
AN : I don't have many to say except that this is my first try on Naruto story, I must say that up until now I had try writing a different story but none of them that get finished as quickly as this one.Ah by the way this prologue will be a bit angst so just hold on with it ok. I also want to say this first, my grammar is not my best subject in English so please spare me on that one. I just hope that you like this story and give me some reviews so I could know how good or how bad I do this well, on with the story!

DISCLAIMER : I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, if I own it I won't bother creating a fanfics. I'll just make it into a real manga

"There's the demon!"

"Quick after it!"

"Don't let it escape! Kill it!"

'Damn it! Why! Why they keep on doing this!" is the thought of a kid not older than seven years old as he try to outrun his pursuers. His blond hair is a mess and covered by blood, his blood, thanks to some villagers who throw a stone which hit him right on the head although if you try to look at his head no such wound could be seen. His blue eyes show nothing but pain and sadness, pain as he had been treated so badly by someone he didn't even know, someone who had accused him for something he never done and sadness because he got that treatment from all of the people from his village except a few who he could count with his fingers.

"I've never did anything to them, heck I didn't even know them but why! Even my own mother treat me like I'm not there!" True to his thought, even his mother never show him any affection. While in one way she had never abuse him physically but her verbal abuse was bad enough. She did prepare some food for him sometimes (which is very rare) but she never want to talk to him, never want to touch him, even when he try and gave her a present she would either throw it away or destroy it IN FRONT OF HIM!!

The boy thought was cut short as he could feel a sharp object hit his leg which made him fall to the ground and as he look down he could see a kunai had pierced his leg which made blood covered his leg.

"Got you demon!" Someone from the mob said which he could easily identify as a shinobi from the headband on the person's arm

"All right everyone! Let's avenge the fourth!" with that said peoples from the mob start to hit him with everything, from blunt thing like a wood stick till something sharp and deadly like a sword and knife.

The boy just stayed there not doing anything as he know it was futile from a lot of experience he got in the past. His consciousness start to fade but before he passed out he could heard a familiar voice which seems like a yell and the next thing he could sense was a blue and white light which was continued by a scream of some people around him. When he realized that the mobs had stop attacking him he know that someone he know had save him which made him smile a bit before he passed out on the spot

A few minutes before

"Damn those villagers! They're at it again!" A furious ANBU with a dog mask jump from roof to roof with an astounding speed, even some of his teammate had trouble on following him but they all didn't bother to think about it, they know that their captain is really angry right now and anger somehow could made a human pass his own limit

"Naruto, please be alright until I arrive!" was the only thought which the dog ANBU keep on thinking over and over again on his head. Finally he had arrived where the boy he had been looking for the last hour but the scene was definitely not the one he want to see, the boy is lying on the ground with a kunai embedded on his leg and people around him beating the day out of him. Not able to control his anger anymore he made some handseals before jumping toward the mob while yelling the only word in his head.

"RAIKIRI!!" A streak of blue and white lightning appear on his hand and he quickly stab the first person he could reach, he didn't stop there as he use the same lightning on each and everyone who was beating the boy before he was finally stopped by his ANBU teammate with a weasel mask.

"Kakashi-san stop it! Don't waste your time on these idiots! We need to help Naruto-san first!" his voice quickly put some sense on the dog ANBU as he quickly turn toward the boy before picking him up gently and turn toward the weasel ANBU

"Itachi, you better capture all those people and hand them to Ibiki or you'll be the first on my list of people who I'll beat up after this." he said before jumping away toward the hospital, not even waiting from the response as he had already know the answer when he heard some blasts from behind which come just after the ground was shaking, a sign from a doton justu being used.

A few hours later in the hospital

"Kakashi how is Naruto doing?" the said person look up from the place he was sitting to see a face of an old granpa which he and all the people in the village refers as the Sandaime hokage.

"The doctor who examine him said that he had passed the critical condition, also that he was lucky I had took him as fast as I had." Kakashi said with a lot of sadness on his voice before he took sight of another person behind the Sandaime and give a light smile "I need to thank you for that Itachi, if you didn't stop me at that time I may still try to kill all those mobs now."

The weasel ANBU just nodded his head a bit "You're welcome, just like you I also didn't like those person at all but Naruto was in a critical condition and you're the fastest on ANBU. By the we had managed to capture those mobs which consist of ten shinobis and twenty civilians, all of them are having a nice 'chat' with Ibiki now."

The three keep on chatting for a while before Sandaime and Itachi decided to return back, Sandaime since he had to do some paperworks while Itachi had some family business. Kakashi decided to stay and guard on Naruto since he doesn't believe the guards or some of the doctors on the hospitals, beside he doesn't had any living relative anymore so there won't be a problem for him even if he had to stayed on the hospital tonight.

The next morning

"U…ugh…" the boy muttered as he try to opened his eyes just to look at the familiar sight for him, the hospital ceilings.

"So… I'm here again huh?" Just as he said those words and try to look around the door got slammed open and his gaze quickly went to the figure who had a silver hair which defied gravity and had almost all of his face covered by mask and konoha headband except his right eye.

"Naruto… you're finally awake. How do you feel now?" Kakashi asked while walking quickly toward the bed before taking a chair and sat beside the bed

Naruto look at Kakashi's face for moment before return his gaze at the ceiling "Well, like usual maybe? After all I always recovered fast…but I wonder if it was worth it since even if I recovered I always ended up here again and again." The tone Naruto had used really struck Kakashi since he could catch the pain and sadness Naruto had used, and although he want to try cheering him he of all the person know that Naruto's words are true, what is the meaning to had a fast healing if you will return to the hospital only a day after you got out from it?

The two sat in silence before they heard a knock on the door and when the person entered Naruto smiled a bit at seeing that Sandaime had gave him a visit. He had known both Sandaime and Kakashi really well, to him they are a grandpa and an uncle he had never had.

"Well hello Oji-chan, how's the paperworks?" Naruto asked while giggling which made Sandaime hit his face and Kakashi laugh a bit since Naruto had heard so many complains from the Sandaime about the Kages natural enemy.

"Don't remind me of them Naruto, to tell you the truth I rather be out there fighting a hundred shinobis than stay here and do the paperworks." Sandaime said in a defeated tone, and Naruto could swear that he had heard the old man mutter something about killing himself or finding a successor only for avoiding paperworks.

"Well, enough about that. Now tell me how you felt Naruto, also is there anything that I can help?" Sandaime said trying his best to forget about the enemies waiting for him in his office.

Naruto think a bit before he come to something, something that he had planned for some time although it was not a really good one. "I do have one thing to ask you jiji." Naruto said in a sad tone

Hearing that the two adult raised their eyebrows as they never heard Naruto ask something with that kind of tone, usually when he asked for something he would ask it with a lot of cheery energy. Seeing that Naruto is really desperate to ask help Sandaime couldn't help but decided to help

"Sure Naruto, now what is your wish?" Sandaime asked while smilling

Naruto hesistated a bit but soon he moves his body and opened a drawer next to Kakashi and pull something from it, something that looks like a box with a ribbon attached to it. He look toward it with a sad eyes before turning back to the adults in the room.

"Y-you see, tommorow is the my birhtdays…" the two adults couldn't help but cringed at the expressions on Naruto's face, they know that to Naruto birthdays mean more extreme beatings and a lot more injuries than normal but they decided to keep silent as they know Naruto still haven't finished talking

"The truth is I don't know when my mother's birthdays was so I always gave her a present in my birthdays but…" Naruto couldn't help but let a single tear come out from his eyes which made Kakashi and Sandaime hung their head in shame as they know what Naruto's mother had done with all the present he gave her.

"I…I want that she receive this one at the very least so…" Naruto move the hand which hold the box until it was in front of Sandaime "Please… give it to her… But don't said that this is from me, tell her that this is from you… That way, she will take it with her…I hope." The last two words were very low but being experienced ninja the two still managed to heard it.

Sighing Sandaime put his hand on Naruto's and took the box "I understand Naruto, I will make sure that she receive this. I will give this to her myself so please cheer up ok." Naruto smiled a little as Sandaime put his hand on Naruto's shoulder which made both Sandaime and Kakashi smiled back at him warmly.

"By the way Naruto…" Kakashi said trying to break the silence between them "If we're allowed to know, what is inside that box and how do you get it?"

Naruto look toward the box a bit before lifting his head up trying to remember the time he found it "It was some kind of jewelry if I'm not mistaken, I found it three days ago after I managed to lost some peoples who tried to beat me. The place was called… Forest of the Dead… if I'm not mistaken." Two pairs eyes bulged at hearing these (well one and a half I guess), a kid not even older than seven had gone inside a forest that was considered dangerous even for some high level shinobis and to know that the boy had used that place of all place to hide definitely not a story you would hear from everyone.

"I didn't put it in my apartment since I'm afraid that the mob would found and took it so I put that jewelry that day inside this drawer since I know that no one ever used this room except me." Kakashi couldn't help but surprised at the kid in front of him, for a kid not even a genin to think that far was incredible, and he had guess correctly about this room. Ever since the beatings on Naruto become a constant problem Sandaime had reserved this room for Naruto so Naruto would be able to get a medical treatment everytime he got beaten, heck he even threaten some doctors and nurses that if they try anything funny they would be kick out from the hospital and got punished for some time.

"I see, is there anything else that I can help Naruto?" Sandaime ask again but Naruto just shook his head instead he tried to get off the bed and after finding out that he had recovered he said a quick goodbye to the two adults and run out of the hospital leaving Kakashi and Sandaime inside who smiled a bit at the door where Naruto had left before disappeared in a puff of smoke.

A few moment later in a different part of Konoha Naruto could be seen coming inside his apartment room, ever since Sandaime know about the way his mother Kushina act toward Naruto he decide that it would be better for Naruto to live by himself so he get Naruto a room in an apartment which located the closest to Hokage Mansion, this way Sandaime always manage to met Naruto everyday and if something happen to Naruto he could act as soon as possible especially with Kakashi and a few loyal ANBU decided to live on the ANBU complex which is not far from the apartment Naruto live.

"I guess today is the day huh?" Naruto thought sadly while moving his bed and pull out the wooden board under it to reveal a bag and a letter. It was a hard decision for Naruto but he can't stand the beatings anymore so after a lot of thinking he decided to left the village no matter how much he want to stay as he don't want to make the people who cared for him sad. Naruto's thought soon come to the images of people who actually cares for him, Sandaime-jiji, Inu-san (he doesn't know his true name yet), Weasel-san, Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-neechan, Iruka-sensei, his thought soon come toward a few ANBU who like to play with him sometimes but the last image on his thought was the one who hit him the most…his mother…

Although it may be true that she had never act like a good mother to him, heck she even give him verbal abuses a lot of time but she had never done any physical abuses toward him.She may had destroyed every presents he had gave to her but sometimes she also made some food for him, although it was always done when he was asleep but he know as one time he was unable to sleep and he heard a voice in the kitchen so he decided to peek and he could see his mother prepare a food for him and left soon after she done… it may only happen a very few times, maybe only twice or thrice a month but at least she did cared for him even only a little.

But it will only be a memory since now he is going to left the village, it's true that he will return one day but he still afraid about it. What if they still think that he is a demon? What if they still want to beat him and kill him? One though once come to his mind to change his appearance so everyone won't know who he is but if he did that then what will happened to the people cared for him? They won't know it was him and if he tell them the truth then what if someone actualy heard about it and everyone know if he had return?

Naruto sighed at all of this thoughts but soon he shook his head and took the bag which he had prepared days before for today. He also took the letter and silently opened the door of his apartment, after seeing that the area is clear he left quickly and go sneak toward the hokage's mansion. It was already dark when he left, that and combined with his pranking habbit which increase his stealth a lot he managed to sneak inside and toward the Hokage's room. There was another reason as why he had asked his oji-san to give the box to his mother, knowing him he would think hard about how to give it to her and also to tell her that the present was given by her son without her destroying it, no matter that Naruto had asked him not to.

Naruto was really lucky today as the Hokage's room was empty so after putting the letter on his desk Naruto sneak out from the mansion before running toward the gate stealthily. In a few moment Naruto had managed to left Konoha without getting spotted as there's seems to be a commotion happening inside and combined with people busy for the festival it was not a hard job for a kid who managed to run from ANBU for hours to break out unnoticed.

"This is it, now I just had to run as fast I can so I won't get caught." Naruto thought as he run passing tree after tree but soon he stop when he heard some footsteps behind him.

"Oh no, don't tell me they had found out! I need to hide quickly!" Naruto quickly got inside a bush and covered himself, it was an easy job remembering that he still a kid and the bush wasquite thick. Soon Naruto could see the source of the footsteps but he was surprised that the person in front of him is not a Konoha ninja since he had a different symbol on his headband.

The person wear some ninja clothing similar to ANBU as the only difference were his cloth had used black on every part of it, not only that he also wear a mask that looks exactly like Kakashi's but what make Naruto's curiousness increase was the things he carried. It looks like a kid who is younger than himself, the kid had a long black hair which fall to the person's waist as he carry that kid on his shoulder, this kid which Naruto identifies as a female thanks to the long hair had her hand tied up and her mouth gagged which give Naruto one assumption…

"This guy is kidnapping her?!" Too bad for Naruto since he didn't realize that he had stepped on a stick which made the man dropped the girl which seems to be conscious and put his attention on the grass Naruto is in. "Crap he find out about me! I need to run!"

Naruto's thought got cut short as the man quickly pull a kunai and throw it toward the bush but thanks to his experience of running from the people who want to beat him (ironically) he managed to dodge at the last second but the problem is that now the man had spotted him clearly.

"What, it's just a kid?" the man sighed in a relief, at this moment Naruto took another glance at the girl and since she was also looking at him he could identify from her eyes that she is a hyuga since she had the same eyes as his classmate Hinata, he could see a bit similarity of this girl with Hinata but his thought was cut as he spotted that the man had pulled another kunai "Sorry kid but my orders was not to let any witnesses alive." With that said another kunai fly toward Naruto but once again Naruto managed to avoid it as it hit the tree behind him which irritate the man who pull his blade got into a stance to attack.

Naruto don't know what had got into him but the second he saw the man coming toward him with a sword he quickly turn around to pull the kunai behind him and duck to avoid the sword. This time the man managed to scratch him but only a little, Naruto quickly swing the kunai in his hand randomly and since the man didn't thought that the kid in front of him would fight back Naruto managed to hit the man at the leg since the man didn't avoid fast enough.

If the man was irritated before now he is really pissed, he managed to sneak inside Konoha and come out after kidnapping this hyuga girl without being spotted and now a kid who barely know how to use a kunai had hit him? The man quickly pull out some chakra not even thinking about being spotted by Konoha ninja, this kid had ruin his pride and he will pay for it.

Naruto realize that the man was getting serious as he could see that the man is performing some hand seals, he know that whatever the man was planning won't be good for him and he had to evade it but it was all too late as the man had stop making hand seals and is looking toward him in rage.

"Katon! Karyuuendan!" the man yelled as he pulled his mask and let loose a raging fire dragon toward the boy in front of him, not even cared that he had used a high rank jutsu just to kill a kid not even half his age, no the only thing he care is that the boy is going to die and he smirk evilly as the dragon hit the kid directly and he could heard the boy's scream from inside of the flame.

The little girl watch in shock as the boy in front of her had got hit by a fire dragon, she start to cry as she thought that she was the reason that the boy had died, if only he didn't met this man who had kidnapped her, if only that this man wasn't told to kill all witnesses, if only she HADN'T been kidnapped on the first place. She keep on crying as she see that the man is walking toward her with a wicked smile on his face but soon she stopped crying as the man had also stop walking as both of them both realize something.

The man stopped walking as he realize that there's a blast of chakra behind him from where the boy was standing and there're two problem with these, one : the boy could stand from dying after get hit by a blast of a high level katon jutsu and two :this blast of chakra he felt is definitely not a normal one and he swear that even a konoha genin could feel this pressure. The girl stopped crying as she could see something behind the man in front of her, she could see something which looks like a bright yellow light (she doesn't know about chakra yet) coming from inside of the smoke which are created from the blast of the fire dragon but that isn't the one which scared her, it is two red lights which looks like a pair of eyes that she had took a glimps when a wind removed the smoke a little.

The man quickly turn around as fast as he can but to no avail as the last thing he could see was a bright yellow streak coming toward him and the next thing he know his stomach had been pierced through by something. He managed to gripped it a little and he could feel…fur…? The girl doesn't look better herself, just a moment ago she had felt sad that she had made a boy get killed, next she felt a bit happy since the boy seems to be alive if the yellow light was any indication, now she is scared shitless as the man who kidnapped her had been killed with just one blow. The problem is that when the man fall she couldn't see any sign of the boy, instead the one she see in front of her is… one big yellow fox around the size of a normal dog from the inuzuka clan (as big as kuromaru from the invasion) with its right hand full of blood of the man it had just killed, that didn't scared her much but when she saw its eyes was when she got scared very much as the eyes are as red as the blood on its paw, the eyes that seems to be belonged to the demon itself.

End of Chapter

AN : Well how is it? Is it good enough? By the way about the pairing I'm plannning on a harem of Naruto x OC (she will appear next chapter if I'm not mistaken) x Fem Haku (I like Haku better as a girl) x Fem Kyuubi. And if you had figure it out (I'm sure you all did) Hanabi will be playing quite a role on this one, I don't think it will be too big though. The problem is that I don't know whether to paired her with Naruto or simply make her look toward Naruto as an 'older brother' so please vote for it ok, I'll stop the vote in two or three chapters more so don't be late to vote and putting a review! THX!