We've come to the last chapter. Thank you, everyone, for going along with me into this strange AU descent. The next fic coming out will be a Cuddy baby!fic story, so look forward to that!


"Lisa, that thing is an animal!" Wilson watched as Cuddy hurried over to the beast's side and knelt down next to him.

"He's not moving," Cuddy looked House over and noticed the sharp piece of metal protruding from his body.

"Get away from him." Wilson stepped closer, planning on pulling Cuddy away again.

"He's bleeding." Cuddy blinked against tears she didn't even realize were forming.

Wilson shook his head and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "I'm calling the cops."

"House..." Cuddy gently shook the beast. She then looked toward Wilson. "James, he's hurt."

"I don't care what he is, we're getting out of here," Wilson told her and then looked to his phone again. There wasn't any signal.

"I'm not leaving him," Cuddy said, her tone hardening. "We have to do something."

"I don't even know what he is," Wilson replied.

"Find Cameron or Foreman," she instructed. "Or Chase. They can help."

Wilson stared at her as if she was crazy. "Who?"

"They're on this floor." Cuddy kept her eyes locked with his. "Please trust me on this."

"What are you talking about?" Wilson asked, eyebrows drawn.

"Please," Cuddy begged. "He's bleeding all over. They'll help. Just go."

Wilson gave a shrug as he began to leave the room. "Fine."

Cuddy watched Wilson for a moment and then placed her full attention back on House. She looked back down at the metal with his blood on it. He must have landed on it when he fell.

"You're all right." Cuddy was trying to reassure herself as well as him. "You're going to be okay."

House groaned and turned his head slightly. He opened his eyes and focused them on her.

"I think I'm bleeding," he said.

"You are," she confirmed his suspicions. "But help is coming. So, hang in there."

He shook his head. "I can't breathe."

Cuddy straightened slightly, hearing the rise of voices and the hurried footsteps. She directed her gaze back to House. "I hear them. They're coming."

"I don't think..." the pain caused House to stop. He hadn't felt pain like this since his thigh.

"No," Cuddy told him. "Don't do this."

House focused on her. "I'm glad you were here... I'm glad you came back."

"House." Cuddy felt her fear rise when his eyes closed. She was now aware her dark lashes were wet with tears. "Greg..."

"We're here." Foreman entered quickly into the room.

"What happened?" Cameron demanded as Chase followed her in, his hand lit.

Bright light filled the room, forcing any darkness from it. The white was blinding and caused Foreman, Cameron, and Chase to stop in their tracks. Cuddy squinted against the light as she tried to focus on House, but she couldn't make out anything. And then, the light faded.

Blinking, Cuddy looked around at her environment. The fourth floor was back to normal, each misplaced and destroyed item back in its exact position. Foreman, Cameron, and Chase were in their normal clothes, any sign of their former changes had completely disappeared.

Wilson stood in the hospital doorway, staring at Cuddy as she remained still kneeling next to House. She turned her attention back to him. House's hair was messy, stubble was on his face. He was wearing jeans and a button up shirt beneath a suit jacket. His injury had vanished.

House opened his eyes and they went to Cuddy. He frowned at her.

"What happened?"

"You're... better," Cuddy told him. She looked around the room. "All of you. Back to normal." She directed her attention to House. "And I remember now. Everything." She paused, confused. "But, what happened?"

"The spell!" Foreman exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "You broke it."

Chase hugged Cameron tightly before kissing her. Foreman let out a sigh of relief and then felt his face, glad the mustache was gone. Wilson entered into the room, very confused and uncertain.

"House, are you all right?" Wilson asked.

House sat up, aware of the pain that was back in his right thigh. "Yeah."

Cuddy stood to her feet and helped House to his. He was careful of putting pressure on his right side. A few nurses passed by the hospital room and glanced in at the six as they wondered what House had done now.

Wilson approached House. "I'm sorry about-"

"Forget it," House cut him off with a short shake of his head.

Cuddy placed House's arm around her shoulder. She began to lead him from the hospital room and to his office, where she hoped his cane was. Cameron and Chase, arms around each other, gave House and Cuddy large smiles. Foreman, too, gave them an appreciative smile.

"Good job, House," Foreman said.

House rolled his eyes at Foreman as he passed him. "Shut up, Foreman."

Cuddy helped House into the hallway and led him toward his office while Foreman, Cameron, and Chase were left to fill Wilson in on what happened.

Once they reached House's office, Cuddy opened the door for him and House entered by himself. Cuddy followed him through and retrieved his cane from where it rested against his yellow chair in the corner of the room. Cuddy walked over to him and held it out. House took it from her.

"So..." Cuddy wished this felt less awkward. "This was weird."

"Surreal." House looked over his cane, a strange sense of attachment passing through him.

"A dream?" Cuddy guessed, thinking the last almost five years couldn't have actually happened.

"Nope." House turned from her and limped across the room, glad he could actually limp again as a human being.

House stopped at his desk and picked up the delicate flower. He faced Cuddy and held up the rose, which was in full bloom. House smirked slightly.

Cuddy crossed to him. "But, what did it mean? All of this?"

"I think..." House twirled the rose between his fingertips. He lifted his eyes from it and placed them on her. "It means I love you."

Cuddy's eyebrows drew together. "No... What?"

"Aw, come on," House said. "Don't tell me you're trying to deny your feelings for me now. After all, I saved your life."

"And apparently I saved yours." Cuddy indicated the rose.

"Apparently," House agreed and leaned closer to her.

House extended the rose to her. Cuddy reached to take it, her fingers lingering on his longer than necessary. She took the rose from him carefully and House took that as his moment to let his lips meet hers.

The End.