

I hate my car

By Doveheart

Amy gave out a huge yawn as she got out of bed. The rain rolling down her windows was perfect to match her mood, again. She had sent Sonic an E-mail to meet her at Star Bucks and he replied and said yes. "I even spent my rent money on buying that new dress." She thought gloomily. Alias, he set her up, "How do I keep falling for him?!" she shouted angrily. This was the 159th time that he had set her up; it was almost like a ritual now it was going on for so long. "I shouldn't have to go through this heart-breaking torture everyday!!" she shouted in her head. She walked over to her mahogany cabinets to get some breakfast. She didn't feel like having a nutritious breakfast, so she had cookies. She dragged herself over to her computer to check her E-mail. One new E-mail her screen tortured at her. She checked it, it was from Sonic. "Probably another crappy lecture about how I'm soo gullible." She thought. She opened it and this is what it said.

Dear Amy,

I know that yesterday are 159th annaversy of me setting you up. I had a dream last night that if I stetted you up again that my appendix would explode and I would die. So I've decided to move far, far away. I'm not telling you where because then you'd probably come running after me again. So good by.


How Amy felt after that E-mail is undesirable. You can only know how she's feeling if you love a guy with all your heart, but you hate him because he sets you up 159 times. If that has happened to you, then you know what I'm talking about. Well Amy's feelings where 10-fold! She took out her hammer and smashed the darn computer, "THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF YOU LEAVING!" She shouted so loudly, she had the neighbor's dog barking at her. She automatically realized that what she just did was a huge mistake, now she had no internet connection, and her job required her to have a computer. "Crap." She whispered now realizing her mistake. Now she would have to go to Best Buy and buy a new computer, "As if I'm not already not enough in dept." She thought miserably to herself.

In her beat up 1987 Sudan, Amy swore all the way to Best Buy. She got out of the ancient black car and slammed the door shut; witched caused the mirrors to shatter. "Oh for the love of Sonic!!" she screamed at her car. Fuming, she stormed into Best Buy and got the cheapest computer that she could buy. Which she didn't realize till later, was older that her car. She picked up the box and slammed it on the check out isle.

"Amy?" said a dark voice. Amy's heart skipped two beats,

"Sonic?" she thought, "This is what he meant by leaving!? YES!!" She turned and didn't even bother to look at the figure and she leapt and shouted, "SONIC!!" and leapt onto the figure.

"Actually," said the voice, "My names Sam. But that was pretty close." Sam showed his name tag and Amy realized that this guy wasn't even a hedgehog, but a human named Sam. "I-I heard your name on T.V. before. You where chasing that Sonic dude." Mumbled Sam as he checked her out and handed her the box that was filled with ancient computer parts.

"Thank you," mumbled Amy with her head down in shame, "and sorry for back there." Sam didn't say anything; he just started to check out the next person in line.

A tall man ducked just in time as a flying cardboard box flew through the air and landed in a very old car with no windows. Amy just stormed past him and drove off, now just realizing that she could have done this later, and now because of it she was going to be late for work and that she has a computer there. "Stupid! Stupid!" she shouted at herself, banning her head on the horn which caused a very inhumane horn like sound to come out.

As she dove into her parking spot, she slammed the door so hard; the hinges came loose and the door its self fell down. Amy didn't even try to fix it, she just stormed into the Goodyear tire capital where she would work starting today as a secretary's apprentice. "It beats McDonalds by a long-shot." She thought to herself as she walked through the automatic glass doors. The tiles here where perfectly cut into leaf-green octagons, there where white marble columns, and a fountain in the middle. "Someone has a lot of time on there hands." she thought, "Either that or a lot of money." In front of the Glistening Fountain of Glory, was a small desk where Amy guessed is where the secretary worked.

"Hello," said Amy in her best professional voice, "My name is Amy Rose, and I am to work here from now on as your apprentice. I hope to do my best." There was a dark red revolving chair with its back to Amy. It turned around slowly, the person in it said slowly,


All Amy could do was gasp,
