"Earth Angel" was softly playing from the oldies station in one Hill Valley bedroom which ended up waking up Marty McFly, Sr. He rolled out of bed and got dressed, that's when he remembered that it was his birthday! It was his 85th birthday to be exact. Jennifer had invited over their family to celebrate, even the Browns were coming to the party. In 2015, Doc had gone through the rejuvenation process to add some years to his life span, but even that didn't allow for him to still be alive in 2053, so Marty had Doc promise that every year he'd have his past self use the time machine to visit Marty even after his future self was long gone.

He also was looking forward to seeing his oldest granddaughter, Emma, who he hadn't seen in five years because she was taking an extended visit to the moon. He loved all of his grandkids and he was glad that he still had his mind with him so he could remember that he would always know the order and the ages of them all. It went like this: Emma-17, Lorraine-12, William-10, and George-3. Doc also had grandkids of his own: Martin-17, Sarah-14, and Beth-8. Both families were close, especially now that they had grandchildren named after each other and their first grandkids were born in the same year.

Except, Martin Brown was two months older than Emma McFly, but they got along just fine. In fact, they got along so well that they had actually been dating without letting anyone know about it. When Doc had left from 1985 to go to 2053, Martin asked if he could borrow the car so he could "go to the movies" with "some pals." After receiving permission after begging and promising to be careful with the 80 year old DeLorean, he took off and picked up Emma. Her story was that she was going to go hoverboarding at the skate park with her friends; she couldn't believe they all bought that. They decided to go to a place where teens go to get away from parents and can have some fun with their dates, the make-out spot on the hill valley.

"Marty? When can we tell everyone that we've been dating?" asked Emma.

"I don't know. I wanna tell them to, but I don't know how they'll react to us going behind their backs all this time. Maybe tomorrow? I'll call you and when we know what to say, we'll our parents together, ok?" suggested the always thorough thinking Martine Brown.

"You're right. Now come here so I can show you how much I think you're right," said Emma.

She pulled him in for a long kiss and the Marty flipped her over in the seat. She laughed as he kept kissing her ticklish spot on her neck. She kicked out her foot and ended up hitting the gas, sending the car zooming forward. They forgot to set the break! Yelling, they quickly scrambled into the seats and Marty tried to get Emma to unfreeze her foot from the gas pedal. They were almost at 90 mph. Then there was a flash, two bangs, and then they stopped. Both of the teens jumped out of the car to see if it was ruined or 

not, and by some miraculous intervention, the car looked fine, except this piece of metal from underneath broke off.

"Grandpa is going to kill us!" said Marty.

"Marty, we didn't…you don't think…did we just go back in time like our Grandpas do?" asked Emma.

"It looks like it, check the time circuits and see." She all but ran back into the car.

"We did! November 6, 1955! We're almost 100 years into the past and the car's broken and Grandpa will kill us and we can't fix it…" She was just rambling by now because she knew they were both busted.

"Ok, look, I know what we need to do. Let's just go find Grandpa Brown and he'll fix this for us and if we tell him what happened now, in the future we won't have to explain it later to him," said Marty.

"Yeah, but my Grandpa McFly didn't live back in this time. I'll still have to tell him and Mom and Dad. You'll help me, right?" said Emma.

"Duh, of course I'll help you. Now let's go into town to find him," he said.

"Oh jeeze, town's 25 miles off from here. We'll have to walk or hop on a bus or something. Oh well, let's get started then," she said.

And it was then that Marty and Emma started their own time traveling journey, and they had yet to discover that Marty Sr. had been around in November of 1955 and that Doc hadn't even invented the time machine yet. They also didn't know that they'd be getting to know their Grandpas alot better than they ever thought they would…