A/N: Oh god, I know I should be updating Opposites attract but I haven't quite finished the chapter and I wanted to post something so, this thing just popped into my head and I just went with it. Hope you like it. and also, please review! :D


Being Hugged from behind.

The best feeling in the world, being hugged from behind. Better than the way my silk creamy coloured sheets graze my body on those rare summer nights when I prefer to sleep naked ; better than the autumnal smell of the torn pages that only exists in the old library books that reaches my nostrils the second I open them and only makes me want to read even more. It's this inexplicable thing that curls around my chest and soars up to the skies whenever he hugs me from behind. Just him. Only him.

Maybe it's the way my body fits so perfectly against his, like we were always meant to be this way and in those moments I wonder how we didn't realise before our fates had always been intertwined, like our bodies when we hug, and our limbs when we fuck. Maybe it's how I can feel his every hot breath skating teasingly along my neck like a flowing river of delicious, humid non-friction, cause there isn't any; just the ghostly feel of lips that are barely there, and not there at all when they are not kissing.

Deep down I think I like it because then, when he's doing it, I can't see all of the perfection that he is, the glorious sight of his unearthly beauty. And so i don't have to feel insecure, I forget to be inadequate for the fact that I'm so scrawny, so scarred and so when I don't see him I don't have to think about the reasons why he's here with me, like I do when I look him in the eyes. I do think about it, though. I do wonder why he loves me.

But then his hands wrap themselves around my waist and sneak up under my shirt, caressing the sensitive skin they find there and then I think it must be this what makes me love those hugs so much.

"Oh god Moony, I do love it when you shiver" And bugger, his voice is also a thing of evil.

Maybe all of this delusion is just the way my brain tells me that I need to start breathing properly, and to stop bloody shivering. But when he's encouraging me that way, well I can't help myself, can I?

It's all happening so fast, I didn't notice his thigh had wormed its way between my legs and he began rocking his hips slightly until a disobedient moan escaped my lips so now I'm sure, I'm just thinking with my cock. So he's the one who likes the hugs, not me. This, it must be.

Such a hypocrite I am. I love them. My useless brain loves them, my ragged uncontrolled breathing loves them, my wildly beating heart loves them, and my neck is specially thankful for them when his tongue is leaving a wet trail of Siriusness all over my pale Adam's apple and jaw and really! my moans and groans should learn to behave themselves.

I love being hugged from behind. Even better than kissing. Is that such a crime? Maybe it could be our dirty little secret.