Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight, this is a fanfic written for fun and for love of the series. I'm not making any money with it.




Her lips were soft against his, their soothing touch and sweet flavor invading his senses with a rapturous pleasure as the tip of her warm tongue brushed against his upper lip, demanding entrance, parting his lips open as he surrendered himself to her touch, mind and soul, as he'd always meant for it to be, belonging to her so utterly completely.

The thrill of delight she felt whenever she claimed him this way and he capitulated in her arms was like nothing she knew before, his unconditional surrender as she conquered his mouth filling her heart with joy and a burning hunger for something she didn't quite understand.

She explored his mouth tentatively, desiring, feeling and discovering, perfect mix of a powerful temptress and an innocent child, unsure of what to do, but certain that she wanted to taste him further, make him hers, claim him completely. She almost lost herself in the contact of their tongues, then explored futher, the tip of her tongue sliding up against his teeth, searching for something.

But there is was, the moment was broken once again, his body stiffening suddenly, the arms around her changing from a melting embrace to a tense grip, and she felt he was watchful now, ready to pull her back suddenly and tear off the contact if she lingered too much there, if she pressed any harder, her tongue teasing the pointy tip of his fangs, yearning to pierce herself on them, an inevitable urge driving her, and that he wasn't ready to answer to yet.

Or more exactly, an urge he'd been burning to give into for ten years, one that she thought she was ready to face, but that he didn't want to rush and risk having her regret her decision later.

So she sighed softly when he gently interrupted their kiss, and she resigned herself once more to bide her time and try again next time.



Sagakure, June 15th 2008