It's been nine months since the incident, since she has been carrying out his child; a part of him was inside of her she was sure about it. About 5 months back she found out that she was going to be the proud mother of a boy , it worried her and made her curios at the same time what would Itachi's reaction be if he found out about the whole thing, would he reject her…or even worse kill her.. no he wouldn't cine she found the whole truth about the uchiha clan and their intentions she believed deep down in her heart that he would never hurt her or his unborn son.
This made her smile thinking about him, but then.. a bad thought crossed her mind.. what if? What if Sasuke had killed him…noo that wouldn't happen .
But him himself told her that she can't something that is about to happen , and deep down in her heart she knew he was going to die.
His broke her heart and also made the baby give her a kick that pulled her out of her thoughts .
These nine months have been a nightmare for her she refused to abort the child because her heart wouldn't let her do that.
Somehow she grew attached to Itachi even though she knew him for a while she loved him, and somehow the night they made love was different to her , she felt his love that emotion that has been looked up for so long in him.
She was happy , but somehow depressed when she thought about his crazy brother obsessed with his revenge and prayed to god to not let him obtain his revenge.
In the end something bad would happen , and somehow her maternal instinct told her that..
"SAKURA-CHAN!! GUES WHAT?!" an anxious Naruto burst in the room
SIGH "What is it Naruto? And how many times have I told you to knock before entering" she said slightly mad.
"SASUKE TEME RETURNED !!" the blond boy yelled
In that moment Sakura could no longer hold her tears and cried her heart out, literally.
"Naruto!!sob- That means he killed Itachi the father of my child and no I don't want him near this child he is not his father and I won't let him she swallowed her tears .
"Don't worry Sakura-chan ill protect you and the baby no matter what believe it " Naruto said placing a hand on her belly.
"Thank you Naruto" she said
Her friends was all she had left, Ino, Hinata and him have been with Sakura in the hardest moments of her pregnancy they were her true friends.
"Common Tsunade wand's us all in her office she said it's important" naruto said slightly worried.
"But naruto is sasuke sees me like this… who knows what he will do.. god knows what and i.." she was cut off by blond boy pulling her gently in an embrace as not to hurt the baby
"Ill make sure everything is ok" with that they left
In Tsunade's office
"What is your reason for retuning you traitor ? do you wish to lose your life?" Tsunade asked with venom in her voice
"I have killed Itachi and I wish to return to konoha in order to revive my clan, and I already have made my choice " the young Uchiha said with a smirk.
Sasuke pov: Yes I have finally killed you Itachi. I wish you burn in hell for killing the clan , and now that im back in konoha I shall use Sakura to reveive my clan , I do not care if she likes it or not.
But what did you try to say back then before you died Itachi
An badly wounded Itachi was barely breathing on the ground and he knew time had come "Foolish little brother… he coughed some blood… "You may have killed me ..but I can finally die happy because I know that someone really loves me ..and she is safe from the likes of you.. and you may have killed me..but there still is a part of me left somewhere out there" with that he passed out.
End of flashback
Back to Sasuke pov: what were you trying to say, none the less I could care
Normal pov:
In the room entered a loud blond which was Naruto and behind him a pink rosette woman which was pregnant.
Sasuke froze at that moment…she was pregnant?!no she was supposed to carry HIS CHILD .. not some other bastards baby…he will find out who the father is until then he demanded answers
"WHAT !! WITH WHO ARE YOU PREGNANT YOU… YOU WHORE" sasuke yelled and charged at Sakura
Lucky he was stopped by kakashi and naruto who both grabbed him and tied him with chakra bonds to a chair
"Listen carefully to me Uchiha you have picked to wrong girl to impregnate and use her for your selfish actions . But I shall tell you one thing if you do anything to my apprentice I shall kill you with my own hands" Tsunade said giving him a death frightening look
After the whole event Sakura returned home and again she didn't know the reason to why the Uchiha returned and before she could think of anything else she saw a shadow in her house.
"Sakura! Did you think you could hide from me forever you got lucky back there in Tsunades office but know I want some answers " the young uchiha pushed Sakura to the wall grabbing her by the neck
"I... do not own you anything you asshole" she said
"Ow that hurt you don't love anymore I see and from the look's of it you are even pregnant with someone else's kid I never knew you were such a whore" he said smirking
"Now tell me who is the father of the kid or else" he said tightening his grip
"None of your business" she said closing her eyes
This time Sasuke activated his sharingan and looked at her and with that his eyes widened
"So you got fucked by Itachi you bitch! You were suppose to wait for me I was suppose to be the father of this kid!! Why? You really are a whore ! But guess what Itach isn't coming back HE IS DEAD I killed him" he said smirking
"No.." with that his words sliced threw her like a knife and suddenly she felt a pierce threw her body .. her water broke
"Ahh my water broke…im ..gong to die" she yelled in pain
With that Sasuke quickly picked her up and left to the hospital even though it wasn't his baby he still had some humanity left in him
Sasuke pov: So that's what my brother meant when he said that there is still a part of him left, the baby huh? It belongs to you… I hate you even more now..Itachi even though you are dead
Normal pov:
After a few hours that were pure hell for Sakura her baby boy was safely born, god she never felt so much pain in her whole life.
It was even worse than the time she got stabbed by Sasori , but at least the baby was ok and with that she blacked out
"Sakura ? Sakura?" Tsunade yelled realizing she fell asleep the birth of her and itachi's child tired her out , she smiled and healed her.
A few hours later: After Sakura feed the baby she analyzed the boy's features: he had a pair of small lines under his eyes and raven hair just like his father, although she was curios to see his eyes.
Just then everybody entered the room and congratulated Sakura wished her good luck from now on she started a new life.
From that day on Sasuke avoided her like a plague knowing the baby wasn't his he didn't even bother her . Naruto squealed in excitement when he found out he was an the baby's godfather and Ino the godmother they were both honored.
It was a cold rainy day of November , when Sakura entered Shigure's room(that's how she named the boy) , after feeding him she placed him to fall asleep . She was a different person the whole truth had changed her, now her maternal instincts had came out and anyone who had bad intentions at her baby ended up dead (overprotective mother) .
She was happy with her son , he resembled his father very much but had her green curios orbs.
Before she went to bed , the girl got changed in her nightgown and saw something or more exactly someone hiding in the shadows
"Sakura!" that husky voice purred
No it couldn't be... he was…dead maybe it was an illusion
"No im perfectly alive! I missed you Sakura!" itachi whispered as he came out of the lingering shadows.
"Ita she was but was cut of by his pair of lips that kissed her in a passionate way.
After partnering for air "You are alive " she said crying "I thought ..
"Don't worry im here and I promise I will never leave you again come with me Sakura , to somewhere where nobody will find us so we can be together" he whispered pulling her in an embrace
"Itachi !! I ..yes I want to come with you but there is something you should know" she said
"You are a father , all this months I was pregnant …." She said closing her eyes hoping that he won't be mad
"Sakura…I still love you and the fact that im a father only makes me proud" Itachi said.
Itachi pov: So you were pregnant I regret for being by your side all of this months… it must have been hard.. but now im here and I am not going to let you go .
Normal pov: We are leaving now to the village hidden in the mist , it's quite place there and we can be together without being separated by anyone" he said
The next day Sakura disappeared all that was left in her apartment was her furniture, her clothing was gone . After a few years of searching for her , she was declared dead officially.
Her and Itachi got married after all and started a family on their own, but there was one thing this man was sure about he wasn't going to make the same mistake that his father had did