
New Recruits

Zack sat staring out the window in Sephiroth's office. The sun was setting and he couldn't help but feel as though something was going to happen. He went through every corner of his brain trying to see if he had forgotten something. It had to me something important, or maybe it was something that was coming that he didn't know about. Maybe something that would change the course of his life, forever.

Sensing that there was something heavy in the room Sephiroth looked at Zack whose face was completely scrunched up. "You know if you continue to do that your face will wrinkle prematurely." Sephiroth told Zack matter-of-factly. He enjoyed teasing the SOLDIER 1st Class. And making comments about ruining his appearance always received great reactions.

Zack immediately relaxed his face. "No! Not my beautiful face!" Zack said as he reached up to his face and began trying to stretch the areas that had been crunched together with his hand. He stopped when he heard a slight sound that may have been a giggle coming from the left side of the room. Zack stared at the silver-haired General sitting behind a stack of papers.
"You know it is not nice to say things like that Seph," Zack said for about the twentieth time that day, and perhaps the thousandth time that week.
"I hope you know I really was thinking hard right then," he said crossing his arms over his chest and looking back out the window. "I think I may have forgotten something important."

This time Sephiroth did laugh, he laughed so hard that Zack nearly popped out of his chair. "What?!" Zack said after he had recovered. Sephiroth gave him a look that could be read as "You are indeed a complete idiot." Then it hit him. Today was the day that the new SOLDIER hopefuls, aka the recruits, would be coming in.
Zack jumped out of his chair, "I can't believe I forgot!" Zack loved to mess with the new recruits or even sometimes just liked to watch them as they went through their first day at ShinRa. Zack looked at the clock to make sure that he wasn't going to be late. He had twenty minutes before the recruits arrived. This gave him time to find a good spot in the large assembly hall, if that is really what the large blank room could be called. "See ya Seph!" Zack called as he grabbed his buster sword and ran out of the room.

Sephiroth was left there staring at the door Zack had just disappeared through. He turn back to his papers and shook his head, "So now who is going to get all these done?" he asked himself. Normally he pushed about half on Zack. Oh well, he thought. He had decided to go see the recruits this time anyway.

A/N: Sorry that this is so short! I promise that the next one will be longer. And I will be posting it soon.
Please review! It helps a lot. Though this one does not have much to review on...