He-ya peoples! I know i said this story is finished but i just had to say, well that's true! this story is completely and utterly over! now your probably wondering why the hell I'm writing this here then, well that might be because the other day, while staying up all night glaring through my window at my stupid loud neighbours gate i thought of a...

...wait for it

Wait for it

wait for it!

(whispers)- sequel...

Lolz well yeah anyway and then the a few days later (yesterday) i was randomly washing a car (which my mother still hasn't paid me for...grrrr) and i thought of a better idea for it, so anyway Ive been trying to get some starting ideas up and out of my head for a sequel to this story, and i also have a random spin off i must get out of my head, but that wont be as hard to do, anyway just thought i might tell you guys this! you know let you all know and stuff!

anyway it hasn't been updated yet but it will revolve not as much on L and Kagome but...dum dum dummmmm their offspring! lolz well their daughter! they had a son too but its mainly about the girl! oh and it wont be completely oblivious to the other one, like completely disregarding all the trouble they went threw before, it will actually have allot revolving around what had happened in the Kira case, Light may still be dead but... oh well!

so yeah say thank you to the random thoughts that plague me when im half asleep, the first chapter will probably be up soon, as another story of coarse check my page or something!