Shadow Realm Emissary

A/N: So after like three or four years of letting my account rot, I finally write another fanfic. Before we begin with this parody, I will like to point out that later on some events and roles were swapped around a little bit to make more sense based on the characters used, but it's nothing too drastic (I hope). So without further ado…

Shadow Realm Emissary

Chapter 1: The Invasion Begins

By: Lu-Gi-Oh

One day, in a world inhabited by trophies come to life, several thousand sit in a packed stadium in eager anticipation of today's match-up. However, this wasn't something as mundane as a simple spectator's sport but rather an all-out brawl between two great heroes. In this world, fighting is serious business!

Amongst the stands were two women. One of them was a 15 year girl with short pink hair and green eyes. She wore a red sleeveless shirt, a short skirt over short grey leggings, elbow sleeves, gloves, and a red bandana with a metal plate engraved on it wrapped around her head like a barrette. Her name was Sakura Haruno, a kunoichi from the Hidden Leaf Village.

Standing next to Sakura was a woman much older than her with black hair and a bun hairstyle. She wore a purple mandarin gown, pink pants, and an orange shoulder scarf. She was Chi-Chi, the wife of the hero, Goku.

"So, are you ready to see my husband blow away the competition?" Chi-Chi smugly asked.

"Confident, aren't we?" Sakura pointed out. "But still, I wish Naruto could be here today. I'm sure he'd stand a chance against Goku."

"Do you really believe that?" Chi-Chi inquired.

"……………No," Sakura admitted.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, missy," Chi-Chi concluded.

Both ladies turn their attention to the center of the arena, where the Tenkaichi Budokai announcer was ready to begin his commentary.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment you've all been waiting for!" he screamed into his microphone. "You are about to witness the clash between two legendary warriors!"

The audience cheers wildly in anticipation.

"Our first contender is the Saiyan warrior himself, the defender of Earth and the winner of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, a man whom I've personally seen his growth in strength ever since he was a kid, let's give it up for the all-powerful GOKU!!"

From the sky, a muscular man with a unique spiky hairstyle and wearing his iconic orange gi uniform descends onto the arena riding on a yellow cloud, the Flying Nimbus.

"Gee, thanks," Goku said smiling with one hand behind his head.

"And his opponent today is another protector of the innocent, hailing from Japan's Meiji Era, the infamous manslayer from the Boshin Wars turned wandering samurai, it's the master of battoujutsu, KENSHIN HIMURA!!"

An androgynous 28-year old man with long red hair in a ponytail and a cross shaped scar on his left cheek entered the arena. He was wearing a red kimono, white hakama and traditional Japanese sandals. His obi held his reverse-blade sword in place.

"Ha, ha, I'm so excited!" Goku exasperated.

"Goku sure does love fighting, that he does," Kenshin observed. "But I suppose it's time we get things started."

Both fighters got into their fighter stances, ready for the highly anticipated battle to commence.

"Fighters, ready?" the announcer called. "BEGIN!"

Meanwhile, in the Spirit World, someone was watching the fight via a widescreen TV in the office where he worked. He appeared to be a toddler with a blue pacifier in his mouth and wearing a hat labeled "Jr", but he, in actuality, was the 700 year old son of Enma, Koenma.

"Alright! This is almost as good as eating squid!" Koenma cheered.

The desk from where he was sitting was cluttered with stacks of paperwork. Koenma's assistant, a blue ogre named George, walks in carrying another big stack of papers.

"Whaaaaaat!?" George yells. "You mean to tell me that you had me pick up these heavy stacks of paper from halfway across the Spirit World while you were watching TV on the job!?"

"Yep, that's pretty much it," Koenma confessed straight up. Waterfall tears flow down George's face. "You're so cruel, sir."

Koenma continued to watch the match excitedly with George now as an onlooker.

The match was over. The victor? Goku, naturally. Kenshin falls to the ground as a lifeless trophy. "And we have our winner!" the announcer blared into his mike. Goku steps over to the Kenshin trophy and lightly taps the stand. In a bright flash, Kenshin is brought back to life, albeit flat on his back with swirly eyes and moaning a drawn out "huah".

"That was fun!" Goku said while helping Kenshin up. "You're pretty strong!"

"Thank you," Kenshin replied, regaining his composure. "But it looks like I'm no match for a Saiyan, that I'm not."

The two shake hands and wave for the audience as the audience exploded in cheers. It was the conclusion of a spectacular event…

…until a rumbling sound is heard.

"Huh?" Goku looks up to see the blue sky being swallowed by dark red clouds. A huge grey blimp with the letters "Kc" labeled on the sides slowly ascends over the stadium.

Kenshin mutters to himself, "Is that some kind of aircraft?"

After a few seconds, it finally hits Goku. "Hey, wait a minute! I recognize this blimp now! It's Kaiba's! It was where the quarter-finals of that Duel Monsters tournament, Battle City, took place on. I watched it on TV with Gohan."

"So what is he doing here now?" Kenshin pondered.

Just then, a hatch opens up from the bottom of the blimp, releasing small brown oval shaped particles onto the stadium.

"Hey! That blimp is trying to take a shit on us!" Goku accused.

But as the particles landed, they lumped together and formed into what looked like creatures of darkness made out of brown clay.

"It seems we are experiencing technical difficulties, folks," the announcer informed the audience. "So I'm just going to get out of here before I end up like Krillin," he declared as he slowly backs away to the stands.

The creatures now have Goku and Kenshin completely surrounded. "This isn't looking too good," Goku proclaimed.

"Hold on, guys! I'll help you!" Sakura announced as she rushes down the stairs.

"Me too!" said Chi-Chi following suit. I won't let a teenage girl risk her life while I just sit in the sidelines!"

As both women reach the end of the stairs, Sakura leaps into the air and performs a Body Flicker Jutsu, seemingly teleporting right behind Goku and Kenshin. Chi-Chi also jumps from the stairs and lands next to the boys just a second after Sakura.

"Oh, so you're actually going to fight too, Chi-Chi?" Goku asked. "Alright! It'll be just like old times!"

"Does anyone here know what we're up against?" questioned Kenshin as they all got into their fighter stances.

Sakura eyes the creatures in front of her closely until she realizes…

"Hold on a second! I read about these creatures once. They're called Masses."

"Masses?" the others asked confusingly.

"Yeah. They're small creatures that move around in a group as of like they're a single entity. However, if they sense a mind more strongly willed than they are, they will base their behavior on the thought patterns of that creature."

"So you're suggesting that something, or someone, is causing these Masses to behave this way?" Kenshin hypothesized.

"Yes, especially since they're usually gentle by nature."

"Which means the question is who has the power and desire to bend these creatures to their will?" Kenshin wondered.

"We have no time to worry about that," Goku reminded them. "Right now, we just have to focus on beating these guys."

"Yeah! Let's show them what we're made of!" Chi-Chi exclaimed. The others nod in agreement.

Goku flies into the crowd and plows into a few of the Mass Monsters with his insane strength, causing them to shatter back to independent Masses. Sakura pounds away with her chakra enhanced blows. "SHANNARO!!" she cries out after decking one of the Mass Monsters in the face. Kenshin batters his assailants with his reverse-blade sword with enough force to scatter them about. Chi-Chi thrusts her fingers forward and jabs several Mass Monsters hard enough to make them disperse.

Not before long, the four managed to repel the wave of Masses off, but their troubles were just beginning. A mysterious figure wrapped in robes with luminous green eyes hovers down to the stadium riding on a floating platform.

"Who is that guy?" Goku questioned.

"Judging from the clothes, he looks like some kind of minister," Kenshin reasoned.

"I guess for now we'll just call him the Mysterious Minister," shrugged Sakura.

The Mysterious Minister remains silent as he drops the huge orb protruding from the underside of the platform. Two human-sized mobile suits grab each end of the orb and pull it open to reveal…

"A BOMB!" all four heroes gasped.

The bomb's countdown begins with just three minutes on the clock. The Mysterious Minister nods and floats back to Kaiba's blimp, the Kaiba Craft 3.

"Does anyone here know how to disarm a bomb?" Kenshin asked desperately.

"I don't," Sakura admitted sadly. "We don't have modern technology in the Leaf Village, except when we do."

"Don't worry, guys," Goku reassured them as he runs over to the bomb. "I'll just use my Instant Transmission and teleport the bomb to an uninhabited plane…"


"What was that?"


A lightning fast cannonball launches Goku so far into the air that he makes a twinkle in the sky.

"GOKU!" yelled Kenshin.


Kenshin turns around and finds both ladies trapped in cages. The cages were held up, one in each hand, by a monstrous looking ghost about twice the height of a human and wearing a skull-like mask on its face. It was a Hollow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Goku was just knocked clear out of the stadium!" commented the announcer, now in the "safety" of the announcer's booth. "I don't know what that thing is, but if it beat Goku that easily, I think we're in trouble, folks!"

"I'll give you one warning. Release Miss Sakura and Miss Chi-Chi now," Kenshin demanded.

The Hollow just roars in Kenshin's face.

"Then you leave me no choice but to fight."

"Ha! You're in for it now, creep!" Chi-Chi interjected.

Using the god-like speed of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Style, Kenshin bashes the Hollow repeatedly with his sword. He then aims for Sakura's cage in hopes of freeing her, but the Hollow recovers quickly from Kenshin's assault and rises the cage over Kenshin's head.

"Watch out!" warned Chi-Chi.

But it was too late as the Hollow slams the cage down right on top of Kenshin.

"Oh no!" the announcer cried.

The Hollow grins triumphantly, until…

"So it seems you're more durable than I thought."

The Hollow turns its head to see Kenshin, perfectly fine, standing beside him. Kenshin avoided being crushed after all. "But with my time running short, I'm afraid I must end this quickly."

Kenshin sheathes his sword and crouches down, right hand over hilt, ready to draw.

"Wait! Could he be using…?" the announcer commented.

"Hiten Mitsurugi-Style: ULTIMATE ATTACK!!

In less than a blink of the eye, the Hollow was flung into the air and instantly KOed, completely confounded by what happened. Kenshin stood where the Hollow was less than a second earlier with his sword drawn out. The Hollow had just been hit by the succession technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Style, the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki.

The force from the Hollow hitting the ground was enough to break Sakura's cage, and she immediately leaps out and joins Kenshin. However, another figure jumps out of the dust cloud caused by the Hollow's crash. This man had veins all over his face, purple eyes, spiky light blonde hair that stuck out everywhere, and the Eye of Anubis marked on his forehead. He wore a plain sleeveless black shirt, a purple cape with a gold chain in front, armbands, and bracelets on his wrists. The man laughs maniacally as he lands.

"So you're involved in this," Kenshin reasoned.

"Who is that?" Sakura gasped.

"One of Yugi Muto's enemies," Kenshin clarified. "He once tried to take the power of the Egyptian God Cards for himself."

"I'm flattered you've heard of me, Battousai," said Yami Marik. "I also must commend you for defeating my mind slave."

"What are you doing here?" Sakura demanded.

"I'm just here for a little collecting." A Dark Cannon materializes in his hands. "Trophy collecting, to be exact, and I have you two in my sights, you fools!"

"Ugh," They all turn their heads to see Chi-Chi crawling from her cage weakly.

"Then again," Marik points the Dark Cannon at Chi-Chi. "This will definitely get a rouse out of that Saiyan."

"Chi-Chi, watch out!"

"Miss Chi-Chi, you must get up now!"

But it was too late as the Dark Cannon shoots an arrow out and hits Chi-Chi. She falls to the ground as a lifeless trophy. Marik jumps over to her and collects his prize.

"You'll pay for that!" Sakura yelled as she gives chase.

"I'd be more concerned about that bomb over there if I were you," Marik chuckled.

Both heroes turn around to the bomb. It only has a few seconds left on the countdown.

"Shit! We forgot about the bomb!" Sakura realized.

"That's right, and once it goes off, you and everyone else in this stadium will be sent to the Shadow Realm!" Marik gloated.

"HUH?!" they both replied.

Sakura breaks character and informs Marik, "Y'know, this isn't a 4Kids dub, so you can go ahead and say its going to blow us up."

"No, actually, it really will send you to the Shadow Realm, or at least that dark, other dimension-y place where Shadow Games take place in, or whatever that place is."


"Anyway," Marik said, getting back into character. "Sorry to hit and run, fools, but I have more victims to find." With Chi-Chi held over his shoulder, Marik disappears in a single bound.

Kenshin frantically looks around the arena for something, anything, which can help them in their plight as the detonator countdown was dangerously close to zero.



Kenshin finally lays his eyes on Goku's Flying Nimbus, which was left on the field since before their fight…


The entire stadium is engulfed in a dome of darkness. The Flying Nimbus, with Kenshin and Sakura in tow, flies from the stadium, escaping the explosion with not a second to spare.

Kenshin slams his fist on the cloud in frustration. "Goku, Chi-Chi, all of those people in the audience. I couldn't protect any of them."

"None of this is your fault, Kenshin," Sakura comforted. "And it's not too late to save any of them. But what I don't get is why would Kaiba do something like this?"

"I don't know. But we will find out, that we will," Kenshin answered, determined.

A/N: And so began the invasion on the anime world of trophies. What will Kenshin and Sakura do now? What happened to Goku after getting hit by the cannonball? Who else will join the fight? All these answers and more next time on the Shadow Realm Emissary!

Preview: On the next chapter of the Shadow Realm Emissary, Koenma sends off a certain spirit detective to help fight off the Mass Monsters, Goku is revived, and Kenshin and Sakura are pursued by the Kaiba Craft 3. Stay tuned.