THE SEQUEL TO JEALOUSY!! So…for my reviewers from the last book, thanks so much! You guys rock! And to answer shortyguurl's question, yes, there will be Puck and Sabrina in this book, and a bit of crying…but I won't tell from who! Enjoy!

"PUCK! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Sabrina screamed.

She heard a devilish giggle. Sabrina seethed.


"Uh, uh, uh. It's not nice to yell at people." Puck said, floating above her, shaking his finger.

"It's also not nice to steal things! NOW GIVE ME MY GUITAR!" Sabrina cried.

"Lieblings! Stop screaming! Puck, give her back her guitar." Granny scolded.

Puck grumbled and shoved the guitar into Sabrina's stomach, knocking the wind out of her. When she recovered, she grabbed the guitar, gave him a look, and then marched upstairs. When she got on her bed, she strummed a few notes to make sure Puck hadn't contaminated it. It was fine, surprisingly. Normally, Sabrina wouldn't be caught dead with a guitar. But Peter had changed all that. Peter Pan had been a great friend to her, and he showed her that she should show her family all the great talents about her. She smiled at the thought of him. They had shared many jokes and secrets. Puck hated Peter, he had even punched him. When he went back to Neverland, the Grimms had a party a couple days later. Sabrina and Puck had actually had a normal conversation. Then, Sabrina kissed Puck, and her heart melted. But the next day, she was terrified to see him, so she had decided to act like nothing had happened. Puck was confused at first, but then he went back to normal and bothered her two times: day and night. Sometimes Puck stared at her, but when she caught him he would look away fast.

Granny Relda called her from downstairs, interrupting her thoughts. "Lieblings! Time for lunch!"

Sabrina walked downstairs and sat down at the table. When she saw what was on her plate, she wanted to run upstairs and barf. There were puce calamari and puke green strawberries, not to mention light blue French fries. She looked at it in disgust. When she looked around the table, someone was missing.

"Where's Briar Rose?" Sabrina asked.

Uncle Jake popped some calamari into his mouth. "Café," he said, between bites.

"Oh," Sabrina said.

She forced some food down, and just as she started working on the fries, the door flew open, and William Charming (AKA Prince Charming, the former mayor of Ferryport Landing) appeared, looking out of breath. His hair was everywhere, his clothes ripped, and he had a sword and a wand in his hand. He 

walked over to the lunch table and put the sword in front of Sabrina, put the wand in front of Daphne, and said, "The phenomenon has occurred again."

"Um, what the heck are you talking about?" Daphne asked.

"The phenomenon!" Charming said, exasperated.

"Ok, our house is in Ferryport Landing, surrounded by goblins, witches, princesses, idiots made out of straw, and monsters. There are a lot of phenomenons!" Sabrina cried.

Charming sighed impatiently. Then he calmed himself, and looked at Granny Relda and said to her, "Hello, general,"

Daphne gasped. "Oh, you mean that phenomenon!"

Charming rolled his eyes. "Is there any other?"

Sabrina put her head in her hands. "How?"

"You have to go with me to find out." Charming answered.

Sabrina looked up in amazement and horror. "You went?"

Charming shrugged. "I thought I had to."

Daphne jumped from her seat. "Is Ms. White alive?"

The family let out a gasp. Sabrina forgot they were right there. She sent a questioning look at Charming, saying, What do we do?!

Charming sighed. "Let's discuss this outside."

"Mr. Charming, I think that we should know what is going on. After all, the girls are part of our family." Granny Relda said, getting up from her seat.

"Relda, I understand, but the girls and I need to discuss this alone." Charming replied.

"They are our family," Granny Relda looked mad.

"Relda, this has to be a private conversation!" Charming hissed.

Daphne turned to Granny Relda. "I'm really sorry Granny. We promised not to tell."

Granny turned to Sabrina. Sabrina shook her head. Tobias looked furious, and so did Uncle Jake. Puck looked like the curiosity would kill him.

"Granny," Sabrina said softly. "We just want to protect you."

Charming growled and grabbed Sabrina and Daphne's arms and pulled them outside. "I don't have time for this nonsense!"

Charming slammed the door behind them and then turned to the girls. "Look, Snow is alive, but your uncle is still dead, and the castle is still there. Ferryport Landing is still in ruins and the Wolf is gone."

Sabrina and Daphne nodded.

"I think we should go back, see more things…the problem is, I predicted when it will occur again." Charming continued.

"When will it open?" Daphne asked.

"In about a month. Every time tear now opens at the beginning of every month. So you will have to inform your family that you will leave when that time comes." Charming informed.

"We tell them now?" Sabrina wondered.

"No! When they open!" Charming said, frustrated.

"Ok, ok." Sabrina said. "Now if you don't mind, we're going to go inside."

Sabrina felt uncomfortable talking about this. Last time they went, they almost got killed. What if it happened again?

Sabrina rushed Daphne inside, leaving Charming out in the sunshine.

When they got inside, Puck asked them, "Well, what is it?"

Granny shushed him and looked at the girls. Daphne just shook her head and the girls trooped upstairs.

The next morning, Granny Relda was in the kitchen, waiting for the girls.

"Girls, can you get Puck? I need to tell you something." Granny said.

"Ok, I'll get him," Daphne said, rushing upstairs.

Sabrina looked at her grandmother. "So what is this about?"

Granny looked at her. "You'll see."

When Daphne and Puck trooped downstairs, Granny said, "Children, I'm sure you all know the new school that has been built?"

Daphne and Sabrina nodded. Puck grumbled. Peter had told him about it.

"Well, you're going there, but not to learn," Granny said quickly, before the protests could arrive.

"Why would we go then?" Sabrina asked, confused.

"Because, Mayor Heart is up to something, and I want to know what. So I want you three to do some investigating, alright? She says there will be many children, and I want to know where she's getting them from. We're going back to Ferryport Landing, children." Granny Relda explained.

Sabrina was happy and nervous. What would happen at school? What was Mayor Heart up to? Sabrina was happy to get out of the mountains and back to Ferryport Landing, but she was very suspicious about the new school. What will happen? Will someone get hurt? Again? Sabrina thought.

She didn't want to find out.

Sorry if this is confusing for some of you guys, since it went from time tears to school. But I just wanted to introduce the time tears ahead of time since I'm probably going to make a new book after this including the time tears. But this book is about the school, just so you know.