Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No copyright infringement is intended.
In the first chapter of Breaking Dawn Bella mentions that about a week after she agrees to marry Edward and to allow him to buy her a new car, her truck conveniently dies. It seems a little suspicious to her, and this is my one-shot version of what I think happened to make her beloved truck wheeze to a stop and die. (See chapter one of Breaking Dawn in the Special Edition of Eclipse)
The Guardian
"So wait, you want to know how to ruin a car engine? You do understand to whom you are speaking, correct?" Rosalie said, slightly offended at the mere mention of causing harm to a vehicle.
"Yes. I saw it wheezing and sputtering to a stop. So that is what we are looking for," Alice said confidently. "I just didn't see what happened to the engine to make it die."
"Which engine are we speaking of, Alice? That fact makes a big difference on whether I am willing to help you with this or not," Rosalie stated with suspicion.
"Bella's truck of course!" Alice replied sweetly. "Do you know of another vehicle that needs euthanasia?"
"Bella's truck? Why didn't you say so in the first place?" Rosalie asked incredulously. "Let's just drain the oil and be done with it."
Alice paused for a moment to receive a vision of the result of this decision. "Nope, sorry, Edward needs more time to get the Guardian here."
"Wait, Edward was able to order her a Mercedes Guardian?" Rosalie questioned incredulously, these cars were so restricted in their release that this was pulling some major strings even for a member of her family.
"Yes, and you can't work on it if it is not here now, can you?" Alice blurted out trying to tempt Rosalie into helping with the project and knowing just what would work with her.
"I know four ways to slowly disable a car resulting in the vehicle making a wheezing noise and sputtering to a stop." Rosalie went through each decision in turn in her head and Alice focused on visions of the results of each decision.
"Oh, the third one! The third way you thought of disabling the truck. That one will take about a week, which is perfect for Edward, and it will be almost impossible to detect, so none of us will get in trouble. Go with the third one," Alice told Rosalie bouncing on her toes in excitement. "Thank you Rosalie!"
"No problem, I think we are all ready for this beast to die," Rosalie said with a smug smile on her face as she quickly moved under Bella's truck with an awl. "It's done and ready for destruction," Rosalie said emerging from beneath the truck within seconds of slipping under it.
"That was quick, thanks Rosalie! This will work, all we have to do is get Edward to actually let Bella drive her truck this week, and we will be set." Alice danced with pleasure at the thought. "I'm going to go talk to Edward and let him know! Thanks again for your help Rosalie!"
"You're welcome. Like you said, it's for a good cause," Rosalie replied and smiled as she pictured the arrival of the sleek new Mercedes Guardian.