick glance and still nothing.


I opened the glove box and began to rummage through it. Cd's, registration papers, a old worn out copy of some book that was written in a foreign language. It looked like Italian. If I hadn't been in such a rush I would have investigated it further. Of course my love of books would be my demise.

I sighed and continued searching. I grunted in frustration when I came up empty handed.

"Damnit damnit damnit." I threw the items back in the glove box and slammed it shut. I raked my fingers through my hair.

Ever since I came to Forks, a whole two hours ago, everything had gone wrong. I missed Phoenix and Zooey dearly. Stupid mom making me move to stupid town with freaky weird people.

My eyes darted up to the house or in better terms mansion. So this must be the Cullen residence...

I guess I could always go up and ask what the deal was. Or maybe I'll just call a cab. I don't know what these peoples deal is. They could be serial killers for I know. Bi-polar mumbling serial killers. Yeah best not to go inside.

I pulled out my phone and flipped it open. The low battery light flashed at me. I began to dial 411 to ask for a local taxi service but mid ring it stopped. I pulled the cell away from my ear and stared at the screen. My phone had just sputtered and died.

God hates me right now, I just know it. Are you punishing me now God? Cause I stole that candy bar when I was nine? Cause me and Zooey use to ditch seventh period all the time to go drink vodka and coke in the girl bathroom? Because I started smoking? Or that time I never gave back my 11th grade English class's copy of Wuthering Heights? Honest Lord, I really forgot I kept it!

I could use a cigarette now. But of course my cancer sticks are my in backpack. I banged my head against the dashboard. I was going to have to go into that house, whether or not I liked it. Or at least stand at the door. Oi.

Where were Emmett and Edward anyways? You usually don't forget leaving a random chick in your car.

I opened the door and this time made no attempt to be quite as I threw it shut. I marched up to the house, no correction it was still a mansion, and knocked loudly on the front door. No more then two seconds later the door was flung open and a small short pixie looking girl was staring as me excitiedly. She had a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"Err...Hi?" I managed to choke out as she swiftly threw her self at me, giving me a bone crushing hug. This is weird and awkward.

As she released me she took at step back, still smiling bigger then ever. "I'm Alice Cullen."

Ah. Another Cullen, should have known. She had the same pale skin as Emmett and Edward and the same golden eye color. Also once again super model gorgeous. The only difference I had noticed about the three siblings was that they all looked nothing alike. Maybe one of their parents got around?

Uhoh Bella. That's not a nice thought.

"Um...hi there. I'm Bella Dwyer." I gave her a meek wave not knowing what else to do.

"Hi!" She repeated in a high giggle and grabbed my arm, pulling me roughly inside. I stumbled in and had to catch myself from falling straight on my face. That hurt a bit.

Please don't let them be serial killers, please don't let them be serial killers, please don't let them be bi-polar mumbling chipper serial killers.

"Bella? Hello? You there?" Alice was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh yeah." I shook my head, coming back to reality.

"I was just saying that I'm sure your wondering why your here at our house." She practically sung, dancing around the room with a crazy amount of elegance and energy.

"Yeah I just a tad curious why I'm not at home." I tried not to show how nervous I was.

"Alice, please tell me your not harassing our guest too much." A gentle voice interrupted. I turned my head as two more people entered the foyer, a man and a woman. More people with the same family traits? How many siblings did the Cullen family have?

"Hello." The man spoke softly, offering his hand out slowly for me to take. I was hesitant but I took it and gave it a short shake. "I'm Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife Esme. We're Alice's parents."

I almost had to do a double take. This couple looked way too young to be raising teenagers. Babies maybe, but not high school teenagers. I turned my head slightly and looked at Carlisle more intently. Why did he look really familiar? I realized I was staring too long and quickly looked away.

"Sorry for staring, you just looked familiar." I managed to mumble out.

"Oh?" Carlisle asked surprised. "I thought you were new to the area. Have you been to the hospital lately?"

I shook my head no.

"Daddy's one of the doctors at Forks Medical." Alice pipped in.

"No this is my first day here." I said trying to remember. Cullen...Carlisle Cullen...Cullen...blond hair...nice looking man...owns expensive cars...CARS!


"What?" Alice asked.

I blushed four shades of red when I realized I had just yelled out the last part. "Sorry...I just remember where I recognized your dad. Sorry to shout."

"That's okay." Esme said with a smile. "Where did you meet him?

"A car dealership in Port Angeles."

"Hmmm." Carlisle said thinking. "Were you with your mother?"

"Yeah. You were nice to us." I said smiling a little. Even if the Cullens were crazy deranged murders, at least the eldest members of the family were a little less crazy. Or if anything they acted not as crazy.

"Ah yes. I remember now." He smiled back. He glanced at Esme for a second as Alice waltzed out of the room. "So Alice didn't get to explain why you were here, did she?"

" I still have no idea why I'm here."

"Well you see my eldest son Edward started to feel ill while he was taking you home. I was told you fell asleep during the car ride and neither Emmett nor Edward was told where you live. So they came here. I'm sorry no one came out to get you but we didn't know how much longer you would be asleep and you happen to come up to the door a little less then five minutes after they came in." He continued. "If you hadn't awoken after a few more minutes we were going to have Alice come out there and wake you up. I sincerely apologize for this, it was a bit of an emergency."

Any thoughts I had felt about serial killers now just made me feel stupid. They may have been freaks but they were at least courteous freaks. I actually liked Mr. Cullen. He had been the calmest one of the family I had met by far.

"Would you like to come in further and sit down? I could get you some tea or juice." Esme said politely. Okay her and Carlisle tie for first place.

"Oh, okay."

I followed them through the foyer and into the living room. I gasped, it was bigger then our entire old house! A large television sat in the middle of the room. Leather couches resided around it. Peta would not be pleased.

Huge bookcases filled to the brim with literature covered the other walls. I noticed an Xbox and a Wii sitting right by the TV. A few guitar hero guitars leaned against a cabinet filled with movies. The Cullens had it all.

Lucky...I've been trying to get a Wii for six months now! Grrr.

I flopped down on one of the anti Peta couches and let out a sigh of pleasure as I practically melted into it from comfort. I could live on this couch. I wonder if they were interested in selling it. Or they should at least tell me where they got them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were worth like five grand though.

"So..." I began when Carlisle sat down across from me. "Should I call my mom or something, I should probably get home soon..."

"Oh we can take you." Esme said sitting a glass of tea in front of me. "Its Jasmine by the way."

I smiled gratefully and thanked her. I took little sips and kept looking around the room at all the expensive, possibly priceless stuff.

"When Alice gets back from whatever she's doing, she can drive you home if you like." Carlisle said.

"Oh okay, thank you."

"I wasn't gone that long." Alice said, coming out of nowhere. I screamed a little, nearly jumping two feet in the air. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Alice." Esme said in a disapproving tone. "You scared Bella."

"Sorry!" Alice apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you Bella."

"Its okay." I gasped out once my heart had restarted.

"I was looking in Carlisle study. But I finally found it for you Bella!" Alice gloated, hopping down still very gracefully next to me.

"Found it?"

"The picture book of Forks you needed." She said.

I froze. ...How in the world did they know?