Innocence Taken
He watched her like a predator does its prey. She was in the center of the club's dance floor, mind completely oblivious of the man lurking in the shadows. He watched her sexily gyrate against some guy she probably didn't know. His lust grew when se saw her rub her hands slowly up her body, over her breasts and into her pink hair, teasing him with the sway of her hips, the arch or her back. It was intoxicating watching her, he felt drunk with lust and longing. Slowly he made his way to where she was. The closer he got, the more need he had, and he needed to be inside her.
He danced in rhythm with her and she backed up against him grinding hard to the music, completely unaware of the danger she just put herself in. 'Letting your guard down kunoichi? Not a smart move' he thought to himself as he put his hands on her waist to better mold them together.
They danced together for a few more songs and then headed to the bar. "Can I get you a drink" he asked in a sexily deep voice
"yeah that would be great"
"it seems like your celebrating something" he asked, already knowing why she was there.
"yeah I passed my Jonin exams today, so my friends and I came out to my favorite club"
"aah so that's why you looking so sexy tonight" he said smoothly, she blushed hard at this and took the last shot that they had ordered. She didn't seem to notice that didn't get any drinks for himself. After she finished, a very drunk Sakura led them both to a booth in a more secluded area of the club. She began to babble on about nonsense and drunkenly told him all about her. She rambled on and on about her beloved "Sasuke-kun", 'she is a dumb fool I she thinks my little brother will go out with her, especially after I'm through' he thought as a smirk appeared on his face.
Tired of hearing about her love or his brother, he asks, "Do you want to go out side for some fresh air its hot in hear and I can barely hear your sweet voice over the music."
"ok" she answered without a bad thought in her mind. 'hmmm why does he seem so familiar, mmmm he reminds me so much of my Sasuke-kun, ooooh Sasuke-kun, I wonder what he's doi-' (An, didn't want to be in her mind much longer with all that Sasuke talk).
She was being led out of the club by her talk, dark and handsome new friend, she was so out of it by then. When they reached the side alley he looked around to make sure no one was near them or could hear them.
"So what did you want to talk abou-" her sentence was cut off as she was suddenly slammed against the wall. At that she sobered up real quick "Hey what the hell"
"it's far too late now, little kunoichi, to be getting your guard up. I've already got you and your not going anywhere."
To say she was scared now was an understatement, the alcohol in her veins altered her charka so her strength was useless so was jutsu. "let me go please I haven't done anything to you, what do you want from me?"
"PLEASE please don't hurt me please I'll do anything" she begged feeling helpless without her chakra. 'He must be a shinobi because no civilian could be this strong. Please someone help.'
"…" he slammed her against the wall again, this time harder than the first. He winced a little, though not visible, at the cracking sound her head made hitting the brick wall.
"nnghh, nn-oo, puh-puh lease, " she stuttered slowly loosing consciousness from the pain in her head.
He didn't react when he felt the thick blood in her hair as he grabbed it and harshly kissed her mouth. She was too out of it to protest. The taste of blood teased his tongue, it excited him so he kissed even harder. Using his hand to hold her head to his, his other hand began to roam freely over her body, feeling her curves through her skin tight dress .
'Sakura you need to snap out of it,' her inner self yelled to her. At that instant she became aware of the wondering hands.
"noo no please don't not that please"
"ahh so you got your voice back Kunoichi, well you'll be using it more real soon before I'm done with you."
"NOOOO" her eyes widened with complete realization at his intentions.
She began to struggle more but he kept her still with the hand in her hair and his body pressed tightly against hers. No one herd her screams and cries for help, the music in the club was the perfect cover. He ran his hand up and down her bare thighs as he had done on the dance floor with her. He felt her flat stomach and cupped her breast. She wiggled even more to get away but she wasn't going anywhere. Holding on to her tighter he reached down and ripped her dress up the sides, the stretchy fabric fell in tatters to the ground.
"very nice Kunoichi you are going to please me greatly" he said close to her ear in almost a whisper. This made her flinch away with disgust, she was trying so hard now to get away, she needed to do something anything.
"Your mine now" he whispered again as he ripped off the cloth that held her sex. He smirked at her desperate screams for help before covering her mouth with his to quiet her down more. While she continued to scream in his mouth he undid the front of his pants and positioned her legs open around him. The blood gushing out of her head was starting to affect her badly now her limbs were tiring easily from all the struggling.
'this is not how it was supposed to happen' she thought to herself, her body was too weak now her mind going crazy about what was happening.
Positioning himself to her sex, he watched as the tears started falling down her eyes ' your nothing but a scared little girl' he thought before plunging himself into her unprepared very tight hole.
"fuck your just as innocent as I thought you were, what were you the only virgin kunoichi left in the village" he said in a grunted voice to her," probably saving yourself for your precious Sasuke-kun". Hearing Sasuke's name she opened her then closed eyes only to see red orbs staring at her.
"Iii-ta-ch-ii" he paused when he herd his name. he looked down at her and a large grin appeared on his face. "Are you upset because I'm fucking you, or are you upset I'm not Sasuke" he then let out an evil laugh and plunged into her again.
The faster and deeper he went into her the louder her screams and cries in pain were. She felt like her insides were being ripped out and she could do nothing but hope it would be over soon. This fueled his fire, her screams excited him pushed him deeper and harder inside of her. he was fucking her into the wall not caring about the bruises and wounds he was causing her back and head. He was ruthless looking for release in an un-wanting partner. he was getting closer to his climax he could feel it, and with one last hard thrust he spilled his seed into her and rested his tired head on her shoulder, almost tenderly.
He let go of her body and it fell to the ground with a thud, she tried to move but her muscles just wouldn't work for her. all she could do was look at him, watch him fix his pants and turn to walk away. Just before he was out of her viewing range he turned and yelled to her.
"that will teach you to believe in foolish things like love Kunoichi, next time don't resist me because I will be coming for you again. And when I do I wont be as gentle as I was this time." her eyes widened in brief horror at his words as she slipped back out of consciousness.