Okay, an Alanna goes to the convent fic but not your typical one... It is not an Alanna/Jon or an Alanna/Raoul.. it is an Alanna/Something, but I'm not going to tell you just yet...
I rode in the stuffy carriage with three other puffed up convent ladies in a hideously pouffy dress in the scorching heat...
(A/N: puffy and pouffy are two different things!)
I, Alanna of Trebond, turned sixteen today and am heading to the palace in Corus to find myself a husband. I am not interested in a husband, all I have ever wanted was to be a warrior, my dream was to become a knight. But only men were knights, and I was a girl and nothing, nothing, could change that. I had cried upon arriving at the convent. It was just so unfair! How come my dolt of a twin who hated weapons got to become a knight whilst I had to become a lady? I longed for the touch of a sword or a bow but the convent had forbidden it.
I had practiced day and night and had exercised every day for the past couple of years without relent. I wore long gowns that hid my muscles from the other ladies. Nobody knew that me, the shy little redhead (I snorted silently at this) had muscles to match a lion. Now that I was officially free of the convent I could finally get the chance to become the warrior that I was meant to be and to torture my brother of course, I could never refuse to do that, it is my second nature.
The carriage came to a stop and the other carriage inhabitants were very frightened. Does my hair look okay? My skirts aren't ruffled, are they? Gods, the empty-headed convent freaks were vain. I waited for the door to open and then hurried to my rooms. We were being announced tonight but I had time to unpack and explore the castle first, time to find and pester my brother Thom.
I ran to my rooms and emptied my luggage. I put everything away hastily but kept out the clothes I most longed to wear. These clothes were sacred to me and because the convent would've burned them had they caught me in them I had never worn them in years. I had let them down gradually with my forced-upon-learned newfound sewing skills. I changed into the plain white shirt and comfortable brown breeches. I whooped for joy. How I felt free of the stupid convent dresses! I could finally move, jump, run. And that is what I did. I ran outside and jumped into the air, laughing. I was near the training fields and I found a big tree in the grass.
The palace was a dream and it's gardens as well. I started climbing the big tree, it gave me a great view of the practice courts where the pages and squires trained. I watched fascinated as they practiced their hard drills relentlessly. Then I saw a redhead and some of his friends walking fairly close to me. I grinned and ripped a pine cone off the tree and threw it against my brother, hard. I was hidden from view but I heard the loud "Ow!"
Thom was walking with his friends near the practice courts, they had insisted on going to practice there this sunny afternoon and he had grudgingly agreed, just so they'd stop pestering him. He was laughing at something Gary had said when something hit him on the head, hard. Someone had thrown it from the big tree off to his side, they must've had good aim. His friends looked at the tree inquiringly and then Thom jogged to its bottom and looked up into the purple eyes that were so much like his own. He started laughing and laughing, clutching his sides from the effort. His friends looked at each other and approached the tree. Thom having finally quieted down looked at them, his eyes dancing.
"I think it's time for you to meet my sister, Alanna."
I have a lot more, a lot. This is a story I wrote a while ago and have been convinced to post...
Here it is,
Review if you want more!!
Keep Reading,
xxTunstall Chickxx
P.S. This does not, for any reason, mean I am abandoning my other fics. Not at all. Mysschool is almost done, when it finishes, I will update everything, twice a day.