((Hey! Sorry for the lack of quick updates over this past week. I was very busy with family matters. Blech…

Okay, enough complaining!

I'm getting a bit sad because this fanfic is drawing to a close. I've enjoyed every minute of your comments and support. But this doesn't mean that I'm going to stop! I'll continue making Fairy Tail fanfics for your enjoyment! Just keep an eye on my profile, or look for my name whenever you browse for fanfics.

Remember, I'm egged on by your support. Lol

So here's the last chapter! Commence!))

Lucy felt nervous as she walked to guild headquarters. She couldn't shake the feeling that something bad would happen to her house while she was going on.


She knew if she went back, Natsu would still be there. Lucy didn't know if she was ready to put up with the awkwardness of last night, yet. She slept in the same bed as Natsu…

She felt blood rush up to her cheeks. Lucy covered her face so no one around her could see her blushing.

Eventually, Lucy reached Fairy Tail. She walked in through the doors and headed towards the bulletin board. She kept telling herself that things were normal now. Though, strangely, Lucy felt that all eyes were on her. She felt that people were watching her walking, and they knew what she did. Lucy knew it was just her paranoia, and that no one had any idea about what happened yesterday.

It was all in her head, but Lucy couldn't shake the insecurity. It was weird…

Finally, after what seemed like an eon, she reached the bulletin board. It didn't look too different… There was nothing new.

Lucy sighed. She might as well go back home and start packing things already. Because it looked pretty hopeless.

"Lucy! Over here!"

She snapped out of her moment of depression at the sound of Mirajane's voice. Lucy looked over towards the bar to see Mira waving at her from behind the counter and Happy sitting on the counter in front of her.

She walked over and stood with them. "Hey," she said, unable to mask her disappointment.

"Thanks for completing my mission request," Mira said.


Mirajane held up a piece of paper similar to those on the board.

"CHECK ON NATSU AT HIS HOUSE," it read at the top. It had a picture of a rowdy Natsu fighting at the guild in the center of the paper. Lucy didn't know when it was taken, since Natsu often got into fights in the building.

Below it was an actual reward. It was close to the amount that she needed for her rent!

"But," Mira started to say. "You took him to your house instead of his house. That was not in the mission's request. So that will take a bit away from your reward. But then you took care of him for the whole day, and he's nearly back to full health, I presume. So that requires a bonus."

Mira scribbled out the number at the bottom, then rewrote what Lucy was going to get. She showed Lucy when she was done.

It was the exact amount that her rent cost!

A bit awestruck, Lucy looked at Happy. He deviously smiled in a suspicious way.

... The rent bill. Lucy knew that it was in a different position! Did Happy sneak into her house?

"Here," Mira said, holding an envelope full of money to Lucy.

"I can't take this! Not from you guys," Lucy responded.

Mira frowned. "As your employer for this mission, I'm taking a lot of offense to the fact that you're not accepting the reward."

Lucy smiled. "If you insist…" She took the envelope, a bit embarrassed, but incredibly grateful.

"I have some work to do. See you later," Mirajane happily said, walking off into the back.

As Lucy put her reward into her pocket, Happy whispered something that froze her in place.

"I know what you did last night." His smile was now ominous.

"Y-you didn't tell anyone, d-did you?" she whispered back.

"Hm…. Did I?" Happy looked off into empty space.

"I swear I will do anything you ask if you don't utter a word to a soul," Lucy frantically tried to bargain.

Lucy sighed as she sat on what was left of her couch. Not only was it singed beyond repair, but Natsu took it upon himself to tear bits off of it to set on fire and eat.

Giving him matches was a bad idea.


Lucy smiled as he slept on the floor, his head in her lap. She leaned back against the foot of the couch, happy that all her worries were gone.

"Wow, Lucy, you're cooking is HORRIBLE," Happy called out from the kitchen.

Okay… so she had to make whatever Happy wanted to eat for a week… But that wasn't so bad was it?

"Exactly what ARE you good for?" Happy taunted her.

"Shut up!!"