1Tiger's Dawn bk 2: The Secret Path By xBlaze of DreamsX
Tigerclaw is now a warrior of Thunderclan, but he can't help but wonder. Why can't he trust Flamepaw? Why do most of the clan seem to distrust him? And most of all, who is the voice calling to him in his head? 2nd in series, pleaz Read & Review
Leader- Firestar- handsome ginger tom
Deputy- Graystripe- long haired gray tom
Apprentice- Flamepaw
Medicine Cat- Cinderpelt- dark gray she cat
Apprentice- Leafpaw
Mousefur- dusky brown she cat
Apprentice- Spiderpaw
Dustpelt- dark brown tom
Apprentice- Squirrelpaw
Cloudtail- long haired white tom
Brackenfur- golden brown tabby tom
Apprentice- Whitepaw
Thornclaw- golden brown tabby tom
Apprentice- Shrewpaw
Ashfur- pale gray (with darker flecks) tom, dark blue eyes
Apprentice- Jewelpaw
Brambleclaw- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Sorreltail- tortoiseshell and white she cat with amber eyes
Sootfur- dark gray tom
Rainwhisker-pale gray tom
Apprentice- Skypaw
Brightheart- white she cat with ginger patches
Ferncloud- pale gray (with darker flecks) she cat, green eyes
Sandstorm- pale ginger she cat
Cherrytail- tortoiseshell she cat
Tigerclaw- dark brown tabby tom with unusual long claws, amber eyes
Twilightbreeze- tortoiseshell she cat with gray spots, green eyes
Whitepaw- white she cat with green eyes
Spiderpaw- long limbed black tom with a brown underbelly
Shrewpaw- brown tabby tom
Leafpaw- light brown tabby she cat with amber eyes
Squirrelpaw- dark ginger she cat with green eyes
Flamepaw- dark brown tabby tom
Jewelpaw- white she cat with green eyes
Skypaw- tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes
Longtail- pale tabby tom with dark black stripes
Goldenflower- pale ginger she cat
Frostfur- still pretty white she cat
Dappletail- once pretty tortoiseshell she cat, oldest cat in Thunderclan
Speckletail- pale tabby she cat
Leader- Tallstar- black and white tom with a very long tail
Deputy- Mudclaw- dark brown tabby tom
Apprentice- Crowpaw
Medicine Cat- Barkface- dark brown tom with a short tail
Tornear- tabby tom
Webfoot- dark gray tabby tom
Onewhisker- brown tabby tom
Apprentice- Silverpaw
Whitetail- small white she cat
Ashfoot- dark gray she cat
Runningbrook- pale gray she cat
Crowpaw- dark gray tom
Silverpaw- silver tabby she cat with brown spots
Morningflower- tortoiseshell she cat
Leader- Blackstar- white tom with jet black paws
Deputy- Russetfur- dark ginger she cat
Medicine Cat- Littlecloud- small tabby tom
Oakfur- brown tabby tom
Cedarheart- dark gray tom
Rowanclaw- dark ginger tom
Tawnypelt- tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes
Tallpoppy- tabby she cat with long legs
Redcloud- ginger and white tom
Nightwing- black she cat, mother of Smokekit and Talonkit
Runningnose- gray tabby tom, (I can't remember what he looked like)
Leader- Mistystar- gray she cat with blue eyes
Apprentice- Mothpaw
Deputy- Blackclaw- smoky black tom
Apprentice- Hawkpaw
Medicine Cat- Mudfur- dark brown tom
Heavystep- tabby tom
Apprentice- Seapaw
Stormfur- dark gray tom with amber eyes
Feathertail- pale gray she cat with blue eyes
Apprentice- Silverpaw
Seapaw- blue gray she cat
Silverpaw- gray she cat
Mosspelt- tortoiseshell she cat
Cats Outside Clan
Solar- golden brown she cat with white spots, blue eyes
Sparrow- dark brown tabby tom with white and silver stripes, green eyes
Ferret- grayish brown she cat with green eyes
Princess- light brown tabby she cat with white paws, Kittypet
Gray- dark gray tabby tom, rogue
Sky- blue gray tom with green eyes, rogue
Bramble- tortoiseshell tom with blue eyes, rogue
Sapphire- light gray she cat with sapphire blue eyes, rogue
Stone- blue gray tom with blue eyes, rogue
White- white tom with pale blue eyes, rogue
Storm- pale gray tom with green eyes, rogue
The sun was low in the sky. No clouds covered the clear sky. A golden cat padded into the open, it was followed by a gray brown cat and a dark brown cat. "Why do you think we are here?" the gray brown cat asked.
"I don't know, it's weird, we are having the same exact dream," the golden cat meowed.
"This is so weird," the dark brown cat meowed, "why are we here?"
"Thats a very good question, young one," a new voice meowed.
The golden cat jumped at the sound of the new voice. The new voice purred in amusement. "Turn around," the voice meowed.
The golden cat, the gray brown cat and dark brown cat turned around to find a blue gray cat and a tortoiseshell cat standing behind them. "I'm Bluestar," the blue gray cat meowed.
"And I'm Spottedleaf, we have a message for you," the tortoiseshell cat meowed.
"W-What is it?" the golden cat stammered.
"First, there is something we need to give one of you," Bluestar meowed.
"What is it?" the gray brown cat meowed.
"Step forward," Spottedleaf meowed to the golden cat. The golden cat exchanged a glance with the gray brown cat and the dark brown cat. They nodded back encouragingly and the golden cat nodded. It took a step forward and soon stood in front of Bluestar.
Bluestar reached out her neck and touched noses with the golden cat. "I give you the ability of true sight, use it well to fulfill your destiny, whatever it may be," Bluestar meowed.
The golden cat froze and almost yowled in agony, but clamped her mouth shut. The gray brown cat tried to hurry to it's friends side. But Spottedleaf blocked her way. "She must bear this pain alone," she murmured.
The golden cat panted and gazed up at Bluestar, "what was that about?" she gasped.
"Now you have the ability to see and hear and talk to other cats in their thoughts," Bluestar replied.
"Why did you give me this gift?" the golden cat meowed.
"You have to help a certain cat get you away from your evil clan," Bluestar replied.
"But my clan is not evil, ever since our leader went missing," the golden cat meowed.
"Your true sight will show you the evil in your clan, you must use it to help a certain cat rescue you," Spottedleaf meowed, starting to fade away.
"Wait! Don't go!" the golden cat yowled, "I don't understand!"
"You must find out for yourself," Bluestar meowed before she faded away as well.
"Wait! What do you mean?!" the golden cat yowled but there was only silence.
"Wake up!" the golden cat gasped and blinked open it's eyes as a cat prodded her in the side.
"What?" the golden cat complained.
"You're on dawn patrol, so get your lazy butt up," a dark black tom hissed and made his way out of the den.
That was awkward, he's never snippy with me, the golden cat thought as it padded out of
the den.
"Move, you stupid furball, let the rest of us out, you stupid piece of fox dung," a gray brown tom hissed and pushed past the golden cat nearly toppling her over.
Whats his problem? The golden cat thought until it remembered Spottedleaf's words. Your true sight will show you the evil in your clan, you must use it to help a certain cat rescue you.
The golden cat understood now, the true sight Bluestar had given it is showing it what it has been blind to for a long time. It's showing me what my clan is really like, the golden cat thought, gazing around the clearing.
All this time, I never knew my clan was so snippy, is this what Bluestar and Spottedleaf meant? The golden cat thought.
"Quit spacing out, and move your lazy butt, you stupid she cat," a loud hiss brought the golden cat out of her reverie.
"Sorry!" the golden cat hissed at the black tom behind it.
"Move it, you piece of fox dung, before I rip your throat out," the black tom hissed.
"You're the piece of fox dung," the gray brown cat hissed, "leave her alone, she didn't do anything to you."
"She's in my way," the black tom hissed, and tackled the gray brown cat to the ground.
"Shadow, get of her now!" a loud hiss of command sounded.
The black tom muttered a curse under his breath but did as he was told. "You know we aren't suppose to kill them," a dark gray tom hissed, "we are just suppose to put them in their
"Will you leave those two cat alone?" the dark brown tom hissed, coming to stand beside
them, "they didn't do anything wrong."
"They are getting in the way, we are suppose to keep them in their place," the black tom, Shadow, hissed.
"I know, but your not suppose to kill them, what do you think your leader will do to you?" the dark gray tom hissed.
"Our leader isn't here, so why do we have to listen to him," Shadow hissed.
This is what they meant, oh, I want to get away from this evil and hatred, what did I ever do to them, the golden cat thought.
She exchanged a glance with the gray brown cat and she nodded. "Lets get out of here," she mouthed and glanced at the entrance to the camp.
The golden cat nodded and turned to look at the dark brown tom. "I'm sorry," she mouthed and took off like lightening toward the entrance to the camp. The gray brown she cat followed her, running as fast as she possibly can.
"After them, their getting away," the dark gray tom hissed.
"Leave them alone!" the dark brown tom hissed and sped off as fast as lightening after the two she cats.
"And so, the journey to freedom begins, but the three cats still needed help, but from where?" Bluestar meowed, watching the three fleeing cats.
"I don't know, Bluestar, I just don't know," Spottedleaf meowed, shaking her head in defeat.
"Lets hope they will find help, before it's to late," Bluestar meowed, gazing down at the cats below.
A/n what do you think?
Stardream: I think this is my longest prologue ever, what do you think?
Tigerstar: you already said that
Solar: when am I mentioned?
Stardream: in later chapters, Ferret and Sparrow too
Sparrow: oh, I thought we would be mentioned right off the bat
Ferret: me too, and thank you, Stardream
Tigerstar: why are you thanking her?
Stardream: Ferret is my cat, she's been begging me to put her in one of my stories
Tigerstar: oh, what about Solar and Sparrow?
Stardream: Sparrow represents my uncles cat and Solar represents my sisters cat
Tigerstar: oh, what am I to you then?
Stardream: my favorite idiotic villain
Tigerstar: thank you
Four Hours Later
Tigerstar: hey!!
Stardream: it's about time, four hours later, anyways, please review, next chapter soon