Somehow, Neji had managed to fall asleep in Sasuke's arms and the next thing he knew, he was in his bed on Saturday morning.
His eyes fluttered open and his mind slowly registered where he was. Neji shot up and looked around. He remembered what had happened the previous night but it was a little hazy right now, and the pessimistic side of him told him it had just been a dream. But, thankfully, the realistic side of him told him it had been real.
Neji quickly got himself up and dressed himself, noticing that he wasn't in his tux anymore, but in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He turned red. Had Sasuke dressed him, or had Hiashi? He quickly shook his head and changed into a beige long sleeve shirt and a pair of blue pants. He hurried downstairs and looked at the clock. 7:48. Something about that time seemed to scare Neji but he wasn't sure what. Hiashi came into the room.
"Oh, Neji-san, you're up. I was just about to go get you," he said. "Uchiha-san is going to be here in about ten minutes to pick you up." Neji blinked.
"For what, uncle?" he asked. Hiashi gave him a sideways glance.
"For your date," he said, as though this were obvious. Then comprehension seemed to dawn on him and his expression changed.
"Oh, that's right. You were asleep!" he exclaimed. "Well, you have a date with Uchiha-san at eight o'clock." Neji gave his uncle a look. Was it just him, or did his uncle seem amused at the fact that Neji was so nonplussed. Neji shook the thought from his mind and went into ultimate schoolgirl mode. Without realizing it, of course.
"Well, that's perfect," he said sarcastically. "Did he say what he wanted me to wear?" Hiashi struggled to hide a laugh and shook his head, not trusting himself to speak. Neji rolled his eyes and turned pink, realizing what he must've sounded like.
"Well, I guess I'll just wear this," he said, trying to keep himself from yelling at his irritating uncle. He went into the kitchen to get himself a small breakfast, all the time watching the clock.
7:50, 7:51, 7:52, 7:53. It seemed like it took forever for the clock to finally strike eight o'clock. And when it did, Sasuke wasn't there. By 8:01 Sasuke still hadn't arrived. By 8: 02 Neji felt himself panic slightly. By 8:03 Neji was mentally and mercilessly punishing himself for panicking. By 8:04 Neji was thinking of going to the bathroom. At 8:05 he heard a knock on the door. Schooling himself to a walk, not a run, Neji went to the door and calmly opened it.
There stood Uchiha Sasuke, dressed as he normally would dress for winter, not over dressed in any way. He wore a black jacket and black jeans and smiled at Neji. The second thing the Hyuuga noticed was that the ground behind Sasuke was covered in a light layer of white powdery snow. The Hyuuga felt himself smile.
"It snowed," he said. Sasuke nodded.
"I'll bet the sakura tree looks beautiful," he said. Neji nodded. He quickly turned and called back to Hiashi that Sasuke was there, surprised at how normal it all sounded. Then he stepped out to Sasuke, and the Uchiha pulled him into his arms and placed a soft kiss on the Hyuuga's lips.
That was a big confirmation that last night was not a dream. Neji smiled into the kiss and tried not to look too disappointed when Sasuke pulled away.
"So, where are we going?" the Hyuuga asked. Sasuke shrugged.
"Pick a place," he said. Neji let his mouth fall open in mock disapproval.
"You mean, you're taking me on a date and you don't even know where we're going?" he asked. Sasuke grinned.
"Basically," he said. "You've always complained about something or other on all the other outings you've gone on with me and or other people." Neji looked sheepish and turned away to hide it.
"Yes, well, that was because those outings were usually with Naruto-san," he said, voicing the first thing that came to his mind. Sasuke laughed.
"Fair enough," he said. "But, I'm not taking any chances. So, where do you want to go?" Neji shrugged.
"I still haven't seen much of Konoha," he admitted. "Why don't you take me somewhere I haven't gone? If I don't like it I'll tell you."
"Alright," Sasuke agreed. He reached out and snaked his arm around Neji's waist, pulling the Hyuuga in to him. Holding Neji with the caring sentiment that only a boyfriend could, Sasuke led the brunette onto the Konoha Forest path.
They walked together, Neji for the first time, considering and experiencing how wonderful it felt to have someone care about you as ardently as Sasuke cared about him. It lifted his spirits and called forth emotions the Hyuuga never knew he had.
Neji closed his eyes as he walked, letting his head fall onto the Uchiha's shoulder and trusting Sasuke to lead him safely. The Uchiha turned his head and placed a soft loving kiss on the Hyuuga's head, and Neji smiled, blushing. Things were indeed looking up for him.
Sasuke first took Neji to the bookstore he enjoyed so much. He bought the Hyuuga an interesting music book and also forced on him a sci-fi story about machines taking over the world etcetera. He made Neji read the first chapter and refused to leave the store until he did.
"Come on, Hyuuga, it's not that bad," Sasuke insisted. Neji made a face.
"It's so unrealistic," he said, disgusted. "None of that could ever happen." Sasuke sighed.
"That's where imagination comes in," he said. "There's a magical thing called open mindedness, which, right now, you don't have a lot of. Now read." He shoved the book at Neji and sat down at a table, eyebrows raised.
"I'm not leaving until you read the first chapter of that book, Hyuuga." Neji scowled at the Uchiha and reluctantly opened the book, and began to read. Much to his immense surprise and shock, the Hyuuga found that he enjoyed the first chapter of the story. He didn't tell Sasuke, though.
Sasuke had then taken Neji to the mall where he had intended to get himself and Neji a hot chocolate, but the Hyuuga had vehemently insisted that they share one so that Sasuke wouldn't be wasting his money.
"I just don't see why you need to waste your money on two of something we could easily share one of," Neji said pointedly. Sasuke grinned and bought one large hot chocolate.
"Happy?" he asked, waving the drink in front of Neji's face. The Hyuuga pouted cutely.
"Yes, Uchiha, I am," he said. "Was that so hard?" Sasuke rolled his eyes and took a sip of the warm creamy beverage. Neji's mouth turned upward in a mischievous smile.
"Let me try it, Uchiha," he said. Sasuke held out the hot chocolate, but Neji bypassed the cup and placed his lips on Sasuke's inserting his tongue into the other's mouth and tasting the sweet chocolaty flavor of the drink along with a slight taste of the whipped cream that came with it. Sasuke smiled into the kiss and he quickly put the hot chocolate on a table so he wouldn't drop it.
A moment later Neji pulled away and smiled.
"Good?" Sasuke asked, smirking. Neji nodded.
"Delicious," he agreed.
The rest of their date had been fun and sweet and the end of it had found them once again by the sakura tree. Sasuke had been right. The tree was beautiful when it was covered in a light layer of soft white snow. Neji's breath hitched in his throat when he saw the beautiful sight. By then it had started to snow lightly once again. The small frozen flakes fell softly down onto the two boys and Neji suddenly realized he didn't have a coat on.
Sasuke had figured that out a little bit before Neji and that attested to why he was now holding Neji close to him, as though shielding him from the offending snowflakes.
Neji and Sasuke spent Sunday together in the same fashion. It was Monday that neither of them were looking forward to. Their first day back to school as a couple.
As always, Neji awoke at 5:30 and finished all of his morning rituals by about 6:15. For thirty minutes he played the piano and then for the remaining fifteen minutes he spoke with Hinata about him and Sasuke. It was times like these he was glad to have someone to whom he could talk and who would listen.
"So, Nii-san, how was your date?" Hinata asked shyly that morning. Neji turned to her and smiled.
"It was perfect, Hinata-sama," Neji said. Hinata smiled and sat down beside him.
"Well, that's good," she said. "I'm glad you found someone who you can care about and love and who loves you back." Neji laughed.
"Hinata-sama, you've just described yourself!" he said. Hinata blushed and smiled.
"You know what I mean, Nii-san," she said. Neji smiled and nodded, putting his arms around her in a brotherly embrace. She giggled.
"But now comes the hard part," she said. Neji sighed.
"I know," he said. "Now I have to tell everyone."
At seven o'clock, Hinata and Neji hurried out of the door to find Sasuke waiting for them, as usual. Neji smiled as he kissed the Uchiha, completely aware of Hinata smiling behind him. He pulled away and Hinata walked beside her cousin, slipping her hand through his.
"Sasuke-san, you are going to take care of Nii-san, aren't you?" she asked seriously. Neji reddened slightly. Hinata sounded like Hiashi. Sasuke smiled and nodded, holding Neji's hand tightly.
"To the best of my abilities," he promised. "You don't have to worry, Hinata-san. I'm not going to let Neji fall." Neji turned and smiled at Sasuke. He knew he was being terribly mushy, but he couldn't help it. He now understood what his father had enjoyed in those romance films he used to watch all the time. The ones that Neji had found cheesy and disturbing. And at the same time, the ones he now found wonderful and sweet.
They walked together through the forest and soon arrived at Konoha High. Naruto, of course, was ready to greet his girlfriend and Sasuke and Neji. He almost bowled Hinata over with his energetic greeting. He would've bowled Neji over had Sasuke not been there to brace them as they both started to fall. He smirked as Naruto separated himself from the brunette Hyuuga.
"Careful, Uzumaki," he joked. "From now on, I'm the only one who can be that rough with Neji." Naruto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
"You two are together?" he asked incredulously. Neji and Sasuke nodded. Naruto's expression of shock turned to one of ecstasy and excitement.
"Finally!" he shouted. Grinning and looking between the two of them, he asked, "Which one of you told first?" Sasuke turned slightly pink and pointed to himself. Naruto punched the air.
"Yes!" he shouted. "Alright, Hinata-chan, hand over twenty bucks!" Hinata looked irritated.
"Damn!" she shouted. Neji did a double take. Hinata folded her arms and turned away from Naruto.
"I don't have twenty bucks on me," she said. "I'll have to get back to you on that." Naruto rolled his eyes.
"Don't forget," he said. Hinata huffed, turned and stomped away. Neji and Sasuke watched her go, rather dumbfounded.
"What just happened?" Sasuke asked. Naruto looked at him, smirking.
"We were betting on which one of you'd crack first," he said. "Hinata bet on Neji and I bet on Sasuke. I won!" Neji looked hard at Naruto, thinking back to Tenten's bet at the movies.
"And, by 'we' you mean, you, Hinata-sama, Tenten-san, Lee-san, Shikamaru-san, Sakura-san, and Ino-san?" he asked, already knowing the answer. Naruto nodded.
"Yep," he said proudly. "I have to say, Sasuke, it's kind of an upset. Even I never expected that you'd be the first to say it. I even started carrying around twenty bucks with me just in case!" Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Nice to know that you believe I can't talk about my feelings, Naruto," he said. Naruto nodded. He reached out and grabbed Neji's hand.
"Come on," he said. "We'll talk about it at lunch. I don't want to be late, and if I am, I'm blaming you guys." With that, he pulled them into the school.
First period was very interesting. Naruto literally almost announced to the entire class that Neji and Sasuke were going out. The only thing that stopped him was Neji, who chose to shut him up by painfully bending the blonde's arm behind his back to the point where Naruto had to double over. The Uzumaki had wisely kept his mouth shut after that.
In second period Lee had fervently congratulated Neji over and over and over, and Neji made a silent promise that he would have to maim Naruto at lunch.
Third, fourth, fifth and sixth period were basically the same as they always were. One of the big differences was, in P.E., Neji could feel free to gawk at Sasuke as long as he wanted and didn't have to hide it. After all, they were an item now.
When lunch came, Naruto stayed true to his word and began a conversation about Neji and Sasuke's relationship. Much to Neji's chagrin, everyone felt like talking about it.
"So, Hyuuga-san," Deidara said, grinning. "You've found the special someone who can arouse those sexual desires in you that we've been talking about, eh?" Neji smirked.
"Yes, that seems to be the case, Deidara-san," he agreed. "But, unfortunately for me, those desires have not yet been completely satisfied." He turned to glance mischievously at Sasuke, who raised his brow, and Deidara started laughing.
"Well, let's hope you don't have to wait long," Sasori said, chuckling. Neji nodded.
"Oh, don't worry about that, Sasori-chan," Itachi sniggered. "Sasuke knows very well that he can have the apartment to himself, any time he wants someā¦alone time with his new boyfriend." Sasori chuckled and Sasuke grinned.
"I'll take you up on that offer sometime, Itachi," he said. "But I have to consult my 'new boyfriend' first." Neji grinned and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I certainly wouldn't be against something like that," he said suggestively. "But, I'm afraid Hiashi-sama wouldn't allow it. Before we can have sexual intercourse, it is required that Sasuke court me for a while, taking me on formal dates, etcetera. And he must meet my guardian and formally discuss with him his intentions with me. Then, he must be approved as a suitable partner for me, and then, the sky's the limit." He stopped and Itachi was shaking his head.
"Boy, Sasuke, what did you get yourself into?" he joked. Sasuke chuckled and turned to Neji.
"So, the courting begins now, huh?" he grinned. Neji nodded and smirked.
"I don't mean to frighten you, Uchiha," he said. "But you should at least know what you're getting yourself into when you become intimately involved with a Hyuuga. And Naruto-san should know this too. Since he is dating Hinata-sama." He grinned evilly at Naruto, who had gone slightly white in the face and became a little rigid. Hinata was laughing at him. She winked at Neji, who grinned at her.
The rest of the school day went well and Neji had to admit that he enjoyed it. After orchestra, Sasuke and Neji were confronted by a very nervous Sai, who attempted to make an awkward peace with them. Neji was willing to let bygones be bygones but Sasuke was still a little wary around the ebon haired boy. In the end, though he agreed not to hold any grudges as long as Sai kept his distance, something which he was only too happy to do.
Sasuke, Hinata and Neji walked to Hiashi's house together, as always, this time with a new addition to their group. Naruto had started going that way after school as Hinata's relationship with him deepened. And he just wanted his twenty bucks. Something that he would rub in Hinata's face for years to come.
And as the days of his high school career slowly came and went, Hyuuga Neji found that he was happy; truly happy. Because he now had friends, a family and love. All things that he had given up on in the face of his sorrow, anguish and remorse.
And, at the same time, the things that had saved him from his sorrow, anguish and remorse. And finally, after so many long years, Neji's heart was whole again.
--Seven Years Later--
Neji sat on the couch in his and Sasuke's small house, reading a very interesting sci-fi book. Ever since high school, he had had a growing interest in that genre.
He now had a job as a music teacher's assistant, and worked at his old high school, Konoha High. His lover, Sasuke, worked at the book store and often brought home a variety of books he believed Neji might be interested in, most of them musically oriented.
Neji and Sasuke had been living together for exactly one year to that day. Neji had sought Sasuke out, upon graduating college and had asked him, rather awkwardly, if he wouldn't mind living with him. Sasuke had rolled his eyes, pulled Neji into his arms and kissed him fervently, then replied with a very breathy "Alright."
Sasuke had had to finish one more year of college before he could move in with Neji, who had already managed to find a small place for them. Ironically enough, it was in Konoha, the city that both of them loved so much. Neji's uncle, Hyuuga Hiashi helped with the rent until Neji found a decent job aside from his teaching job that paid him well enough so that he could do it himself.
"Hyuuga." Neji looked up at Sasuke as he walked through the front door, holding a small bag. The Uchiha walked over to Neji and leaned over, placing a small kiss on his lips. Neji smiled.
"How was your day?" he asked. Sasuke shrugged.
"Alright," he said. "I missed you, though." Neji went red, chastising himself as he did so. He had been living with Sasuke for one year and the Uchiha could still make him blush as though they were in high school.
"What time did you get in?" Sasuke asked. Neji thought.
"About one hour ago," he said. "I want to ask you something, though." He put his book down and leaned towards Sasuke.
"Why is there a 'Do not enter' sign on the door to the living room?" he asked. Sasuke smiled.
"Because it's a surprise," he replied, his breath fluttering down Neji's neck as he leaned ever closer to the Hyuuga, making him shiver. He took Neji's hand and pulled him off the couch. Positioning himself behind the Hyuuga, Sasuke placed his hands over Neji's eyes and whispered, "Close your eyes." Neji complied. Sasuke began to walk him forward and Neji's hands shot instinctively out in front of him in an attempt to feel out where he was.
"Relax," Sasuke said. "I promised you I would never let you fall." Neji felt himself blush and he attempted to slow his breath and heart. He felt Sasuke remove one hand from his face and he squeezed his exposed eye shut. He heard a door open and he assumed it was the door to the living room. He grew excited. What was Sasuke planning?
Sasuke removed his other hand from Neji's face and said, "Alright, open your eyes." Neji's eyes fluttered open and widened as they took in the sight before them. His mouth fell open and he gasped, bringing his hands up to his mouth.
"Happy anniversary, Neji," Sasuke whispered in his ear. "I love you." Neji's mouth opened and closed so he looked like a fish out of water. He would've said something. Would've said those words to Sasuke, but his throat had closed and he forgot how to talk. He was just too entranced by what was before him.
It stood proud and beautiful, just as it had all those years ago in high school. And Neji's breath hitched, just as it had in high school. Because, there, in front of him, stood the one thing he had never expected to have so early in his life.
A grand piano.
And as he went over to look at it, to feel it, to play it, Neji saw something that caused his heart to stop.
Because there, sitting on the piano stool was one thing he never expected to have anytime during his life.
An engagement ring.
YYYYAAAAAYYYYY!! SASUNEJI FOREVER!! They're still going strong!! Tell me what u guys thouhgt!! This is the last chptr of this fic!! I'm debating about writing a sequel, just for the hell of it. What do u think??
Oh, poor Hinata owes Naruto twenty bucks!!
Sasuke proposed to Neji!! Tell me what u thought of that end scene!! I need to know if it sounds good!!
Review pleeaase!! Thx u all for sticking with me for the whole story!! Luv u all!! xD