Here it is: the epilogue! Thanks to my faithful and loyal readers and reviewers! I know how depressing this fic was but you guys stood by it. Thanks a lot and I hope you enjoy the epilogue!


"What are you doing?" Troy immediately questioned as he walked through the back door and into the kitchen.

Sharpay turned around from her task at hand, "What does it look like I'm doing? Honestly honey, are you really that dense? I know that you got hurt a lot during the basketball season…maybe those injuries have had some lasting effects."

"Funny," Troy replied as he placed three large pizza boxes and a container of salad down on the shiny marble counter top. "Why are you doing the dishes?"

"Because they're dirty, you wash dishes when they're dirty honey," Sharpay grinned at her husband. "Dishes don't was themselves Troy. You of all people should know that, I know that you had plenty of chores growing up."

"I know why dishes are washed, I want to know why you're doing the dishes Sharpay," Troy stared at her. "Rosario is here to do that, not you," Tom reminded her of their housekeeper who had been with them for the past few years.

"She has the day off," Sharpay shrugged as she continued to put silverware into the dishwasher. "Besides I'm just putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, its not like I'm scrubbing away."

"I thought you were going to take it easy," Troy responded to her as he began grabbing plates and cups for dinner.

"Oh that's what this is about?" Sharpay questioned. "I should have known, you always get like this."

"Like what?" Troy turned around after setting a couple of plates on the counter.

"You have totally started your worried and overprotective phase already and its definitely starting earlier than usual."

"I have not," Troy defended himself. "I just don't understand why you're doing all of this cleaning when we pay someone very good money to do it. We might as well fire Rosario if she's not going to do her job."

"Stop being so dramatic," Sharpay rolled her eyes at him before opening a box of pizza. "Oh yum." Sharpay's mouth watered upon seeing her dinner.

"Ugh eww, close that," Troy felt his stomach turn at the sight and the horrific smell of the pizza. "You know what…well I may worry about you sometimes but that's not worse than what you do…you…ugggh."

"I what?" Sharpay looked to her husband's flustered face.

"You eat gross things," Troy said the first thing he could think of and Sharpay burst out laughing. Troy joined after thinking of how stupid he actually sounded.

"That's the best you could come up with?" Sharpay held her belly, still laughing at her husband.

"You didn't give me a lot of time to think Pay," Troy chuckled. "But its true, that looks absolutely disgusting. I didn't know that you could even order pickles on pizza."

"I can't help it, I've been craving this all day," Sharpay patted her newly rounded abdomen, she was about six months along. And as disgusting as her pizza looked and smelled, she couldn't wait to eat the anchovies, pickle, and pineapple concoction. She even planned on it dipping it in ranch dressing too…yum.

"With as many pickles as you eat, I'm surprised that this kid doesn't come out green," Troy smiled as he placed his hands on her belly, hoping to feel a kick. He was in luck and grinned as he felt a little bit of fluttering.

"Our little ballerina has been at it all day," Sharpay looked down at her stomach as Troy rubbed it gently.

"You love it and you know it," Troy pulled her closer and laid a gentle kiss on cheek. "Remember when Emma didn't kick for two days, you nearly died."

"I know, I know," Sharpay beamed, she loved the feeling of a brand new life making his or her presence known with a little bit of force. "But I would like to get some sleep tonight, she had me up half the night."

"If I recall, I seemed to take your mind off of that," Troy wiggled his eyebrows. "I have no problem taking care of it tonight."

"Don't you wish," Sharpay pushed him away. "Lets eat, I'm starving."

"Shouldn't we wait for Chad and Taylor?" Troy asked her.

"Well I need to have a little piece baby, I'm so hungry," Sharpay said as she reached for a piece of her 'scrumptious' pizza. "Do you know that its been like an hour since my last snack?"

."Where are the ki…" Troy stopped mid sentence as they heard a loud crash.

Sharpay sighed and rolled her eyes, "Does that answer your question?" She dropped the slice of pizza on a napkin; they had to find out what was going on.

"Guess so," Troy laughed as he took her hand in his so they could see what all of the commotion was about.

"I hope its not that new vase I just bought last week," Sharpay closed her eyes, afraid of what she would see.

"Nope not the vase," Troy and Sharpay entered the family room and saw a glass shattered on the ground.

"I told Emma that she couldn't have a glass of water out here," Sharpay placed her hands on her hips in frustration before bending down.

"Don't even think about it, I'll clean it up after dinner," Troy told her.

"Well where are the little culprits?" Sharpay looked around. "I don't want anyone getting hurt from this big glass mess."

"I hear voices," Tom replied as they moved around the glass mess and down the hall. Troy stopped them at the doorway of the office and motioned to Sharpay to be quiet. Troy had wanted to hear what was going on.

"Shh," Emma said.


"Cooper, Shh!" Emma put her index finger over her mouth to prove her point to her baby brother. "Mommy's going to get mad at me, lets go and hide."

"Why?" Cooper questioned.

"I'm not 'posed to have big glasses outside of the kitchen and I dropped it on the floor," Emma explained. "Come on."

"Otay," it didn't take a lot of convincing for Cooper to follow Emma, he worshiped her.

Emma was going to go into the closet where Sharpay kept lots of art supplies when she noticed that Cooper was not following her. "Cooper, come on," she hissed at her younger brother.

"Wook me!" Cooper pointed to a picture on one of the many shelves. "Me Baby!"

"Fine Cooper…Wait that's not you," Emma said as she got a good look at the picture.

"Wes me! Enna," Cooper couldn't quite say Emma yet.

"That's Justin," Emma pointed.

"Who dat?" Cooper asked, his big green eyes sparkling in anticipation of an answer. There certainly wasn't any Justin around here that he knew; there was Daddy, Mommy, 'Enna,' Nana, Poppa, Gamma, Gampa, Unckie Wyan, Auntie Taywor, Unckie Chad, and little Chad.

"Justin's our big brother but you didn't know him," Emma explained to a very bewildered Cooper.

"Where he go?" Cooper questioned, if big brothers were anything like big sisters than he should have been around just like his sister.

"He died," Emma frowned for a moment, even though she had only been two and a half when he died she still remembered him. "He's a good big brother, I miss him sometimes. Mommy and Daddy miss him lots too. But I still see him. You know why? Because he's in the sky like a star," Emma smiled. "Me and Nana talked about this. Justin's a star so he can watch over us every night."

"You alright?" Troy looked down at his wife when he felt her tears begin to soak through his blue polo shirt.

"Yeah," Sharpay sniffled as she looked up at him, smiling through her tears.

Troy kissed her gently and wiped her face, "That was…"

"Amazing," Sharpay finished his sentence. "Emma's amazing."

Sharpay smiled on as Emma went on to tell Cooper more about Justin. She had no idea that Emma thought of Justin like a star but she was happy that she did. Sharpay was afraid that Emma would maybe forget Justin but clearly that was far from the case. It had taken them a while to get where they were now but surprisingly the years had passed quickly. Emma was a couple months shy of turning five and Cooper was almost eighteen months old. Their new little girl was due in four months as well, she was a bit of surprise for Troy and Sharpay. They hadn't expected to get pregnant so soon after Cooper. Heck they were surprised when Sharpay got pregnant with Cooper, but it was a welcome surprise and blessing for their family. It showed them that happiness and miracles did happen to their family. Cooper was such a ray of sunshine for all of them, the most lovable baby in the whole wide world. He reminded them all so much of Justin. They had the same temperaments and they looked so much alike, no wonder Cooper thought he was seeing a picture of himself.

After that fateful Thanksgiving Day, Sharpay's life changed for the better. She made many apologies to her family and friends. Besides Emma and Troy, she felt the guiltiest about the way she had treated Taylor so she took her on a huge baby shopping spree. She even got to be in the room when Taylor gave birth to her son, Sharpay's godson, Charles (Chad) Michael Danforth, jr. Taylor was pregnant again too which was very exciting, they had always talked about having babies at the same time. Taylor and Chad's second son was due a month before Troy and Sharpay's second daughter. Sharpay had continued her therapy but even without it, she had come to accept the fact her son had died. Just because Justin was gone didn't mean that she had to stop living her own life. She had responsibilities and people that counted on her, she had let them all down. With Troy's enormous help, Sharpay picked up the pieces of her life. She still had some band-aid days as Emma called them. Days where something reminded of her Justin so she might spend the whole morning crying or in bed but they all dealt with them together. Even with Cooper in her life, she still had them. Especially in the beginning, she almost felt like she was betraying Justin by having a new baby in her life.

Losing Justin was the worse thing that had ever happened to Sharpay but she had survived. Sharpay still had days that she would get upset with herself when she didn't think of him everyday. She could remember vividly the first day that she didn't think about him right when she woke up. It was the day after she and Troy had fount out they were having a baby boy, Cooper. In the morning she had been so excited about the new baby that she forgot about her first baby. Now, Sharpay understood that it was ok to move on, she had been stuck in limbo for so long. But that's not how Justin would have wanted his mommy to live her life. Even at five years old, he would have been extremely sad to see Sharpay held up in bed for days at a time. And that's not how Sharpay wanted to live her own life either. So here she was, standing upright once again and she was happy, truly happy.

"Uh oh," Emma looked up to see her parents huddled together in the doorway. "Busted," she muttered under her breath.

"Hey guys," Troy walked into the room with Sharpay following closely behind him.

"Daddy!" Cooper screamed and ran right into Try's legs.

"Hey big guy," Troy bent down and picked up his son, he hadn't seen him for a couple of hour so it was most definitely time for a slippery wet Cooper kiss.

"Muah!" Of course Cooper agreed and planted a nice slippery wet kiss on Troy followed by a nice bear hug.

"Mommy are you mad at me?" Emma looked down at her pink and white polka dotted converse shoes, avoiding what was sure to be an angry glance from her very angry mommy.

"No sweetie, I'm not mad at you," Sharpay placed a hand under Emma's chin and lifted her daughter's sweet face up.

"You're not?" Emma immediately brightened, hoping that she would be free from punishment.

"No sweetheart, I'm not mad at you at all," Sharpay replied.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" Nothing got past Emma.

"I was crying a little bit," Sharpay told her, no sense in lying to the little girl. "We heard what you said to Cooper about Justin."

"Oh," Emma bit her lip, she was such a miniature version of her mother.

"That was a wonderful thing that you did princess," Troy smiled at his daughter while his son played with his hair. Cooper was still too young to really get a grasp on the situation at hand.

"Emma that really was such a sweet thing to do, telling Cooper all about Justin. Thank you sweetheart," Sharpay bent down and gave Emma a hug and kiss.

"You're welcome," Emma grinned as Troy did the same after he put Cooper down.

"We love you so much sweetheart," Sharpay pulled Emma closer and in turn Emma wrapped her arms around Sharpay's widely expanding stomach. Emma's little arms didn't quite reach all the way around anymore thanks to her newly growing baby sister.

"I love you too Mommy, you too Daddy," Emma smiled as she leaned into Sharpay even more or tried too.

"Me too! Me too!" Cooper exclaimed, not wanting to be left out.

"Alright my little dude," Troy laughed and grabbed his son once more. Cooper kissed Sharpay from his position in Troy's arms and patted Emma on the head.

"Cooper," Emma scrunched up her nose. "You're messing up my hair."

"He's alright sweetie, he just loves you too," Troy explained, Cooper always got a little over zealous in his pursuits and Emma didn't always enjoy what he did.

"Pisa now?" Cooper looked at Troy, his little brown eyes pleading with him. "Hungy now. Eat pwease Daddy."

"He's always hungry," Emma laughed.

"Just like," Sharpay began.

"Daddy," Emma finished for her as the two women of the family laughed.

"Very funny," Troy replied. "We're both growing boys! What do you expect?"

"Babe, you're thirty four, that is hardly boyish," Sharpay reminded him.

Troy threw a laughing Cooper over his shoulder and headed towards the kitchen. "Women," he muttered under his breath. He was hungry too and Chad and Taylor were always late. Their friends would just have to eat later, his growing boy and pregnant wife needed to be fed a little something.

"Daddy's so weird sometimes," Emma remarked as she and Sharpay slowly followed their boys to the kitchen, hand in hand.

"Tell me about it," Sharpay chuckled thinking about all the years that she had known her husband and the many strange things he had done.

"Mommy?" Emma brought Sharpay out of her thoughts.

"Yeah baby."

"I think Justin would really like Cooper."

"I think so too," Sharpay smiled at the thought of her children, Justin would have loved having a little brother to play basketball with.

"I wish that he could still be here with us," Emma replied sincerely.

"So do I," Sharpay felt herself welling up again. "But like you said Emma, he does get to see us. He watches us everyday."