A/N: Alrighty then… I've decided to post another chapter since I suppose I can now live with the fact that chapter 6 got no reviews. I can only hope somebody read it and liked it well enough since this story is on people's story alert. And I suppose I can try to convince myself that ff was a little buggy when I put it up. This chapter starts sort of another minor plot that we also see in the real version, Zuko searching for his father's acceptance, although I guess it's weird since he's friends with Aang… I also decided to take more than just one day writing this. So, I hope there are people reading and enjoying.

Zuko leaned back in the chair of the far table in his uncle's tea shop. Aang was sitting across from him, stirring his tea absentmindedly. They had met there because it was Sunday and Zuko's shift didn't start for an hour. They figured they could talk somewhere without too many people listening. They talked about random things, from the day's history lesson, to what was going on in the countries on the other side of the world. They had started talking about how annoying their Spanish teacher was, when Zuko's phone suddenly rang. He quickly answered it, feeling awkward making so much noise in a quiet tea shop. Unfortunately, he forgot to check the caller ID in his haste. He should have figured something was up, considering the fact that the only two people who ever called him were in the same building as he was.

"Hello?" Zuko said into the phone.

"Ah, Zuko. So lovely to be able to talk to my son," a familiar voice answered.

"Dad?" Aang sucked in a quick breath at Zuko's words. All that Zuko had ever told Aang about his father was that he shipped him off to boarding school because he didn't want to see his face anymore.

"Don't sound so surprised! I was just calling to tell you that I got your report card. You have straight A's."

"Um. Well. Yeah. Yes. I do. So?" Zuko looked at Aang as if expecting him to have heard his father.

"And why did you never get grades like this back at home? Suddenly I ship you away from our home and you end up doing better? Why?" Because at home Azula was there. I didn't feel like trying without even getting recognized. Because you were there. Here, Uncle encourages me. Because I had no friends. Now Aang and I do homework together.

But all he said was, "I don't know. Maybe the school's better."

Ozai didn't like that. He was the principal at Phoenix High School, and would not tolerate people mentioning it in such a light. "PHS is a fine school. You know that the only reason that I would send you away is because Azula told me that you had distracted her at school, and disgraced our family to your teachers. You know, this year she has your old teachers, and they always say she is better than you were. I can't stand by while you make us seem unintelligent. "

"That's not fair. You know I never wanted to do that."

"Don't contradict your father. I've set up a meeting between myself and the dean of this so called "academy" and you and I will see him Monday morning before your first class starts, at seven. Do not be late." He hung up. Zuko banged his head on the table, and left it laying there. Aang patted his shoulder.

"So… what was that all about?" he asked softly, almost as if he were afraid that Zuko would be angry with him for asking. Luckily, it seemed he was angrier at the situation than everything else.

"My dad is surprised at my good performance this semester. And back home, my dad is the principal of my old school, which he obviously thinks is better than this one."

"So… why'd he send you here?" Aang asked.

"Well, he assumed that I would be a failure anywhere he put me, and back at home my younger sister told him that I was distracting to her. He always puts her first, and so he obviously believed her, even though I don't give a damn what she does. I don't…"

"Well I'm sure it isn't that much of a problem. I mean, you did a good job with your grades; shouldn't he be happy for you?"

"No. He takes it as an insult to his school, and he wonders why I didn't do this well back at home. He can't accept the fact that I just learn better here. Besides, it gets worse. He's meeting with the headmaster today. He'll probably rip his head off or something," Zuko said.

Aang smiled. "I don't think you have to worry about that. The headmaster here's pretty tough."

"How the heck would you know that, Mr. Goody-Goody?"

"He's my dad. Well, legally, anyway."

"Oh." Zuko felt bad for having snapped. "But just about everything hits a sore spot with my father. If he says that the teachers say that I'm a pleasure to have in class he'll say I'm not asserting myself or something. If he says I'm making friends my dad will say that we don't need friends, only people who will help us achieve our goals without getting in the way. Pawns."

Aang shrugged. "I could ask him not to, if you want. He could be vague and over-cooperative if that would do any good."

"No. You don't have to do that. It's fine, really. I'll be there."

Aang left a little while after the start of Zuko's shift. He walked into school, and into the headmaster's office.

"Well, hello Aang! It's so great to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?" Gyatso asked cheerily.

"It's about my friend Zuko…" Aang said.

The next morning Zuko woke up an hour before his meeting was supposed to start. The headmaster's office was a ten minute walk away at a slow pace, and Zuko definitely did not need fifty minutes to get ready, but he did not want to risk falling back asleep, which he was pretty sure was likely if he continued to lay in his bed. He got up, went into the bathroom, and spent too much time doing things that didn't require that kind of time, such as his hair. Eventually, it came time to leave. He quietly opened the door and started to leave the room. As he was closing the door behind him, he could have sworn he heard a little voice wishing him luck. He was sure it was his imagination.

He knocked on the door to the headmaster's office, and came in when requested.

"Ah. Hello Zuko. You're early," Gyatso said. Zuko looked at his watch. It was 6:59.

"Um, actually, not really."

"So nice to see you today. I hope you're enjoying your classes?"

"Yeah, they're fine," Zuko said. Ozai walked into the room, wearing a dark gray suit with a plain red tie.

"Ah, so sorry, I appear to be late," Ozai said in a falsely friendly voice. Zuko checked his watch again. It was 7:01.

"Hello, I am Gyatso, headmaster here at Discipline Academy."


"You said that you would like to discuss your son's performance. Which area did you have in mind?" Gyatso smiled. Ozai didn't.

"Well, he has been doing much better here than he has at his old school. The school where I, currently serve as principal. Frankly, I think that your work must be too easy."

"I assure you that our curriculum is one of the most advanced ones. We have some of the best teachers in the country, and a great history. I'm sure that it was not the school your son used to attend that had anything to do with his performance there. Perhaps there was something going on at home?"

Zuko tried not to groan. Of all the things that Gyatso shouldn't have mentioned in this conversation, anything insulting to Ozai or Azula was at the top of that list.

"Are you implying that any part of my household is substandard?"

"Not at all, not at all. I am merely implying that it may not have been the best environment for Zuko to be leading his life in. I have read that he has a sister. Maybe they were having trouble?"

Ozai stood up. "I will not allow you to imply that my daughter has anything to do with any incompetence of him! I can't stand for this!"

"You just did. And I am afraid that I cannot allow you to raise your voice in my office. Now, I take it that answered all your questions and you can be on your way. Thank you so much for stopping by."

Ozai turned his head toward Gyatso, but his eyes were pointed straight at Zuko. "I will be back. Don't forget it." He turned and left.

"What a pleasant man," Gyatso said with a smile. Zuko tried not to laugh.

"So, how'd it go?" Aang asked when Zuko got back to the room after both of their classes were over.

"You were right. He is tough." Aang laughed. Zuko joined in. It felt good to laugh, after all that.

A/N: Well that was sort of a crappy chapter. Sorry. But next chapter has Sokka, Toph, and Katara in it! So look forward to that. And review! Because if I don't get any then I know it was my suckiness that prevented people from reviewing last time. Love!!