Chapter 6: Night

Yako set her alarm clock and yawned as she reclined on her bed. She felt herself immediately drift into a peaceful sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Meanwhile in the bathroom the faint light began to get brighter and a thick red liquid began to bubble out of the garbage can. It spilled on to the floor and splattered on the walls with a sickening noise. Slowly something started to move at the edge of the opening, and a blood covered hand grabbed on to the rim.


Neuro frowned as he stood outside the darkened house. Something was not right, he could tell that much for sure; however, at the moment he could not place his finger on it. He gulped back some excess drool and wiped his mouth then disappeared to reappear inside.

Slowly he walked toward Yako's room and opened her door. She was sleeping peacefully smiling and mumbling about something he was sure was related to food. Neuro paused a moment and stared at her form underneath the thin white blanket. She seemed more adult to him than he had previously thought. Her curves rising, falling; her lips, pale, slightly parted. Neuro licked his own lips and began to move toward her. He removed his bright blue coat tossing it to the side. His body felt warm and as much as a part of him was demanding his body stop, turn around, and leave; that was something he found near impossible.

He stopped right at the edge of her bed and looked down at her. Leisurely he began to reach for her, but he paused as he noticed his hand was shaking. Neuro gazed at it in both shock and amusement. It was the first time he had ever been so unsure of taking action, and truthfully he hated it. His conflicted actions and thoughts made no sense to him. Of course she was his slave and he could do with her as he pleased; however, there was something nagging at him in a private corner of his mind that couldn't be ignored.

"And what are you doing?" came a hiss of multiple voices speaking at the same time. Immediately he dropped his hand to his side and turned toward the doorway feeling both annoyed and relieved at the same time.

"And who are you?" He demanded darkly.

A considerable sized black house cat, with silver on its back in the shape of an ankh, calmly entered the room, stopping in front of the demon. Its golden eyes gave a dangerous glow and it sat staring at him.

Neuro's lips curved into a smile.

"You… are a cat?"

"That's not entirely true. I am her servant bound by a blood contract." The feline stated with the multiple voices. Green eyes narrowed and his smile became a frown.

"Blood contract? Then you must have been sealed away by the Angelic Powers. So what are you doing here?"

"Like I told you…" The cat snarled jumping up on to Yako's bed. "She made a blood contract with me… even though she didn't do it correctly; she still had enough power to summon me."

Neuro drew in a ragged breath as he realized a side effect of being so close to him was that Yako probably now had a bit of demonic aura as well. He frowned even more, green eyes narrowing then reached out to grab the feline. The cat jumped back landing on Yako's stomach and the small blond wiggled a little. Her head turned and she did a half roll as her eyes partially opened then closed again. Both parties stood completely still and silent until they were sure she had gone back to dreamland.

"Who are you?" Neuro demanded in a hushed but firm voice. The cat looked intently at him for a long while before answering.

"My name, demon… is Sekmet." The feline finally stated lying down in between the crook of Yako's arm and her body.

Neuro's look of displeasure intensified and he stared angrily into the beast's golden eyes.

"I think you grasp the situation, even if you know not the significance my name holds." The elegant creature purred.

"Yes. No being anywhere aside from heaven can hear the true voice of an angel… therefore all angels and fallen speak using various voices at once, something demons cannot do. Also only angels and fallen can take the form of a human, man or woman as they choose, as well as that of an animal, and their original form. Only… all angels and fallen have silver eyes… so why are yours gold?"

The feline grinned coldly showing its small sharp teeth but said nothing. Neuro, feeling more annoyed continued.

"Angels serve the Angelic Powers and do not confine the fallen they simply kill them. So why were you confined by such strong powers as to need a blood contract to be released?"

"That is because I am not an angel, nor am I a fallen." The voices snickering informed. The demon's eyes narrowed and he glared at the beast before him.

"You are not a demon." He stated confident that was the truth. Sekmet watched the growing discomfort with a grin befitting that of the Cheshire cat himself, and then informed dangerously.

"I am neither a demon nor a fallen. I was once an angel… but after devouring the flesh of others of my kind I became something else altogether."

"So now you are going to devour Yako?" Neuro asked crossly; getting ready to fight if need be. Sekmet laughed and turned to regard her sleeping face.

"I have no need." The feline touched her cheek with a large furry black paw. "The life of a human is short as is, and they taste rather disgusting. I will carry out the contract to show my appreciation for being released from the centuries of confinement. It is you, Nougami- san. You are the only one out of the two of us that poses a threat to her."

"How is it you know me." Neuro demanded a little loudly.

"Your blood and body smells… it reminds me of Nephtis..." Sekmet paused momentarily then added with a lick of her lips as she turned back toward him. "Delectable."

Yako stirred again she rolled over then suddenly sat up. She looked around the room then laid back down and went to sleep. Neuro looked at her and the cat from his place now on the ceiling then clicked his tongue and disappeared.

Sekmet turned to see a pain filled, yet confused expression cross the sleeping girl's features.

"Looks like a dream eater got her." She sighed, then jumped down and padded toward the window.


Lucian scowled as he leaned against the wall of the cold building in the dark alley of the Shinjuku area. His eyes narrowed and he kicked the lifeless body by his feet angrily as the events of his conversation with Anubis replayed in his mind again.


"Well it's that girl. Katsuragi Yako." He had informed pointing at the young blond seated by the window of a café.

"Hmm…" Anubis grinned and gave a thoughtful look. "I see… you have good taste in women too. I think I will make her mine, after all you serve me… so there should be no problem…"

Anubis then turned and glared at him, a look that could almost literally kill.

"Right Lucian? Besides you have those other little toys, Isis and Ra."

Lucian nodded in hesitated agreement and watched as Anubis changed. The giant white wings disappeared, long black hair became short and spiked, and 'he' adjusted the red collar of his black button up dress shirt. Anubis paused and turned to regard Lucian with his cold silver eyes. He then held out his jewelry adorned hand and stated in a matter of fact way.

"I think I like that coat of yours, it would look good with my outfit, ne? So hand it over."

Lucian did as he was told though he could feel his anger swell inside, but he had long since decided it was best not to take a risk on his life. He would have to deal with this annoyance without raising a finger.

"Meet me at the Bar… you know 'Haven' at midnight tonight and bring your toys." Anubis said as he put the coat on. He then jumped off the roof without hearing any acknowledgement from the demon.


Lucian kicked the body again and then glared at his watch. Isis was late. He was already pissed at the turn of events, Anubis was alive, Ra went missing, and Yako was going to be turned into the property of that Fallen. As if all that wasn't enough only a few hours ago he had felt a great power being released, but it immediately hid its self again. It was a power that made him both cower in fear and gave him hope, something familiar and yet unknown.

"Damn it!" He growled. "Isis where the hell did you go?"


Isis stared intently as he looked at the drawn curtains of Yako's window. A sudden movement caught his attention and he found himself gazing into the glowing golden eyes of a black feline roughly twice the size of a normal house cat. He smiled and waved then left quickly.

Isis headed toward the place he was supposed to meet Lucian comfortable in the thought that at the very least Yako would be safe. After all he had originally dug up that ancient 'spell' to give to Ra, but he knew she would never use it. To call forth and contract a mass murder that was at one time revered as the 'goddess of war and destruction' was something that, even if dying, Ra would never ever think of doing.

At least… he thought stopping in the middle of the street to look back at the house once more. I know Sekmet will protect her.

Stiffly he started to double over. His arms grabbed his sides and his sharp teeth bit into his lower lip. Suddenly two shapeless lumps formed on his back, and then with a sickening rip and splatter two black bat like wings emerged. Isis quickly took to the skies with one last look behind him.

"Good Bye." He whispered and disappeared into the night.


"Sai… what are you looking at?" Ai asked from the hotel bed she was seated on as the well known murder stared out the window.

"I thought I felt something…" He informed half heartedly, losing interest as the moments passed, but continued speaking as he shut the curtains.

"It was only for a second but it somehow reminded me of Neuro. Only…" He paused trying to find the right words for the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "I think… I actually felt fear."

Ai's expression changed slightly showing surprise as she watched him cross the room and sit down beside her.

"Ai, what does fearing for your life feel like?"


Neuro frowned as he lay on the couch of the detective office. He still didn't understand the confliction within him, and the only thing he could think of was that as he had begun to very very slowly turn human, a part of him began to latch on to certain human emotions. He sighed as he heard Akane typing away on the computer. He had decided to in list the office secretary to look up anything and everything possible on the name Sekmet. That was because he himself wanted to avoid anything that could cause his body to react on its own again, but still one problem remained. He had forgotten his jacket at Yako's house.

He suddenly gave a soft laugh that caused the happy braid to pause and shiver a little. Neuro then put a hand over his eyes; the fact that the thought what should I say about that… had even crossed his mind was more amusing than irritating. After all why should he have to explain anything? He had been there nothing else to say, and if she didn't like it he would simply have to give her punishment till she begged for mercy. His lips curled into a menacing smile at the mental image of Yako being tossed around and beaten by his own hand.

Yes… he thought contentedly as he began to drift to sleep. That just might work until this week ends.

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Yes Chapter 6 is done! I hope everyone enjoys it. Also thank you for reading and reviewing as well as please continue to do so. It helps a lot… Thank you everyone and I hope to have Chapter 7 out soon since I kinda already started it.