Inuyasha sat atop the highest sturdy branch of his favorite tree. His arms stayed lightly crossed around the Tetsiaga while he's his back found its support propped up against the trunk. With his right knee bent, he kept his supernatural balance by planting one foot on the surface while his other leg hung over the branch dancing with the slight breeze. His golden eyes were hidden behind thickly lashed eyelids completing the illusion of peaceful sleep. The only parts of his body that may have tipped someone off to how alert and awake he actually was were his ears and occasionally his nose.

At every sound in a seventy-five foot radius, his furry little dog ears swiveled and twitched toward the sound, before turning around after the noise was dubbed non-threatening. Usually whatever he had heard was a small animal and it would leave in and matter of seconds in the opposite direction. But other times, there was an unknown creature that was more bold (or ignorant) than the others, and they had a tendency to travel within his unmarked bubble of personal space. That didn't predominantly upset him enough to open his eyes and glare at it so he would settle with just sniffing the air a few times to single out the scent that wasn't there before; the one that didn't belong.

The birds sung especially loudly today. Their spring melodies and songs carried through the air for miles. One particularly loud and seemingly obnoxious bird happened to be belting out a tune on the branch below him. After about thirty seconds of torture on his sensitive ears, Inuyasha got fed up. So he uncrossed his arms and raised his right arm slightly. His hand was now formed into a fist. That fist made contact with the trunk of the enormous natural structure with enough force to knock down a smaller tree. But this one was older and much larger so it stayed standing. But the vibrations of the impact shock the tree to its roots. The annoying creature immediately caught the hint and took flight toward a safer perch a good distance away.

He couldn't help that he was irritable. He just hated this season with every fiber of his very being. It was a week into spring; the official season for inu youkai mating. His instincts were stronger than ever before and his inner demon was right on the edge of his brain. That's why he was there, in the tree, so she stayed out of danger. No matter how much he felt like he needed to be close to her, he wanted to protect her more even if he needed to protect her from himself. He held his father's fang close and tried to kept himself as calm as possible. He didn't want that thing to come out. While it would usually lust for blood and the trill of the kill, in the spring it lusted for something entirely different.

His ears twitched at the sound of a twig snapping about twenty yards away. The unidentified being was making a beeline for the tree he was currently lounging in. Inuyasha lifted his head slightly and took a quick whiff of the air. 'It's her… Kami she smells so damn good.' He was shaken out of his thoughts when he realized that he had lost his balance. He wanted her with such intensity that he had unconsciously made a move to get closer to her. He was falling. Not in love, he had known that he loved her for some time now, no… he was falling toward the ground.

He silently thanked who or whatever was responsible for the great distance between himself and the ground. This distance gave him ample time to flip backwards in the air and land with surprising grace on both feet. Now that he was out of his sanctuary, his nose was nearly overwhelmed by her sweet scent. Her deliciously curvy form stood a mere four feet away continued to come closer. Her beautifully silky smooth midnight blue tresses flowed in the breeze. She ran a dainty hand through her hair and gently tucked a few stubborn locks behind her ear.

"It's almost lunchtime. You should come back to camp before your ramen gets cold." Kagome promptly grabbed his hand and dragged him in the correct direction before he had time to… do anything at all. Although her hand in his felt petite, they were slightly calloused from using her bow and arrows. Many things had changed about her body over the course of two and a half years and this was one of them. But every single one of the transformations she had been through on their journey, whether small or more noticeable, had only made her more beautiful in his eyes.

She was too good. Too good for Kouga; he didn't truly love her. He just wanted her power. He didn't need Kagome on all the levels that Inuyasha did, but that jackass was willingly to steal her away anyhow. That pissed Inuyasha off to no end. She was too good for that wimpy wolf; she was too pure for any mortal man to taint. She was a goddess. And although he loved her more than words could say, the fact was that no one deserved to have her; not even him.