Okay, so I changed my mind... I decided that I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to post this, so here's the last alternate ending. This one is my favorite mostly because I love Chad and Taylor together... especially after this morning... I buy and read the little High School Musical books you can get at walmart for like 5 (though they're a lot cheaper to buy used on ) and while I enjoy the stories from east high, I bought the Stories from East High Super Special and I finished it this morning and I absolutely loved it! Especially the interactions between Chad and Taylor... oh... it was like the best thing ever!! That's the stuff I want in HSM3! haha

Anyway, thanks to xpinkdiamondx, dramagirl237 and spotzy for reviewing the second alternate ending.

I also want to give a very special thank you to the following people for reviewing this little story of mine (even if it was only once or twice): bleumanistheonlyman (x2), dramagirl237, gembryant, heyhiyahowyadoin, Holy Cross Baby, itsasimpleILYx3, liv3.in.lov3 (x3), Mony19 (x2), naughtycate (x3), sassygrl96 (x2), spotzy (x8), tashLOVE (x4), ToniMarie63 and xpinkdiamondx (x3)


Alternative Ending #3

On the Tuesday of homecoming week, Gabriella surprised Chad by asking him to go to the dance with her. He had been extremely surprised by her request and when he had asked her why she wanted to go with him, she told him that they were still friends and that she forgave him for what he had done.

When the homecoming court nominations came out, it was no surprise that Troy's name was on the list, it was a surprise, however, that Chad's name was on the list as well.

It wasn't until the morning of the dance that Chad over heard Jack and Troy talking in the kitchen.

"So, you have a date to the dance?" Jack asked.

"No, I didn't ask anyone," Troy replied. "The only reason I'm going is because of the stupid homecoming court."

"Why not?" Jack asked. "Surely there was a girl you wanted to take."

"There was, she just already had a date," Troy shrugged.

"Gabriella?" Jack asked and Troy nodded.

Hearing foot steps, Chad grabbed his backpack from the closet and left the house. The guilty feeling had returned to the pit of his stomach and he hated it. After he confessed to Gabriella what he had done, he thought that she would ask Troy to the dance but she had screwed it all up by asking him and not Troy.

Since homecoming was to be held in the gym, their PE class had to go into a spare classroom and watch a movie. Sitting a near the back, Chad caught Gabriella and Troy glancing back and forth, but never at the same time and by the end of the day he knew what he was going to do.

After getting dressed for the dance, he headed over to Gabriella's house and her mom took pictures of them. Then he took her out for dinner and eventually to the dance.

Entering the gym, Chad held Gabriella's hand tightly in his as he searched the gym for Troy and finally spotted his brother talking with some guys from the basketball team. He led Gabriella over there and tapped Troy on the shoulder.

"We need to talk," he told Troy and didn't wait for his brother to reply before he pulled Gabriella a few feet away.

"What's up?" Troy asked, glancing at Gabriella before settling his eyes on Chad.

"I'm tired of being in the middle of this and I know, I put myself there," Chad said, grabbing Troy's hand. "You two like each other a lot. You should be each others date." He put Gabriella's hand in Troy's.

"Chad," Gabriella and Taylor said at the same time.

"No," Chad shook his head. "What I did was selfish guys and I ended up hurting the two people I cared about most."

Leaving them, Chad walked across the room and sat down on the bleachers. He nodded to a few freshman girls that were sitting in a group giggling then turned his attention to the dance floor and found Troy and Gabriella dancing together.

"They look good out there," a voice said from beside him.

Chad looked over and saw Taylor. "Yeah they do," he agreed.

"Do you want to dance?" Taylor asked after a couple minutes.

"Won't your date be mad?" Chad asked her.

"I didn't come with a date," Taylor informed him. "Sharpay made me buy this dress because she said I'd need something to wear when a guy asked me, but no surprise, nobody asked me."

"Well, I'm positive I'm not your first choice, but maybe we could be dates for tonight," Chad suggested. "Unless you really don't want a d-"

"You know, after what Gabriella has told me, you may just be my first choice," Taylor stated as she stood up. "Now come on, she tells me you're fun and sweet, so let's go."

Chad allowed her to lead him to the dance floor only to pause when a slow dance came on.

"You can do it," Gabriella said from behind him then pushed him towards Taylor. She watched as her two best friends came together and started swaying with the movie then she turned and looked up at Troy. "They look good together."

Troy smiled and wrapped his arms around Gabriella's waist. He looked over her shoulder and saw Chad looking at them. He smiled at his best friend then gave him two thumbs up.

Chad laughed and shook his head. He turned his attention back to Taylor and smiled.

"What?" She asked him.

"You're really pretty, you sure you wanna be seen with me?" He asked her.

Taylor thought before replying, her first thought was to tease him and tell him that his brother was her first choice, but in the aftermath of what had come out since Gabriella had entered their lives made her hold her tongue. "Alsolutely," she finally said.

Chad smiled brightly as the song came to an end.

"Alright, it's time for us to announce who your homecoming queen and king are," Ms. Darbus said into the microphone on the stage. "Your homecoming queen is Sharpay Evans." The crowd cheered as Sharpay made her way to the stage. "And your homecoming king is Troy Bolton."

Chad gave his brother a high five as he made his way to the stage. Then he slipped an arm through Gabriella's arm and the other through Taylor's.

Instead of taking the crown, Troy covered the microphone with his hand and whispered something to Ms. Darbus. She looked surprised at what ever he had said, but nodded and motioned to the microphone.

With the crown tucked under his arm, Troy looked out into the audience and said, "I want to thank you all for voting for me, but this crown doesn't belong to me, not tonight. Your homecoming king is my brother and best friend Chad Danforth."

Chad's jaw dropped in disbelief as Gabriella squealed and Taylor clapped.

"Go," Gabriella told Chad and gave him a push to start walking.

It was all a blur as Chad walked towards the stage, guys from the basketball and baseball teams playfully shoving him as he walked by. Troy met him at the bottom of the stairs and placed the crown on his brother's head.

"Thanks, Chad," he said. "You made this night better than I ever imagined." The two brothers hugged quickly then Troy motioned his head to the left. "Your date is waiting for you."

Chad turned and smiled when he saw Taylor standing at the front of the crowd. He walked over to her and took her hand then led her to the dance floor.

"Is this everything you imagined it would be?" Taylor asked as they danced.

"Nope," he shook his head then smiled. "It's better."

Taylor grinned and leaned her face in towards his and closed her eyes as she felt his lips on hers.

After the dance, Chad kissed Taylor goodnight in the parking lot then went home. He changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a black tank top and laid back on his bed.

Even in his wildest dreams he never imagined that he'd be name homecoming king not to mention have a girl like Taylor McKessie actually like him.

"Ah good you're home," he looked up when he heard Troy's voice. "Gabriella asked me to check since you and Taylor were making out by her car when we left."

"We were not making out," Chad rolled his eyes.

"It sure looked that way," Troy stated. "And that's not a bad thing, I'd say you guys are oh-about a week from going out."

"Whatever," Chad said.

"No, dude, I'm serious," Troy stated. "I mean did you hear her screaming when you were doing the moonwalk? All the girls were talking about it; it seems I'm not a very good dancer."

"Yeah, I did," Chad felt his face heat up. "I've known you couldn't dance forever."

"So you've known all along that I'm not better at everything," Troy stated.

"I guess so," Chad nodded.

"Are we cool?" He asked after a minute or so.

"Yeah," Troy nodded.

They hugged again and pulled away when they heard sniffling. They turned and saw Zoey standing in the doorway with a tissue.

"Come in," they said at the same time.

"My babies," Zoey cried as she crossed the threshold and wrapped an arm around each of the boys.

Chad and Troy looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"No more fighting, I can't take it," she told them. "Got it?"

"Deal," they chorused.