original post date: 08 August 2006

Hook and Line

She settled in behind Ginji, twisting her hips as her arms snaked down past his shoulders and smoothly across his stomach. Even from this angle, Ban could see the way those unnatural breasts squashed against his back in ways even Hevn would find unnecessary.

He tasted witchcraft in the air, though he would continue to pretend he couldn't--that such a thing was impossible, foolish, the ravings of old German psycho-hags with too much time and too little common sense. But it was there all the same, Ban knew, and what was worse was that Maria knew he knew. Bile itched at his throat as Ban watched her tickle the underside of Ginji's chin, her fingers running across the line of his jaw and circling his ear, and she smiled happily at the way his head tilted back as he squirmed against her.

"Where'd you find this one?" She smirked, flashing sharp white teeth over Ginji's shoulder. Her voice didn't hide Ginji's distressed "heeeeeeey" that sounded much less like resistance than what Ban wanted to hear. Ban's stomach clenched uncomfortably at the way Ginji writhed in her grip, at the way his hands grasped uselessly at empty air, at the sweat beginning to glean on his forehead--and at the way Ginji had no idea what he was doing. At all. "He's so... responsive."

"What, you don't already know? It wasn't in the cards?" Anger bit at him and he only managed to bite most of it back. He snapped, "And that's not responsive, it's just stupid."

Her smile was huge, and he caught the reflection of Asclepius in it, too. "I'm only making conversation, silly." She kept stroking him idly, her painted nails tracing lines across his shoulders, his neck, and Ginji's eyes fluttered as he shivered in her loose, casual grip. Ban held Maria's smirking gaze for every second, and he let her continue with her enchantments for as long as she wanted, because he knew she was only baiting him and he didn't back down for anybody.

But then Ginji licked his parted lips and sucked in a breath that sounded distressingly like a pant and he said "Ban-chan" in a high, keening, pathetic voice that made the hairs on the back of Ban's neck stand on end and sent a shock through his entire nervous system as if Ginji had actually touched him.

"Let him go." Was out of his mouth before he even realized he'd spoken.

Maria laughed and laughed and released Ginji so suddenly he fell onto his knees between her legs, breathing hard and looking lost. Still smirking, she skipped her way over to Ban and leaned in to kiss his cheek and whisper a quick, giggly, "como pensИ!" that he didn't even really hear, much less care to decipher.

"Fucking hag," he sneered before she flittered away, and it didn't sound as casual and unaffected as he wanted it to. He could only stand and stare at Ginji, still kneeling over the floor whispering Ban's name, as her cackles echoed away and his knuckles turned whiter and whiter.
