Two years after FSS. Sequel, duh. The flock has to deal with the truth of them being angels and they learn to accept certain parts of life. This won't make any sense without reading FSS.

Chapter 1

(Fang's POV)

Two years after FSS, Max just turned 17; Iggy, Shadow and Fang are nearly 17. Nudge and Sorrow are both 14, Gazzy is nearly 11 and Angel just turned 9.

The world seemed to on hold for you years. Nothing crazy had happened, well, crazy stuff had happened, but there were no captures, no running from erasers, and no painful memories.

Well that's not true; every time I had to spend time with him was a painful memory. Mom seemed to like him though, and I wasn't going to mess up her life anymore that I had in the past. It wasn't my fault that the fact that she had to give us up made her life total hell, but I couldn't help it.

I liked spending time at my dad's place the best though; he was so fun and crazy. Plus he didn't have a girlfriend and he seemed to understand why I hated Mark's guts, but that was probably because he hated him too.

I'd half taken up the name Marshall Cole, I even answered to Cole now when my mom and dad called me by it.

I sat watching TV at my dad's house when Sorrow bound into the room and flopped down next to me. Over the last two, almost three, years he's grown so much, and everyone still talks about how we look exactly the same.

He's matured a lot, he's not the same little boy I would carry around on my shoulder and tell him when to go to bed. He can defend himself and others. Not to mention that Nudge and Sorrow had gotten together a year and a half ago, finally. We were all waiting around for it to happen and when he came and told me I may have shocked him by congratulating him, but you can never be sure with him.

"What are you watching?" He asked me as we sat there.

"Some sort of documentary on birds," I said as I watched as they talked about a certain type of birds' migration pattern.

"Course," He muttered with a smirk. It was so me to be sitting here learning about birds when I was pretty much one.

"Boys! Come clean the dinning table before dinner," Dad called and we both shouted that we'd be there in a second.

I flicked the TV off and jumped up. Shadow was over at Max's house, she'd been there all day yesterday and today. These days we were all jumping between the three houses.

Angel, Total and Nudge were over here while Iggy, Max, Shadow and Gazzy were over at Max's, but they were all coming over here for dinner.

We went into the dining room and started wiping down the table and set it. We were just setting the last of the knives down when Max and Shadow ran into the dinning room. Shadow went over to her little brother and gave him a quick hug and kiss on his cheek, which he unceremoniously rubbed away with his arm. Max hugged me tightly and kissed me passionately.

"Miss me?" She asked with a sweet smiled as she held my hand and swung it back and forth between us.

"Of course," I grinned and gave her a quick peck. I sniggered.


"I just pecked you…" She sniggered.

Sorrow rolled his eyes, "He's been on this whole bird thing all day, stupid documentary… next time I see you watching anything remotely involving birds I'm throwing the TV away."

"Oh, don't do that, I won't be able to kiss you during the ads," Nudge giggled as she came into the room and kissed his cheek and took his hand, this one he didn't rub away.

I rolled my eyes and dad called, "Cole, can you watch the stove, I have to go to the bathroom and I don't want the whole house in flames."

"Okay," I called and walked over to the kitchen and leaned against the wall beside the stove as I watched the stir-fry sizzle in the pan. Max stood next to me, her head on my shoulder and I smiled at her.

Dad came back a minute later and said, "Thanks Cole, so, Max how's your mom and sister?" Over the years my dad and Max's mom became good friends. Dad didn't have much experience with kids so he was often calling Max's mom for help when he didn't know what to do.

"They're good, Ella made gold in some track thing," Max said proudly.

"Good for her, congratulate her for me. See Fang, you should try out for sports. You'd be good," He said honestly.

I rolled my eyes; we all went a high school near Wyatt's house, a different one then the last. We never really involved ourselves in sports and school functions, so dad was always trying to get me to do something.

Gazzy came over and said, "Wyatt is dinner almost ready?"

"Yep, almost," He said and called, "Guys can you all get ready for dinner, it's almost done."

We all went off to wash our hands; it was a rule in Wyatt's house. We had to wash our hands before we ate and brush our teeth before bed and when we woke up, and showered ever 2 days at the least.

It wasn't a big deal and it wasn't hard to follow the rules, but it does get squishy with all of us trying to wash our hands at the same time.

After dinner we just talked a bit and laughed and shared stories of what had happened lately. There wasn't much to say though; we'd seen each other last week. We always had Sunday dinner together at Wyatt's house, Friday was with Mrs. Martinez and Wednesday was with mom, plus the flock usually spent the days together as we jumped from house to house.

After dinner I helped dad clean up, because I'm just nice like that. Actually it's one of our chores; I clean up after dinner on Sunday every 3 weeks. Shadow cleans the main floor and Sorrow cleans the second floor. I do all the laundry, which is a lot of laundry, but I don't mind, it relaxes me.

As I rinsed dishes and placed them in the dishwasher Max came and put her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. "Max, you are making it increasingly hard to wash the dishes," I teased her.

"Hmm, that's too bad."

"Hey, more washing, less flirting," Dad said pointing at us and giving me a stern look. I sighed and nodded, dad may be the more fun than mom, but he was strict about chores, house rules and, most of all, how you treat girls, women, the female gender, etc. If I was to disrespect a single female under this roof I would be in serious trouble, well, if I had a legit reason for insulting a woman then maybe he wouldn't care, but most likely I'd be trouble.

Although, he was extremely careful, he didn't really let anything to serious happen under his roof, kissing and flirting was okay, but there was nothing more.

Needless to say Sorrow, Iggy, Gazzy and I had to have the talk when Sorrow started dating Nudge. It was like an endless pit of awkward.

"Ya dad, I'm on it," I sighed, I had been kind of tired lately, it was getting annoying.

"Oh, ya, you know that we've got like 5 billion tons of laundry right Cole?"

"Ya, Dad, I know." I said and hid a yawn. He nodded and started going through some mail. He often forgot about the mail he gets on Saturday and leaves it around until Sunday when he remembers it's there. I noticed a blue envelope sticking out. I knew it from our school, we often got them, and when he reached it he sighed and opened it.

I knew it was about Sorrow and dad huffed and went off to find him.

I placed a few more dishes in the dishwasher. I started rinsing a plate and I heard dad asking about the fight he'd into on Friday.

I heard Sorrow telling him the story, I tuned it out. Sorrow had gotten into a fight with three kids when the school bullies thought they could take him. They would have been right if I hadn't taught Sorrow how to protect himself, but now he was able to hold his own and I didn't need to protect him like I used to.

Anyways, so the boys attacked him and he defended himself, but he got quiet a bit of trouble for fighting back.

"What was I supposed to do Dad? Let them beat the crap out of me?" He finally shouted at Dad. Angry that dad only half understood, he got that he needed to protect himself, but he didn't see why he had to hurt them so badly.

"No, Sorrow, of course not! I'm just saying, you can't just go around beating people up," dad said quietly, softly.

Sorrow's anger had obviously deflated because he said calmly, "Sorry dad, I just… I hate them," I could hear the hate in his voice. It was true; Sorrow really did hate those bullies. I did too, but I'd learnt to not get involved unless I needed to.

I yawned and Max noticed this time, "When did you go to sleep last night?" She asked and I knew where she was going to go with this.

"8:30," I answered truthfully. I was so tired yesterday too.

She spun me around to look me in the eyes, "Really?" I nodded, "What time did you wake up?" She asked a confused look on her face.

"10:30, 11:00… around there," I answered, again truthfully.

She frowned, "How can you be tired?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I just am lately."

You really do need more sleep, you're going to be too tired to walk in about a half and hour.

Hey Pain, having a nice night? Lately Pain had become one of my best friends, of course when he talked to me I felt a slightly annoying pressure against my right temple, but that was it.

It's been okay, you?

Fine, just really tired… do you know why?

I don't know… need more sleep? I'm not wisdom.

I sighed and yawned, I turned back to the dishes. I was glad Wisdom and Pain had kind of gotten over whatever hatred they'd had before. They did occasionally argue through Max and me, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Plus now at least when they had really long fights they'd talk to each other out of our heads.

I noticed that Max had left the room and I put the last of the rinsed dishes in the dishwasher.

I stumbled, half blind with my drowsiness, into the living room, "Hey guys, I'm going up to do the laundry and then I'm going to bed."

"Need any help?" Max asked half-heartedly as she watched TV. She never did like doing chores.

"Nah, I'll be okay," I answered.

"Cole, are you okay? You went to bed early last night too… and you woke up late this morning…" Dad said frowning at me. I knew he found my drowsiness lately very odd but I nodded and headed upstairs.

I started the laundry and headed to bed. I took off my shirt and pants, so I that was in my boxers, and flopped down on my pillowed and started to sleep right away.