Summary: Logan is a very popular guy, and Quinn is a geek

Hi! This is my first real story so please don't be too rough.

Summary: Logan is a very popular guy, and Quinn is a geek. What happens when Quinn ends up having to live with Logan and his family? Pairings: Quogan and some Choey.

This story has nothing to do with the original Zoey 101 and the group is going to regular public high school.

Chapter 1


Quinn made her way to 1st period with a ton of books in her hand. She was gathering up as much info as she could for her 10 page report due today. 'Stupid Logan Reese, telling lies on me getting me in trouble. I should've known when he tripped that teacher he was going to say I did it, who was just happening to be standing there when it happen. Of course, they believed him. I don't really understand why they always take his side. Maybe its because his father is rich.' She was too caught up in her thoughts when she ran into someone and all the books fell to the ground.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Quinn exclaimed, starting to pick up her books. She looked up to see none other than Logan Reese. Speak of the devil..

" Yeah, you better be you freak!" Cockily replied Logan. He looked at her as she stood up and began to walk away.

"Egotistical Jerk." Quinn mumbled silently hoping he didn't hear her. She didn't feel like causing another scene after the trip incident.

Logan heard her call him a ego- something jerk and his blood began to boil. 'Calm down Logan, she's just a stupid freak girl.' Before his conscience could calm him down, he grabbed Quinn by the wrist and slammed her against the wall. Quinn moaned in pain and looked at her wrist, which was now twisted.

"Logan please stop! You're hurting my wrist." She pleaded, looking into his eyes, which were full of rage. Something's wrong with him. Her eyes were beginning to tear up.

" Listen here you spaz, don't ever call me a jerk again or YOU WILL PAY!" Logan let go of her wrist and walked away, while Quinn dropped down on the floor and began to cry. Why does this always happen to me? Every time I get near that boy something bad happens. Why does he hate me so much? I don't understand. Zoey, Quinn's only friend, walked by and saw her crying. She quickly ran to Quinn.

"Oh my gosh Quinn!" Zoey began, "What happened to you?"

"Logan Reese is what happened."


"I bumped into him on accident and apologized, and he called me a freak and I called him a jerk and the next thing I know is I was slammed against the wall with a broken wrist, which hurts very bad." She held up her wrist to show Zoey.

Zoey examined it and offered her hand to Quinn to help her up. "We better go to the nurse so she can look at your hand." They began to walk to the nurse's office when a teacher stopped them.

"Quinn Pensky you are needed in the office right away." The teacher told her. Quinn looked puzzled.

"What for?" She asked.

"Don't ask questions, just go."

Quinn quickly told Zoey she would see her later and made her way towards the office, getting kind of nervous. The pain in her wrist was unbelievable, but she tried to ignore it. What could the office need me for? What have I done this time?

Upon entering the office, she saw Logan's parents. Oh gosh, why are they here? What did Logan say I did this time? The principal walked in, looking upset.

"Miss Pensky, please take a seat next to Mr. Reese." Doing as the principal was told, she sat down. "There isn't an easy way to say this, Miss Pensky."

"An easy way to say what?" Quinn was getting more nervous by the second.

"Your parents, Kelly and Rob Pensky, passed away this morning."

"Passed away? No they didn't, they dropped me off about 50 minutes ago."

"While they were driving down the road, a drunk man swerved over and hit them and they didn't make it. I'm so sorry, Quinn."

"Stop playing around, I just saw them this morning!" Quinn was really hoping he was messing with her.

Mr. Reese butted in. "Quinn, he isn't playing. I'm sorry, but they really did get killed."

Quinn looked over to him, and she could tell he wasn't fooling around. Her parents were really gone. Instantly Quinn broke down to the floor and began to cry. Mrs. Reese walked over to Quinn and rubbed her back, trying to give her comfort. While she was doing so, Logan walked by and saw his parents around someone on the floor. What are they doing here? He asked him self and walked towards the office.

Yeah I know it was short but I'll try to make it longer next chapter. Review Please!