Okay, so… I'm back. I've been gone since forever, and because I'm kind of stuck on my other story, Silence, this is my first new update, so… Yay! I'm going to try to at least post a new chapter, mostly from this story, every week, but don't get too worried if I disappear again, because I tend to do that a lot. Well, here's the next chapter of TreeClan. Enjoy!

When I woke up, I found myself on the Boulder. How did I get here? I wondered. Then I remembered.

I got off the Boulder. I shook myself and then looked around. Nobody else was around.

I went out hunting, missed a mouse, and caught a squirrel.

As I sat in the sun, picking at the fresh-kill, I listened to the wind in the leaves and the birds in the trees. Suddenly, Cloudpaw ran out of the medicine den.

"Sandypelt! We need you quick!"

I abandoned the squirrel and ran in.

"What is it?"

"We need you to get more borage for the kit. His fever is dangerously high. There's a stream a few minutes to the north. Here's the last leaf we have. Memorize the scent and shape, we need some, or he'll die!" There was an edge of panic to her voice.


I raced out of camp, ignoring the enticing scents of prey. I made it to the stream. I cleared my mind to distinguish the scents of the herbs that grew there. I finally decided on one, and I took as much as I could carry.

I ran back as fast as I could, but the mouthful of leaves was blocking my mouth, so I could only breathe through my nose.

As I ran into the camp, Cloudpaw was waiting. I dropped the leaves in the entrance to the medicine den. Cloudpaw nodded, grabbed a few leaves, and rushed in.

As I stood there catching my breath, I heard pawsteps behind me.


"I decided to stay here for good. Most cats did. Squirreltail is still back there, helping the kits. Stormpaw is also here. All the apprentices are, actually."

"And Barkclaw?"

"She's coming too."

"Okay. Oh, you know that kit?"

"The one you found? How is he?"

"He has a very high fever, but Poppyflower is working on it."

"Good. He's just a moon away from being an apprentice, isn't he?"

I nodded. "But he still might not make it."

"StarClan help him," Snowstar mewed gravely.

"Snowstar! We made it!" Barkclaw called across the clearing.

"Good! We're going to need a few patrols!"

"I'm on it!"

As the cats streamed into the clearing, Snowstar leaped on the Boulder.

"Cats of TreeClan, gather around the Boulder for a Clan meeting!"

When everyone gathered around, Snowstar started speaking.

"Now that we are going to live here permanently, we need to get down to work. We will have two border patrols and one hunting patrol per day. We will find out the best boundaries and change them as needed. And don't worry about the lack of apprentices, we have three kits, one almost ready to be apprenticed."

"And if anyone wants to help us in the medicine den, we would appreciate it!" Poppyflower called from the small cave.

"Yes, and that's it. Please ask Barkclaw if you want to go on patrol."

Snowstar hopped down from the rock and then went into the medicine den.

"Hey, Sandypelt!" Stormpaw called. "There you are! Can we go hunting again later?"

"Okay. Are you up for battle training first?"

"Of course!" Stormpaw mewed happily. "When?"

"How about now?" I ran out of camp, Stormpaw at my tail.

We soon reached another little clearing. It was soft and sandy and perfect for battle training.

"Now let's start!"

We stepped back, facing each other.

"Claws sheathed, and don't bite too hard, okay?"

Stormpaw nodded once, and then flew at me.

I escaped just in time.

Stormpaw got up quickly, and we circled around.

He lunged at me, knocking me over.

I flipped over and pushed him off with my hind legs. He landed a few tail-lengths away. I ran to him.

"Are you alright?" I mewed.

"Surprise!" He exploded up at me, and we wrestled for a bit.

When we fell apart, he got up, eyes shining.

"Let's go and catch up with a patrol!"

We ran back to the camp.

Barkclaw ran up to us. "Good, you're back. We're going on patrol at sunhigh. Want to come?"

"Sure. We're going to eat first."

"Alright. See you." Barkckaw ran off and started talking to Icepool and Ravenwing.

After we got our freshkill, Stormpaw went to share his with Lightningpaw and Pebblepaw outside the apprentices' den.

After I ate mine, I went into the medicine den to talk with Poppyflower.

"Hey, Poppyflower,"

"Huh?" She lifted her head up. "Oh, Sandypelt."

"How's the kit doing?"

"Lots better. He'll be cured in a few days."

"He's almost ready to be apprenticed, isn't he. Has Snowstar chosen anyone?"

"Now you didn't hear this from me," Poppyflower said, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, "But Ravenwing is a good candidate. Now go!" She flicked me with her tail.

As I walked into the clearing, I spotted Barkclaw and Ravenwing getting ready to leave.

"I'm coming!" I called. I ran to the apprentices' den, where Stormpaw was lying down next to Lightingpaw.

"Come on! Barkclaw is almost ready to leave!"

Stormpaw got up quickly. Lightningpaw's head shot up.

"Can I come too?"

"I guess. Ask Barkclaw."

We walked out of the apprentices' den.

"Finally!" Barkclaw mewed.

"Can I come?" Lightningpaw asked her mentor.

"Okay. We're going to set the northwest borders today."


So we set off into the forest. The sun was warm, but a slight chill in the breeze told of a storm that night.

"Let's make this quick," said Ravenwing, also tasting the rain on the air.

Soon we got to the river, near where the borage grew. There was a rock in the middle. We jumped onto it and across the river.

"Let's make the boundary here, where the leafy plants end. Poppyflower will like that."

As they set the border, I noticed Stormpaw and Lightningpaw running off on their own.

"Hey! Come back here!"

They couldn't hear me. I ran off after them.

We came up to a stream. It was surprisingly loud for the fact that the ground wasn't very rocky.

I heard a yowl and it grew quieter and quieter. I ran to where I heard it.

Stormpaw was standing at the edge of a hole into which the stream poured.

"Lightningpaw fell in!" He told me.

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