Disclaimer: The characters of Naruto and settings are all owned by Masashi Kishimoto not me.

Chapter 1: Who in the world would love me?


I don't know why... but everybody dislikes me.
They don't come near me, child nor adult...


At Konoha kindergarten I met new people my age.
I knew nobody and nobody knew me but I smiled and was being nice to everyone.
I made quite a few friends on the first day and had let many of my classmates borrow my erasers and pencils.
I should've felt pretty happy ... but one thing was bothering me.
It was the teacher's look towards me.
Mari sensei looked at me with cold eyes filled with fear and ...hate? I could see it every time our eyes locked.
Did she pity me because I didn't have any parents? But why hate? Why me?

The next day, fewer people came near me and more eyes were felt on me.
The same as Mari sensei's. Just cold stares.
What did I do? I hadn't done anything wrong! I hadn't been mean to anyone... then why was everyone looking at me like that?
What's wrong with me?

By the third day, no one talked to me or came near me.
Everyone ignored me.
I felt like crying, but I'm not a girl. That's what I said to myself.
I didn't want to cry in front of everyone and embarrass myself.
So instead, I always put up a goofy smile and showed people that I was enjoying school even though I was alone.

Lunch times, I climbed a tree and sat on a branch, leaning against the huge stem of the tree.
No one bothered to come near this tree since I was here.
I was only 5. Yet people didn't seem to care if a little child was isolated.

In the evenings, I walked around the village since I had nothing else to do.
Everybody created a huge distance from me every time they feel or see my presence, as if I was something dangerous or a weird creature that shouldn't be here.
What was it about me that they can't accept?

After a few weeks, a classmate came up to me during class time and asked for an eraser.
I smiled genuinely and gave him one.
When the classmate came back, he gave me back my eraser which was cut into millions of pieces, scattering before my eyes and onto my desk.
Anger rushed through my veins.
I grabbed a handful of my remains of the eraser and threw it as hard as I could at that grinning classmate in front of me as I screamed in rage.

Tears of anger formed in the corner of my eyes.

Everybody's attention was on me now.

All became silent, except my heavy breath.

"What's your problem?" the classmate asked as he spat out bits of eraser that entered his mouth.

"WHAT'S MY PROBLEM!" I shouted as I grabbed his collar and shaking him hard.
The teacher stopped me and accused me for violence.

So I'm the one who gets told off for this? And I have to apologize?

"Mari sensei... I need to go to the bathroom..." I said in a quiet, clouded voice and rushed out of the door.

Of course I didn't apologize.

I knew that I wasn't the one who did something wrong.

When I reached the toilets, I washed my hands since I couldn't find anything else to do.
Washing hands wasn't what I wanted to do but if I didn't do something, I knew I would collapse into a fit of endless crying or rage and kick or punch into breaking and smashing things.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror before me.

Bright, crystal blue eyes and messy blond, spiked up hair reflected in the mirror, which oddly seemed to match.
Three line marks on each cheek which meant nothing to me.

I sighed and shifted my gaze away from myself.
I walked back to the classroom as I dried my hands on my white t-shirt, leaving two wet marks.
Just as I was about to step into the classroom, when I heard Mari sensei speaking to the class so I hid behind the classroom door before anyone knew I wasn't there, listening.

"I know he is a little ...different," I heard her say.

How am I different?

"And I know your parents' have told you not to go near him,"

My heart skipped a beat.

I grabbed my shirt where my heart would be and pulled on it tight which didn't seem to help my heart that thumped so rapidly, it hurt.

What's that supposed to mean? How come everybody knows me and tries to stay away from me?

"And I know I told you kids not to go near him and talk to him as well. It's hard for me too, knowing what he is... I don't want to cause any major trouble. Please keep aware all the time."
My eyes downcast and I didn't realize I was half out of the shadows.
Mari sensei noticed me as she faced the doorway.
She became white as paper from shock since I overheard everything she said.

She opened her mouth slightly to say something but I didn't want to hear it so I turned and ran as fast as I could out of school, straight home, tears of pain falling down his cheeks.

What is my purpose of being alive?

I am Uzumaki Naruto.

The lonely young kindergarten student who has too many wounds in his heart for a 5 year old...

