The winner of the best idea for the tittle of the sequal to 'Broken' is Masochisim! Now heres the sequal to 'Broken', 'Mended.'

I was so happy that Renee and Charlie were happy for Edward and I. I was surprised that they had taken the idea of Edward and I getting married like that, they were a little upset that they would be loosing me soon, but other than that they were almost as ecstatic as I was. I can't wait until the wedding, and when I get to be called Isabella Cullen.

There are two months until the wedding and Alice already had everything ready, dispite her being in the band, that little pixie could do anything.

Edward and I had another concert tonight, we were in Pheonix,

Arizona and the concert was at around 9:00pm, so there would be no vampires exposed to the sun, we had planned it this way. We didn't want any of them to sparkle so we booked a time that it was dark outside, the 9:00 one was the only one we could do. Edward and I were sitting on the couch in front of the tv, me watching Gilmore Girls, and Edward playing with strands of my hair.

Until it was time for the concert we all stayed in the hotel. It was 5:00pm and there were only four more hours to go, and I was really enjoying my show. I was starting to get a little nervous about the show but as long as Edward was with me it would be awsome.

"Bella, Love it's time to go. Come on Bella, get up." Edward was shaking me by now. I hadn't even realized that I had gone to sleep. I obviously needed the sleep, I had had a lot on my mind lately and wasn't getting enough.

Edward handed me off to Alice and Rose, just like every other time, and he went to go and get changed himself. Everything was in the same order as every other time, we had moved the songs Edward moved when he proposed to me back to where they were begore that. I had a few new songs to do after the duets, this would be the first time I actually sang them for people that weren't in the band and people that didn't come to the practices that we did.

"Guess you could say I'm one of those girls,

That's always been with one of those guys,

You know the type,

Like right now he sleeps while I write,

But it's better than crying,

I'm worn out from trying,

From loving a man who makes it clear,

I'm not welcome here,

Just when he's hungry or frisky,

Or needs something cleaned,

But not tonight,

Cause come the morning light,

"I'm gonna love myself more than anyone else,

Believe in me, even if someone can't see,

A stronger woman in me,

I'm gonna be my own best friend,

Stick with me till the end,

Won't lose myself again, never, no,

Cause there's a stonger woman,

A stronger woman in me,

"Light bulbs buzz,

I get up, head to my drawer,

Wish there was more,

I could say,

Another fairytale turns to gray,

I've lived on hope,

Like a child,

Walking that mile,

Faking that smile,

All the while,

Wishing my heart had wings,

Well from now on I'm gonna be,

The kind of woman I'd want my daughter to be,

"I'm gonna love myself more than anyone else,

Believe in me, even if someone can't see ,

A stronger woman in me,

I'm gonna be my own best friend,

Stick with me till the end,

Won't lose myself again, never, no,

Cause there's a stronger woman,

A stronger woman...

"This is me, packing up my bags,

And this is me,

Headed for the door,

And this is me,

The best you ever had,

"I'm gonna love myself more than anyone else,

Believe in me, even if someone can't see,

A stronger woman in me,

I'm gonna be my own best friend,

Stick with me till the end,

Won't lose myself again, never, no,

Cause there's a stronger woman,

A stronger woman,

There's a stronger woman,

A stronger woman in me."

I listened to the crowd cheering until the band started to play again.

"You were hanging your feet off the tail gate of Billy Don's ford,

I grew up in this little bitty town, never seen you before,

You were swaying in the moonlight while the radio played,

And I've,

I've had that song in my head all day,

"It was a sweet southern soulful thing that got me down deep,

You caught me staring at you but your smiling back at me,

Started slinging that air guitar, man you sure can play,

And I've had that song in my head all day,

"I don'tknow who sings it,

I keep searching the radio,

I just wanna hear it,

So I can watch that video,

I got in my head of a blue-boy,

Dancing in the bed of a two-ton ford,

Oh lord is it love,

I just can't say,

But I've,

I've had that song in my head all day,

"I said 'How about an autograph for ya, your biggest fan?,'

You wrote your name and your number in the palm of my hand,

My heart and that big bass speaker were thumping away,

And I've,

I've had that song in my head all day,

"I don't know who sings it,

I keep searching the radio,

I just wanna hear it,

So I can watch that video,

I got in my head of a blue-eyed boy,

Daning in the bed of a two-ton ford,

Oh lord is it love,

I just can't say,

But I've,

I've had that song in my head all day,

Been in my head all day."

For the songs 'stronger woman,' 'that song in my head,' and all of the other knew songs that I would sing I wore an orange tank top and the shortest shorts that I have ever seen.

It was sort of funny because I had had 'that song in my head' in my head all day. Hehe see what I said about funny? Funny, right?