Mysteries of the Deep
Abby Ebon
Disclaimer: I do not own "H2O: Just Add Water", but I have seen it. Nor do I own "The Thirteenth Year".
Summary: The Thirteenth Year & H2O: Just Add Water. When "tourists" show up on Mako Island, Emma and Cleo glimpse something unbelievable – a mermaid with a merman – or, rather, triton - in the moon pool at the base of the islands dormant volcano.
Bringing in Louise Chatham is their only choice – as the girls learn more about Julia (who unlike Louise and Gracie, didn't give up her powers) they find she isn't as dead as they thought, despite that Rikki found her locket in a shop and the owner having claimed it to be from a "deceased estate". Life is about to get even more interesting in Gold Coast, Australia.
Warnings; will deal with slash – a male with another male relationship(s), and teenagers – do you really need any other type of warning?
Silver Within Sea Foam
The surface of the sea rippled, and if he hadn't been watching for the movement, he would have missed it. A smile curled his lips; absentmindedly he tilted his head catching the refection of light off the water with the lens of his glasses. They were thin framed, despite that his eyesight had only gotten worse over the years. At least he no longer feared the water – though he did hold a wary regard for it. That, at least, was normal.
A figure – still submerged – darkened the glimmering surface. A moment later - almost shyly, his best friend's features stared back at him. Cody had never been shy, and in the nine years since becoming a merman – or, as he preferred, a triton, that hadn't really changed. As if to prove so, his tail, set with cloudy silver scales lined with glimmering blue, splashed against the surface as if in greeting.
"Jess," it was routine, these next words, but you wouldn't think so with the familiarity Cody gifted them with "you're awfully far from home." It was, Jess supposed, a safety phrase - this greeting of theirs. For all that the words were all too true – home, if they had ever really had one - was Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia, Canada – nowhere could be further then off the coast of Australia's Gold Coast with Mako Island in sight.
"Your home is the sea, is what I say." Jess quoted back, knowing he had a silly grin on his face and not inclined to be free from his oddly giddy mood. It was rare that they got a moment like this – where Cody was away from his mother's watchful gaze and Jess could relax away from the sort of people who'd question if his best friend had a fish tail and didn't happen to be a fish.
Cody laughed and melody – the emotion of relieved delight - seemed to fill the empty places in Jess' mind. It was relief – secret, reassuring, but a relief. Jess couldn't say for how long the boat bobbed on the surface while they laughed. Eventually though, by carefully keeping bland expressions and not looking each other exactly in the eye, they managed a moment of silence. The moment crept onwards, but it was Cody who shattered it.
"Funny, that is what we say too." Cody murmured, his voice turned soft and hoarse, it was obvious that speaking aloud was something he had to get used to. Mental communication – hand gestures, body language – those were the forms of communication Cody used most often beneath the waves. It was that type of wordless communication that Jess tried hard to stretch across – for both their sakes.
"How is…she?" Jess dared to ask when the silence of water and wind threatened to engulf them – she, they both knew – was Cody's mermaid mother.
"Alright, says we'll spend the summer here, at least give you the chance to finish up your degree before we move onwards again. She wants you to see this place on Mako Island, inside the volcano – we'll take you there later. Meanwhile…got any candy? – I'd kill for a bite." Cody asked not exactly kidding, Jess swallowed back the laugh that threatened and handed over the goodies. All of Cody's favorites at thirteen – and some he'd added over the nine years since his change; he was twenty-two now – though Jess was only twenty – but in some ways it was like time hadn't effected Cody, not like it had Jess. Cody was still innocent of most of the stuff adults hid, and while Jess envied that innocence – he was also determined to protect him all the same.
Cody moaned, softy, as he bit into a chocolate bar – it did…interesting…things to Jess, to hear that sort of sound from his best friend's throat. He glanced away, gaze skimming over sea water and sky, darting away to the island only a short distance away – he felt guilty for feeling the way he did about Cody. It was something he'd been hiding from his best friend since he'd woke up at fifteen from a wet dream about him…them.
"Thanks…. Jess – how's getting a job going?" Cody seemed nervous when he asked – oddly guilty, and Jess knew all too well why that was. Cody mistakenly thought he did what he had – followed them, out of friendship – it was that, make no mistake – but it was also…complicated. Jess shook his head, glancing bemused to Cody who passed the candy wrappers back up to him. Without hesitation he took them from the scaled palms and didn't give a second glance to the raised ridge – fin like – along his friend's forearms.
In the beginning he had been fascinated by them – but over the first few weeks he had learned how sensitive they were, physically – and that Cody still held himself at a distance because of the changes he had gone through with only Jess' poor guesses to guide them.
It was better now. Never the less, Cody often felt guilty for Jess' sake – he and his mother moved around so much it made things hard for Jess - always settling, trying to fit in – then having to move when Cody and his mother did. Cody wouldn't tell Jess so, but he was jealous of any "normal" friend Jess spoke of – even Sam who had been Cody's own one time girlfriend, with her name on Jess' lips made Cody feel slighted – possessive.
The first five years, Cody had finished high school with Jess – going away during the summer time with his mother so he could learn to control his power. It hadn't taken Jess long to decide he didn't like being left alone during the summer and to get himself a boat to follow them sometimes. Cody had treasured those times, for it was when he had learned what a real friend was.
Jess had entered collage, and Cody had felt alone – and when Jess had tried to include him – telling him about the people – his teachers, his peers – the girl he sat next to in lab who didn't blink at blood and the boy who fainted at the sight of it, and things like the knowledge he gained and books he was studying, was when he became the most jealous and possessive. Even now Jess was getting a degree – getting a job – getting settled into a temporary new job, a new life.
But Cody and his mother made sure Jess did alright – the sea held its own kind of wealth and when things were tight neither of them were squeamish about raiding treasure from sunken ships so that Jess would have enough money to eat and follow them at his leisure.
"Got one at the aquarium here, soon as they got my credits they asked for me right off." Cody wrinkled his nose, but Jess ignored it – it was natural he dislike the thought of captured creatures enclosed for the pleasure of people. At least Cody had stopped trying to "free" them. Cody understood now that it wasn't possible for the "wild" life to come back to the ocean once captured, for all that the parks and places claimed "rehabilitation" was the goal, in actuality the money and time invested made "letting go" of any creature a burden upon resources.
But that wasn't Jess' fault – and his friend did need a place to stay, food – equipment replaced or gotten new. It was part of life – and Cody was only glad Jess was his friend, his companion. He wasn't about to let Jess forget that.
"Any thought to how long we're staying this time 'round?" Jess asked carefully, any negative feelings brushed aside – Cody frowned slightly, listening for his mother's response to his question.
"Mom says…this is…home." That, at least, was a surprise – she had never referred to anyplace as "home"; as Jess met Cody's eyes, he felt hope lighten his heart. It just might be, that after so long, they'd found a place to settle.
"But I don't need a babysitter! I have Cleo!" Kim argued as her father, paying more attention to a fishing book then to her statement, walked by. Cleo snorted, her eyes narrowing the only sign she was listening, despite having a book beneath her nose. Teeth clenched, Kim did her best to ignore her "nice" big sister. Everyone thought Cleo was nice, it drove Kim mad.
"Cleo has a job Kim, and so do I – this summer you'll just have to get used to the idea of having someone else watching you for the weekdays." Her father stated, glancing up to give Cleo a fond smile before returning his gaze to Kim, who was – of course – pouting.
"But – it's summer, and I'm old enough to take care of myself!" Kim spat through clenched teeth, it wasn't like she was a baby – though she might as well be for all the responsibility they gave her. It was only because she had let that Charlotte girl into Cleo's room that was what all the "not being left alone" fuss started.
Kim had tried to turn that around by forcing Cleo to do the dishes she hadn't done in over a year – but that had backfired when Cleo had run away. That had scared Kim, Cleo had never done anything like that – and for a while she had thought Cleo might be seriously hurt or dead. Kim was really trying to give Cleo some slack; she didn't want to ever feel so…helpless, again. Still, one would think that Cleo would at least support her in the not needing a babysitter bit.
"Kim, I'm sure that's what you think – but what would you do if there was a fire?" Dad asked, raising an eyebrow. Kim rolled her eyes.
"Put it out." Enter sarcasm.
"See, it's that kind of attitude that really makes me question if you can be on your own for a day." Dad stated, and when she glanced (alright, glared) toward Cleo for support – or, or something, all she got was a confused look in return.
The doorbell rung and Kim – trying to prove she was, in fact, responsible – answered it. It was Emma Gilbert, one of Cleo's friends – and assuredly the most annoying. She was "miss perfect", good grades – good looks, great looking boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriend, he was right behind her – his name, Kim thought – was Ash.
He had given riding lessons to Elliot, Emma's little brother who she had once dated – and been dumped by - after Emma had nearly killed a horse by letting it nibble on some poison weeds, they had somehow gotten together. Kim didn't know the details, but she thought it might involve his managing the JuiceNet where Emma worked; Kim had been surprised that Emma got involved with him – after all, she had wanted the manager position for herself.
"It's Emma…and Ash." Kim favored Ash with a grin, and only got a half smile in response before he turned his attention to Emma and Cleo. Sometimes she felt they all had some big secret, once she had thought it was being a mermaid – but she'd been proven wrong, and felt silly and childish for it.
There was another ring at the doorbell, and Kim exhaled through her nose, reminding herself to keep her temper even as she answered the door. She blinked to see Miriam Kent at the door. Miriam was everything Kim wanted to be – popular, pretty, with boys at her beck and call, didn't hurt things that she didn't like Cleo.
"Dad…it's… Miriam." Kim dragged the name out, wondering if her father even knew who she was. It would be somewhat embarrassing if he didn't.
"Ah, let her in Kim – right on time Miriam. Kim – this is your 'sitter for this week. Now there are contact numbers beside the phone, use them only if you need to – Kim knows the rules, but just in case I've left a list on the fridge." Her dad told Miriam, for a minute Kim couldn't believe what she was hearing. Cleo and Emma looked blank, and Ash blinked, slowly.
"Thank you, Mr. Sertori, I'll be sure to take good care of Kim this summer." Miriam stated, smiling charmingly. Dad gave one last look to Cleo and her friends, ruffled Kim's hair, and left them there, perhaps unaware of the chaos he had caused in mere moments. Emma and Cleo looked between each other, and before Kim could say "bye ugly" they were gone, Ash trailing after.
Kim glanced to Miriam, who had settled herself onto the couch, and looked perfectly comfortable there. She picked up the remote control and changed the channel. Kim resisted frowning – it gave you wrinkles, but she did grind her teeth together in her annoyance. Then she remembered how Charlette had wanted into Cleo's room – maybe Miriam only wanted the same thing?
"What to see Cleo's room?" Kim asked, partly hoping that was the only reason Miriam had to babysit her.
"Why would I want to do that?" Miriam's nose wrinkled in distaste – her lip curling.
"Go to your room." Miriam ordered with a flip of a painted finger nail. Kim hated her. It was war. Stomping and plotting, she went.
"There you guys are – ready to get going?" Lewis asks upon hearing their footsteps on the dock, looking up only once to give Cleo a warm smile upon setting sights on her. Cleo can't help but smile back, but when Emma presses her lips together, they don't seem to notice - while amused by their conduct - she's also worried, mostly about leaving Kim alone with Miriam, though Cleo seems unbothered by it.
"This morning was interesting." Ash tells the other boy as he climbs into the boat, when Lewis, brows drawn together in interest, looks to him, Ash can't help but smirk slightly. He had suspected that would get his attention.
"Oh-m?" Lewis asks, though he doesn't say a word – his curiosity can't be denied. Ash likes that about Lewis, though he'd be the first to admit that at times it can get them into more trouble then they went looking for.
"Miriam's babysitting Kim." Cleo announces, throwing a look at Ash. The look says clearly "he's mine, back off", Ash clears his throat, feeling awkward. He doesn't hold it against Cleo – she'd been possessive of Lewis since he dumped Charlotte, still, he's only trying to get along with the other guys.
"Really? I mean, uh – serious?" Lewis asks, unable to keep the grin off his face.
"Serious." Ash assures, not looking to Cleo as he helps Lewis, preparing to cast off. The girls won't be riding with them – as they are mermaids and can probably swim there faster then they can get there by boat, and for that he's grateful – he loves Emma, but Cleo's possessiveness is…tiring.
"Can I see?" Lewis asks, and Ash almost feels bad for the other guy, the note of pleading is so plain in his voice.
"Later, Lewis – right now, we need to get on our way to Mako Island." Ash tells him, somewhat more sternly then he likes.
"Oh, right – Mako Island…" Ash doesn't think it is just in his head that Lewis looks slightly disappointed. Waving to their boyfriends, Emma and Cleo glance around for watchers once – like they're about to cross the street - then they jump into the water – they've timed it that it only takes ten seconds for them to change into mermaids when they hit the water, but sometimes – Ash thinks it's getting longer.