Derek put down the little book and thought about what he had just read

Derek put down the little book and thought about what he had just read. Casey was in love with him?

Only one person knew about Derek's feelings, and that was Paul the guidance councillor for both stepsiblings. Paul had suggested trying to find a way to get closer to her and find out more about her. That was why he hadn't been fighting with her as much and was trying to lighten the air between them.

It was also why he was reading this book. It was called a vent book. He had one, himself. Paul recommended it to him, and apparently to Casey too, for this one was hers. He knew it was wrong but he wanted to know what went on inside her head.

It had a padlock on it but he was good at picking locks. Someone like him had to be.

Yes it was like reading her diary but that had been much more boring than the vent book. For one thing she didn't mention her love for him in her diary. The diary was more of a log book, chronicling the days events. In the vent book she poured her heart out.

There were angry entries too. Rants about him if he'd played a prank on her. He'd had to. Everything had to appear to be normal.

Then there was Sally. To all appearances he was in love with a girl called Sally who worked at Smelly Nelly's restaurant where he was a manager, but he wasn't really. Sally was nice. She was a friend nothing more. Besides she already had a boyfriend.

He still had to pick fights with Casey and annoy her almost every chance he got, but anyone who knew him really well could tell that his heart wasn't in it. He always apologised sincerely for the pranks he played on her, which he wouldn't normally do.

He stuck up for her when she needed someone to. He liked looking out for her. He loved the smile and little blush she got when she saw him coming. She was always smiling.

Who was it that said a girl is at her most beautiful when she's smiling? Whoever it was, was smart.

She wasn't just 'hot', she was beautiful. She was graceful, and feminine, and so sexily innocent.

He loved watching her rehearsing a dance for a competition; even if she turned into the bride of Godzilla in the process. He loved the way her eyes flashed when she freaked out. That cute pout she got when she didn't have her way. Her charming smile and the way she smiled with her eyes too. The triumphant smirk she got when she had one up on him, because he'd let her.

He often caught himself watching her, too. He knew exactly how she felt. A lot of the feelings she expressed in the vent book he had felt himself.

Reading it he felt closer to her than ever before. He smiled as he leafed back over the last few entries.

Nothing will ever happen. Nothing can ever happen.

Derek's smile widened. That's what you think, he thought to himself with a chuckle.

He began to plan but before he could get anywhere someone knocked on his bedroom door and he had to stuff the vent book out of sight under his pillow.

Casey came in, smiling. "Derek have you seen my history notebook? I have a report due and I can't find the damn thing."

"No I haven't. Sorry. It's not likely to be in here, is it?"

"Of course not, what was I thinking? Sorry to bother you." as she spoke something caught her eye. It was a little gold padlock lying on the bedspread. It looked familiar.