Author's Notes:
If you didn't read the beginning summary, this is not for Colette lovers (or likers).
So here is the breakdown: I get tickled a bit when I see all the Oneshots about Sheena watching on as Colette and Lloyd walk away into the sunset. More so when I noticed there were almost no SxL/C ones. My solution? Write my own, with a pairing I like, for you all to enjoy!
I apologize in advance for those Colette lovers who (for some reason, despite my earlier warning) continue reading past this point, but we all have our own opinions on what or who we like. I don't like Colette, and I've warned you about it. I don't want to be hearing any whiners.
Does he even know what he's doing to me?
It hurts. Every time I look at him, I'm reminded of what I can't have. Can't ever feel. Can't ever hold. It's…a sad thing. To realize that you will live your entire life knowing your other half doesn't see itself as yours. Martel only knows I could love him enough for the both of us, but…he could never see me that way. He only has eyes for her. I doubt he even sees it himself yet…
Before I met her, not once in my entire life had I ever felt the emotion of jealousy. It's true, growing up I always wanted to be like the other kids. But then I always knew I was special. I was something no one was else was, or could ever be. Then I saw her, the girl who was so many things I wasn't – so many things I could never be! I don't know which of these things she had that made Lloyd see her in a way he could never see me, but for the first time in my life I wished I were someone completely different: Her.
Does she know what she's doing to me?
I don't think she knew I had eyes for him when she took him from me. She still speaks to me as a friend would, no ill intention, no rivalry. Yet she continues to do harm all the same. When she embraces him in front of me, watches on as he walks out of a room, engaging in "girl talks" with me, always leading the conversation towards Lloyd...
Why couldn't she just love Zelos and leave Lloyd alone? Why did she have to ruin what could have – what would have been? I've known Lloyd since childhood. I was willing to sacrifice myself for his world to continue, for his life could continue – for him to live happy! What has she ever done? Killed half her village? Tried, and failed, to kill me? If anyone deserves Lloyd, shouldn't it be me?
I watch them now, sitting side by side with their backs to a tree. Her head tilts dangerously with its back to the trunk and I hold my breath. But just as I'm about to sigh in relief, I feel a tremendous ache in my chest as her head finally falls onto Lloyd's shoulder...something he always got uncomfortable with when I did it...
Lloyd probably doesn't even realize what she is to him, but she knows better than to mistake what they have for friendship, and she'll be patient enough to wait as long as it takes for him to come around. The firelight dances across their features and I can see a faint smile on her face as she leans further into Lloyd's shoulder. He still sleeps, but his head droops somewhat to rest on top of hers.
My heart aches again, and I wish I could still shed tears when I see her slowly reach over and hold Lloyd's hand with her own, folding her fingers between his. He's still dreaming, but amidst the shadows and flickering light, my angel vision can pick out the ends of his mouth uplifting ever so slightly; and only with my enhanced hearing can barely hear him mutter "Sheena…" in his sleep over the crackling fire and heavy breathing of others.
At this she opens her eyes, gazing up at him with a somewhat startled look on her face. But she smiles and slowly begins bringing her head up to his. It's torture for me to watch her gently lay a soft kiss on his cheek. She then quickly glances around to see if anyone saw, when our eyes lock.
The girl that stole my everything smiles at me, and it takes every drop of willpower to force my mouth into what I hope passes as an acceptable grin. She closes her eyes and returns to sleeping on Lloyd's shoulder, a look of pure contentment on both of their faces.
I turn away, looking instead to the moon, praying with all my heart it can do something, anything to help quell the rage of emotions…and the pain, that their happiness together brings me.
Writing in first person? Pff, never again (that was hard lol).
A great thank you out to Twilight Scribe for being the Best Beta Eva.
Till next story,