This is my first story and I went through so many rubbers, changing it all and everything because of my friend yelling at me that it was fluff and all.

I hope you like it and if you don't, please tell me what I did wrong or what you didn't like, but anyway- enjoy!

A knock on the door brought Kanda back to consciousness.

He opened one eyelid and sighed heavily. He had just come back from a mission so he was even more exhausted than usual. Had no one noticed the sign on his door?

"Can I come in?"

Kanda groaned.

Damn beansprout. Anyone but him.

He was the last person Kanda wanted in his room right now. If he let him in, he could face a big problem getting him back out. What with the freakishly-huge-claw-for-a-left-arm thing.

Problems he did not want to think about. And then there was that.

He pushed these thoughts out of and called back to Allen.

"No. I'll come out." he said, dressing quickly and moving to lean on the doorframe, "What do you want beansprout?"

"It's Allen."

"Whatever beansprout."

Allen turned bright red.

This surprised Kanda who in turn went a deep shade of pink. 'Shit.' This Kanda didn't blush!

"Um…yeah. Komui asked to see you in his office." This is ridiculous! Allen berated himself. It had all been Komui and Lavi's fault! They knew how he felt about Kanda. His feelings even surprised himself. It had all started when-

"Oh. Right. I'll go see him now then." Kanda's words broke Allen's train of thought.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Allen asked nervously. Damn, he should have kept his mouth shut.

Kanda didn't even have to bother replying. His glare said it all.

"OK. I'll go now." Allen squeaked as he rushed down the hall and out of sight.

Kanda exhaled loudly, making a few passers-by glance sideways at him. He ignored them and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Why? Why did it always end up like this? Everytime he tried to get closer to Allen he would accidentally snap.

But it's better this way he thought.

He could imagine a hundred different scenarios, all of them showed Kanda being rejected, shunned and laughed at by Allen.

It could never end well he repeated to himself. But that didn't change his feelings.

He remained in his room for another five minutes before remembering that Komui had asked for him. He quickly sprinted there, hoping that they weren't paying attention to the time and walked through the door.