Okay! So I apologize for the long delay on this last chapter. I was away on a trip for a while, but now I'm back! I just wanted to say thanks to the reviewers for this story: justformusic, acosta perez jose ramiro, and Grogie13! Thanks guys!

Oh, also I'm dedicating this last chapter to Carlint who has written many stories about Marvin and Lilly, and who has also drawn many pictures of Marvin and Lilly on deviant art! Thanks! So here's the last chapter! Hope you guys like it!

File 69.42

Lilly's Fame

Part 3

"Hey Marv! Have you seen the hover board polish?" Lilly asked as she walked into the bridge holding the old hover board that had saved her life.

"Oh Lilly, you're not still turning your wheels on that rickety-old board are you? The thing is completely useless!"

"That's not true Marv. It's gotta a good run on it…. It just needs some fixing up is all…"

"I suppose…"

"Yeah well, while I fix it up, I think I'll watch something on the old tube." Lilly grabbed the remote from the chair, and pushed it, making the screen descend down from the ceiling. Unfortunately the moment it did, the man from the Earth's news appeared on it.

"Earth is still buzzing about the little Martian savior who rescued the 56 people last week from a hostage situation, and news about Commander X'2's outburst at reporters on his ship is also fresh in news, also…" Before anymore could be said by the man, Marvin grabbed the remote form Lilly and put it on 'mute.' He chuckled nervously as he said,

"You know Lilly… they say too much T.V. watching isn't good for you anyway." But his attempt to draw Lilly's attention from the news failed miserably. She hung her head in shame once more.

"I'm so sorry Marvin…"

"Don't be…" He said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Lilly smiled at him, appreciating his comfort, until her eyes drew back to the mute screen. Her blue eyes went wide.

"Lilly? Is something wrong?"

"'Turn, it up…" She whispered in a tone that was barley audible.


"Turn it up!" Marvin quickly pushed the 'mute' button again, un-muting the screen.

"Breaking news! This station has just learned that another hostage situation is in progress!" The camera then zoomed in on a man holding another man by the collar of his shirt on a rooftop. It only took Lilly one moment to recognize the man.

"Marvin! I-I know that guy! He's one of the brother's who took those people hostages! I remember because I looked back at his face, it's him!"

"Police have just confirmed that the man taking 43 year old Jordan Wicker hostage is Bobby Menandra, one of the brothers who was involved in the hostage situation last week."

"See, see!"

"Hold hold on… we have just gotten a message from the Menandra Brother… He says he demands that Lilly, the Martian who saved the hostages last week, go to the top of the Michael's building on Waterway Street, and if she doesn't he says quote, "I'll toss this guy over the building like a sack of potatoes…" That's going to hurt." Without a moment to lose, Lilly turned the T.V. off and flew up from where she stood.

"Lilly, what are you doing?"

"Marvin, I've got to help that man!" But as Lilly was about to run from the corridor Marvin grabbed her arm, causing her to tumble backwards to a very serious looking Marvin.

"Lilly, you're not going!"

"Marvin I have to! That guy wants me, and if that other guy gets killed because of me I won't be able to live with myself!"

"Well at least you'll be able to live!"


"No! Lilly I won't let you go!"

"Marvin, please!"

"No! And that's that… I feel rather poorly for the fellow, but you can't do anything about it! I won't have you-" But he cut himself off as he turned back to Lilly, who had lowered her head, and was now looking at him with her big blue eyes pleadingly.

"Lilly… Lilly no! No-not the eyes, oh!" He said trying to avoid her big blue eyes, but his attempt failed, and he finally sighed saying,

"Just… go…" Lilly immediately straightened up, throwing her arms around her friend for a quick hug, but immediately stopped, when she realized he didn't respond to her action. She then darted from the bridge, leaving Marvin alone in his large chair. He sat there for a moment, and placed his head in his gloved hands as if in deep thought.

"Why is she so difficult?"


Lilly darted up the staircase that led to the roof of the Michael's building. She ran up the escalating steps so quickly, she even skipped a few steps. She figured flying on a hover board would be a bit to... conspicuous. But just in case, she still carried it, under her arm. All she knew was that, she had a problem she had to fix, and soon. Finally, she reached the top of the building, breathing heavily from climbing the stairs so quickly. She stood there for a moment, until she heard the sound of angry voices. She pushed the door that led to the roof slowly to catch a glimpse of the situation. The sight of the situation horrified her. Menendra held a knife close up to a man, and was looking at him menacingly.

"Please, let me go!" The man pleaded, but Menandrasimply shook his head, and replied,

"Not until that little Martian runt shows up."

"Guess that's my cue." Lilly whispered to herself. Without another moment, she flung the door open to reveal herself. Menandralooked up at the tiny martian and couldn't help but grin wickedly.

"Well, well, well… look who decided to join the party."

"Let him go Mendra… it's me you want remember?"

"Right you are my dear. But first… get rid of that stupid hover board! I don't want any surprises like last time." Lilly, knowing she had no other choice, threw her hover board to the side, causing it to land near the edge of the tall building. The man then through his captor to the ground rather harshly, and with in a second the frightened man dashed towards the door, and quickly ran down the flight of stairs.

"You know you ruined everything for me and my brother. We had that 56-million astro-dollars in the palms of our hands, and you took it way from us!"

"Well I wasn't exactly planning on letting you kill 20 people." She said crossing her arms rather indigently.

"Yeah, well, I guess you plan on losing your own life them." He said holding the knife he had been using close up towards him.

"Please! You think you can beat me with a knife?"

"Who said anything about using a knife?" Before Lilly could react to the comment, the man quickly tossed the knife aside, and from his pocket he pulled out a blaster.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" She yelled at herself. Suddenly a shot came from his blaster and Lilly quickly ducked just barley missing it. He fired it again, and she quickly ran off. She tired to run towards the exit, but as she was about to, he shot at the door making her a little uneasy about heading in that particular direction.

Then he began to run towards her. Lilly managed to avoid him by swiftly moving to the right, and then again to the left. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. This continued for a few more moments, before the irate man finally yelled,

"Enough! I'm gonna get you Martian!" He took the blaster aimed it straight at her heart, but just as he shot it, Lilly mustered all the strength she had, and jumped over the guys head, causing him to duck.

"Ha! You miss-" But she was cut off, as his had quickly found it's way to her throat. Lilly, now not so clam about the situation, tried to beat his arm vigorously with her own small hands, and attempted to berate him with harsh words, but seeing as how his hand was around her throat it was a tad difficult for her.

"Stop moving around!" He shouted, but Lilly only continued to beat at his arms and hands despite his grip around her small neck getting even tighter. However she yielded to this action as he she noticed him taking her to the edge of the building.

"Stop…" Was all she managed to say, as she was carried to the edge, but his grip only tightened. Finally she was hanging over the edge of the building, her feet dangling in mid-air, and for the first time in her life she was truly frightened, though she tried her best not to show it.

"You ruined me and my brother's life… so I'm going to end yours." He said. Suddenly she could feel his grip loosening on her shirt, making her drop a little. She kicked and kicked trying to break completely free, but it was no use. His grip was now holding her far over the edge by her shirt, and she was sure she was dead, until she heard the click of a blaster.

"Put her down!" She heard a voice shout and a voice she knew all to well. She turned her head as far as she could to see Marvin pointing a blaster at the man, and looking absolutely enraged.

"Marvin!" She shouted in excitement. But her excitement quickly dissipated as she felt the grip on her shirt grow looser, and she was one inch closer to certain death. Marvin's eyes widened in fear as this happened; yet he managed to keep his blaster held up.

"Drop the blaster… or I drop the girl!" He said. Marvin hesitated at first, but then slowly he lowered his blaster towards the ground, and once it was there he kicked it a few feet a way from him to emphasize his point.

"Now…let her go." He said now heavy with rage. He smiled a devilish grin at Marvin.

"Okay, if you say so." And then, without a single warning, he let go of Lilly's shirt. She screamed, and Marvin was completely panicked as he watched his friend dive downwards. Without a second thought he leapt towards his blaster, making the man back up.

"STAND STILL!" Marvin ordered, and now, slightly terrified, the man did as he was told. Marvin ran over to the side of the building hoping some sort of a miracle had occurred. Luckily it did. He saw Lilly gripping to a flagpole desperately.

"MARVIN!" She yelled.

"Hang on Lilly!" Marvin looked down at how incredibly high up they were. He felt a bit dazed, but despite his total fear he found himself carefully climbing over the ledge. He then slowly made his way down the building using only the small ledges moving exceedingly slowly.

"Oh no it's fine Marv, just take your time, while I dangle from the flag pole!"

"Just give me a second!" He yelled at her. Finally he reached a window that was close enough to the flagpole. He extended his arm to her, and frightfully gripping the pole with one hand she outreached one of her hands to his.

"Marvin, I can't… reach!" She said as she began to feel herself slipping from the pole.

"Hang on Lilly!" There hands just barley touching soon became quite distant as Lilly felt her grip on the pole leaving her grasp. She was about to fall, until Marvin, in a moment of panic, threw himself towards her and quickly grabbed the ledge again, grabbing Lilly by the arm. He then pulled her up, letting her catch her breath.

"Thanks." She said breathlessly.

"Don't mention it." He said smiling. Slowly the two made their way backup the building, going carefully so as not to fall off the building.

"Were almost there Marv!" Lilly proclaimed excitedly as she grabbed the ledge. Marvin, following right behind her, also grabbed the ledge, and together pushed themselves up. Unfortunately, they were met by the sight of a blaster starring them directly in the face. Both Martian were completely panicked.

"Any last words Martians?" Before either of them could say anything, Lilly glanced quickly to her side seeing her hover board lying extremely close to them. A smile found it's way on her face.

"Yup!" She said, quickly grabbing the board and Marvin's arm. Both Marvin and Menandragave her look of confusion.

"See ya later!" She said. Marvin's look quickly turned from one of confusion to one of horror as he realized what she was doing.

"Lilly no!" But before he could say anything else, she jumped from the ledge with Marvin's arm in one hand, and the hover board in the other. All that could be heard for a moment was the sound of Marvin's terrified screams. Then the sound of an engine could be heard.

"Hang on Marv!" Lilly said as she then grabbed her terrified friend by the waist. She pulled him on to the board with her, and quickly making her feet attached to the board, she steered in a direction towards the ground.

"GANG WAY!" Lilly shouted towards the crowd they were about to land into, making them all move away rather quickly. The board landed in a bumpy style causing them both to roll off it and into the crowd. After a moment of lying on the ground, they stood up to find a crowd of people starring at them.

"You know, not to seem bothersome, but now might be a good time to go, oh I don't know… arrest the guy!" Lilly practically screamed. The moment she did, the police and the rest of the crowd shook themselves from their shocked state, and started to make there way up towards the roof. Lilly couldn't help but smirk as she saw the Menandra brother on the roof scowl at her, before he was pushed into one of the police hove cars.

"Well... wasn't that exciting Marv?" Lilly said trying to relieve her friend's shock. Marvin merely turned to her and said,


"Uh… yeah Marv?"

"Don't EVER do that again."

"Uh… gotha Marv." She said grinning rather sheepishly. Suddenly the two heard an enormous roar of voices. They looked up to see at least three dozen reporters coming towards Lilly.

"Miss Lilly!" They all shouted. Lilly looked somewhat terrified as the horde trampled toward her, but was surprised when Marvin stepped in front of her, and held out his blaster towards the crowd.

"All of you, cease this behavior immediately!" He ordered holding the blaster up higher, and within less then a moment, the entire crowd went silent.

"Good," Marvin stated, "Now listen here you maddening reporters… if you insist on hounding Lilly with ridiculous question, and annoying her to no end, then I'll insist on blasting every last one of your studio's! Understand?" Marvin said. The crowd remained silent, with only a few people nodding their heads.

"Yeah!" Lilly said, emphasizing Marvin's point. "Besides, I'm only giving my story to one reporter. Is Sheryl in this crowd? Lilly shouted.

"Lilly!" She heard, and within a few moments, Sheryl pushed her way through the crowd leaving everyone including her partner William, speechless.

"How'd like an interview Sheryl?"

"It be an honor Lilly! Sorry William. Better luck next time!" Sheryl shouted. The two girls couldn't help but giggle as Marvin led them through the crowd back to the ship.


"Hey Marv! Did you hear? Sheryl got the entertainment column. I guess an interview with me was enough to get her in."

"Yes I suppose it did assist her now, didn't it?"

"Yeah." Lilly said sitting on one of the over sized armrests on the Commander's chair.

"Hey Marv… I didn't get to say thank you."

"Thank you? For what Lilly?"

"For you know… saving me… again… and for not being bothered by this whole little incident."

"I would hardly call the incident little Lilly, but it's all in the past now, and-" But before he could finish his sentence, he felt Lilly's small arms fling around his neck holding him in a tight embrace.

"Thanks Marv." She said slowly backing away form him, only to realize we was blushing madly.

"Um… no problem Lilly… So long as you promise to at least attempt to stay out of Earth's affairs."

"I'll do my best Marv."

"Good." Marvin said as he went back to his work.

"But you know… I heard there was some robberies in Hong Kong, and I thought maybe I could…"


Ha ha… Lilly, always the persistent one, isn't she? Anyway, that's the end that that story, but my next post will be an extra special one because… because… well, just wait and see! So, again, thanks to all who reviewed, and thanks again to Carlint for all the stories and all the pictures! I'll try to have my next post up soon! R & R!