AN: This is just a short drabble about HM and the season seven episode Peace on Us (the red party). Margaret looked so much better with Red hair it really suited her.


"Sponge!" Hawkeye demanded.

"Sponge" Major Houlihan affirmed passing the desired object.

"More suction" he replied groaning, still feeling the after affects of the previous night's party though thankfully awake.

"You two seemed to have fun last night" BJ whispered to Hawkeye who was behind him. At Hawkeye's quizzical look BJ hinted "The mess tent, the shower. You never made it home"

Hawkeye's eyes widened in shock "I didn't" BJ shook his head and Hawkeye wondered where he'd spent the night before glancing to the stoic woman next to him.

Slowly memories of dancing with Margaret pressed against him in the mess tent floated into his mind, he'd lost his surgical garb on her request hours ago. Somehow they'd ended up in the showers in only their underwear, washing red dye from each other's hair. When he thought about it he could still feel her fingers massaging his scalp clean and her covered breasts flush against his back. They'd been drunk and ever the gentleman he'd walked her to her tent, returning to his own he found Radar snoring in his cot and decided to leave him there. He'd begged Margaret for her spare cot and for once she hadn't turned him away.

"Margaret" he whispered as he stitched the wound closed, she turned a little to him "I liked you better as a redhead" he whispered, though Margaret wasn't sure if he was serious "Really" he affirmed "Made you look ten years younger, you could've passed for a teenager" she smiled, for once he'd managed to pay her a genuine compliment without ruining it and for the first time in over ten years she was actually considering returning to her natural hair colour.

"What would you think of me as a brunette?"

"Perfect" he said smiling.

ow you've read, time to review ;)