Okay, I know I said that this was originally going to be a one-shot, but I got a lot more reviews than I expected, so now I'm turning this into a series of one-shots with different scenes in which Bella ditches Jake. Fun, right? I know. :-)
This idea came from sieze.the.night, so all credit goes to her! (Or possibly him, but I doubt it.)
Disclaimer: No matter how much it makes me cry, I have to admit that Twilight belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer. SOB
I walked into my room after saying good night to Charlie, anxious to be in Edward's arms again. I was super excited too, because it just so happened that Charlie had just left on an over-night trip to Seattle that had something to do with baseball. However, my ascent to my heaven was cut short when I realized his arms were crossed in front of his chest. After a quick survey around the room, I figured it was probably due to the werewolf standing across from him. Wait, werewolf?
"Jacob Black, what in the world are you doing in my room?" I yelled at him.
Jake tore his eyes away from Edward and managed to stop making faces at him long enough to answer me. "Bella, you are such a slut! I can't believe you're actually going to marry this leech!" (A little out of character, Jake calling her a slut and all, but it's my story so deal with it! Jk, remember that Jacob is having a jealous rage and is not thinking straight, causing him to call Bella a bad word)
Before I could even blink back the tears caused by Jacob calling me that horrible name, Edward was snarling and was running into Jacob. Before I could even scream, he was punching Jacob in the stomach and face and was kicking him in the place where the sun-don't-shine.
But after that, time seemed to slow down. A piece of paper had fallen out of Jacob's pocket, and Edward's arm rubbed up against it. I could see the cut that had formed almost instantly.
"Edward!" I screamed out in fear for his cut. Both of them looked up at me, worried out of their minds that I was hurt.
Edward rushed over to me, and pulled me into his arms. I suppose Jacob might have tried to do the same, but Edward had hurt him so much that it appeared that he was having trouble moving.
"What is it Bella? What's wrong?" Edward asked me anxiously. I didn't speak. Instead, I merely pulled his injured arm up to my face for closer inspection. Sure enough, I saw a small drop of venom oozing out of it.
"Bella, are you okay?" I was asked once again, only by Jacob. I turned to him with an icy glare. I noticed how bruised his face was and how he was holding his stomach in pain, but I didn't care. He had hurt my love.
"Look at what you've done," I hissed at him, shoving Edward's arm in his direction. "How could you?"
"Bella, it wasn't-" Jacob began to defend himself. But I didn't want to hear his crap.
"Get out." My voice was barely a whisper.
"Get out!" I yelled at him.
He stared at my face for a moment longer, and then jumped out my window. Hopefully that was the last time that I would have to see that dreaded werewolf. If I had any say in it, it would be.
I then turned to Edward. "How's your arm?" I asked innocently.
He merely stared at me in shock.
Haha, that was fun to write. Thanks sieze.the.night!