Warning, this episodes contains a little adult contents (Only a few lines)

Please, no reading unless you're 18+


7 a.m

Tazusa walks towards the bathroom.

Pete: Hey Tazusa?

Tazusa: What?

Pete: I was thinking of visiting my family in Montreal.

Tazusa: What?! But I'll be lonely if you go.

Pete: But they're my family...Hey I got an idea !

Tazusa: What idea?

Pete: We can go together !

Tazusa: Together? Will that be ok?

Pete: What are you talking about? Of course it is ! My mother even said "Remember to visit us with that girl you're talking about"

Tazusa: Well I don't know. I'll ask coach if it's ok, since I got practice almost everyday.

Pete: Oh come on, he'll agree. 3 years until Olympics, it's still a long time.

Tazusa forgotten about Pete and walk out from bathroom talking without clothes on.

Tazusa: I'll ask him then...

Pete: Uh...Tazusa?

Tazusa: What?

Pete closed his eyes with one of his hands.

Tazusa: What are you doing?

Pete: Before you continue talking, you better put on your clothes.

Tazusa look at her body and rush back into the bathroom.

Tazusa: You pervert !

Pete: But you're the one walking out...I just "accidentally" saw you.

Tazusa: Just stop talking about it already !

Pete: Hahaha

Tazusa: What's so funny you pervert ?!

Tazusa walk out with clothes on and hit Pete with a book.

Pete: Ouch ! Hey watch it, that book is tough !

Tazusa: I'm sorry ! Are you ok?

Pete: I'm ok. Next time don't hit me for your own mistakes please... By the way, why you say sorry? I thought you're mad.

Tazusa: Well, come to think of it, it's my fault anyway. Still ! Well it was embarassing to have a boy saw me nake that's why I'm mad !

Pete: Lesson number 1...never let a guy stay at a girl's room...


Pete and Tazusa head downstairs.

Yoko: What happened just now? I heard you screaming sis, it's..."clearly" heard downstairs.

Coach Takashima: Ahem, Yoko that's rude to ask.

Pete and Tazusa: Nothing happen !

Coach Takashima and Yoko look at each other.

Pete: I'm going to visit my family in Montreal. It's been 2 months now.

Tazusa: Can I go to Montreal with Pete coach?

Coach Takashima: Sure sure, take your time. It's 3 more years until Olympics, I guess it's ok.

Tazusa: Really ?? Did you hear that Pete??

Pete: I already know before he said it.

Coach Takashima: Really? I guess you can read people's mind. Anyway, all expenses on me.

Yoko: You must be happy able to spend your time with your "precious Pete"

Mrs.Takashima: I hope you enjoy the time Tazusa.

Tazusa's friends walked downstairs at this time.

Gabriella: I heard you're going to Canada Pete.

Pete: -sweat drop- Did you tell everyone Leonard?

Leonard: That's right. How about we all go together? I want to see our parents too. No point leaving me here.

Lia: But are you sure it's ok Leonard? Remember we are too famous, plus we'll get hunt by reporters.

Leonard: I guess it's a no then ! Besides Pete, you really should return there with only Tazusa.

Pete: That's right Leonard, I just phoned back home last night. You're going back home too often, dad's gonna get mad if you do it again without reason. Remember your career.

Gabriella: When are you both going?

Tazusa: Tonight on 8pm.

Kyoko: What?? Tonight?

Pete: Yes, tonight. We better start packing Tazusa, and the tickets too.

Coach Takashima: I'll take care of it.

Coach Takashima make the phone call for ticket reservations. Pete and Tazusa went upstairs to pack their belongings.

Tazusa: Hey Pete, are you sure? Your parents may not like me...

Pete: They asked me to visit them with you. Trust me, they really wanted to see you.

Tazusa: Ok, you say it.


They arrived at Montreal after a few hours flight from 8 pm. Tazusa and Pete stay at the hotel for the night.

Tazusa: Hey Pete...

Pete: What is it?

Tazusa: I can't sleep...can you count the sheeps like last time?

Pete: You gotta be kidding me, it won't work on you. I have another way.

Tazusa: What way?

Pete: Kiss you on the lips and hug you til the morning.

Tazusa: Seriously?

Pete: Last time I can't hug you because I'm in ghost form. So...oh nevermind.

Tazusa: Say it Pete, I won't be able to sleep if you don't say it.

Pete: Well, ok. When I'm a ghost I always wish I could hug you and feel the real you. Now I always take the chances to do that.

Tazusa: I can't believe it, you're serious about it.

Pete: May I?

Tazusa: Just don't think something else. You know what I mean.

Pete: Wha ! No way, I won't do that !

Tazusa: Just kidding !

Pete gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Then he hugged her. This is the 3rd time Pete and Tazusa hug in the sleep.


The next morning they get a taxi and they arrive near a quiet area. It's a small town. By the time they arrive, it's already 2 pm.

Tazusa: It's quiet around here.

Pete: Not really quiet, there's are people living here.

They took a short walk and suddenly Pete stop by a tree.

Tazusa: What's wrong Pete?

Pete: I remember this tree, I wrote something on it when I was little.

Tazusa: Here it is !

Tazusa point towards the words.

Pete: Let's see, I forgot what I wrote. Huh??

Tazusa: It said "I will definitely find a figure skater as a lover someday."

Pete: It came true I guess, haha ! Let's go Tazusa.

Tazusa: Wait what is that? Looks like an airplane.

Pete: Oh that? I built that thing. But it's just a piece of rotten wood now.

Pete leads Tazusa to an average small house.

Tazusa: This is your house??

Pete: Yes, quite small huh...

Pete's father are walking towards them from behind, coming back home after work.

Mr.Pumps: Hello son !

Pete: Wha !! Don't scare me like that ! Why are you talking Japanese anyway?

Mr.Pumps: Because she looks like a Japanese. Besides look at you, you're talking Japanese as well. Let's make it even, you don't want her to get confuse by our language do you?

Tazusa: Nice to meet you, are you Pete's father?

Mr.Pumps was shocked after he took a closer look at the indigo hair girl.

Mr.Pumps: Pete? Is this the Tazusa on TV? T-The figure skater??

Pete: Yea, who else will it be?

Mr.Pumps: I see, are you sure the possession is not your dream?

Tazusa: Possession?? Pete did you tell your family?

Mr.Pumps: What a big surprise, so it wasn't a story?

Pete: I told you it wasn't, right princess Sakurano?

Tazusa: Don't call me that. But it's true you possess me.

Mr.Pumps: Ok let's get into the house, you don't want to stay out here do you Pete?

They walk into the house.

Mrs.Pumps: Oh my, your back Pete?

Pete: What's with everyone today? You all speak Japanese.

Mr.Pumps: Attually your little sister haven't come back yet. As soon as we got your phone call, we figure out you'll probably visit us with your new lover, so we decided to talk Japanese.

Tazusa: Wow...Pete you told them all about me?

Pete: Yes I did, I hope you don't mind I told them "everything"

Tazusa: Gosh, everything??

Mr.Pumps: And everytime he talked about it, he gets excited and start telling us how good you are treating him...

Tazusa: -in mind- (Gosh, all these time I treated you so bad...I was only good at the last moment. But Pete, you told them...I'm treating you well?)

Suddenly Tazusa tears drop without realizing it.

Mr.Pumps: Did we say something wrong??

Tazusa: No, it's not that...

Pete: Tazusa are you crying?

Tazusa realize it and immediately wipe her tears away. But she decided to be honest.

Tazusa: It hurts me just to think of it...

Pete: What?

Tazusa: I treat you so bad...I only started to treat you good in the end and...fall in love with you. But...

She started crying feeling guilty and strangely sad.

Tazusa: You told them I was treating you well...I feel so guilty !

Mr.Pumps: I guess Pete is making some things up himself. But I haven't meet anyone as honest as you miss Sakurano. Rest assured, you don't have to feel guilty.

Pete: My dad is right Tazusa, come on smile. I'll give you a hug.

Tazusa: Nobody is mad at me?

Mrs.Pumps: Of course not, why should we? Relax, and believe me Pete treat you like a diamond.


At the night Tazusa is sharing the same room as Pete. Something crosses her mind.

Tazusa: Hey Pete, what about the pair skating? Are we really gonna do it?

Pete: What you don't believe me?

Tazusa: It's not that. But we haven't even have one real practice yet.

Pete: Oh nevermind. Stop thinking about it already. Just let it be natural.

Tazusa: 3 years huh...we'd both be 19 at that time then.

Pete: I'll show you around the city tomorrow. I bet you want to see it.

Tazusa: Hold on, I want to know this town not the city.

Pete: What? Why?

Tazusa: I want to know more about your birth place.

Pete: -laugh-

Tazusa: What?

Pete: Oh it's nothing. You're funny.

Tazusa: Really...?

Pete: Huh? Tazusa? Tazu...sa...

Pete stop calling her name when he noticed she fell asleep. He kept staring at her face. Tazusa unconciously hug him, he try to get her hands off.

Pete: (Oh well, I guess it's ok.)
