A/N: My first fanfiction

A/N: My first fan fiction. Please be honest if you decide to review. I would like honest feedback!! I decided to rewrite my first chapter because I just didn't think it was quite my style. Hope you like the new version

Disclaimer: I'm writing on fan fiction. I.e not mine!

It was time for me to move on again. To a different coven as well as a different family this time. I was leaving the large Southerndown coven of four to stay with just two vampires this time. Simon and Nicky were old acquaintances of mine and I had stayed with them before.

I sat on the plane to my new home in the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, pretending to sleep and attempting to ignore the mouth-watering scent of the surrounding humans.

Simon and Nicky had moved into the house a week before to get it ready and find areas to hunt. The couple had been glad to let me stay with them in their new house.

I had decided to leave the coven I had been staying with as being around the house full of couples whilst I was alone had become unbearable.

One of the female airhostesses stood in the isle and informed the plane that we were just about to begin the landing procedure. I fastened my belt even though there was no real need for me to do so.

When I landed in Port Angeles it was raining. I felt relieved; there would be no need for me to hide in the shadows.

The first thing I saw when I left the airport with my two large suitcases was Simon leaning against his metallic blue BMW casually. Female passers by were staring at his strong, handsome face with longish dirty blond hair unashamedly.

His topaz eyes met mine and he drew up to his full height, accentuating his perfect physique. He gave me a small smile and I spend my walk up slightly.

Nicky was sitting in the passenger seat of the car. Her thin angular face was composed except for when a human female looked at Simon for a bit too long and a threatening expression would take over.

Beneath the typical pallor of our kind her skin was olive coloured and her hair a shade darker. Her eyes met mine and she smiled warmly. Her eyes the same butterscotch colour as Simons and mine.

"Bella! It's been too long. How are you?" Simon boomed as I stopped by the car. He was speaking out loud for once. His gift for planting thoughts in people's heads meant he didn't have to do this often. My own gift of being able to block all gifts prevented him from doing this.

My gift was a strong, complex one. I could block all gifts but I could also use all other vampires' talents if I was close to them. The closer I was to the vampire the stronger the gift would be.

"Simon, Nicky, lovely to see you again! It's been far too long. I'm well, and you?" I replied pleasantly.

I loaded my bags into the boot then climbed into one of the comfy back seats. Sitting in the car reminded me that I myself needed to get a car to get me to and from school and generally around the town.

In the car we discussed our 'story' of why we were in Forks. We decided that Simon was my older brother and Nicky his girlfriend. They were both 24 and Simon was a printer by profession and Nicky was a journalist. I was 17 and still in school. I was living with Simon because our parents had recently died tragically in a car accident.

We pulled up to the white stone cottage with its 3 bedrooms. A small front garden sat next to the drive. The drive, I noticed had a black hard top Audi TT in it as well as the VW Beatle that Nicky drove.

"Nice TT." I commented, hoping I would get a chance to drive it and at the same time wondering whose it was.

"Yes, its not too bad. Glad you like it." Simon replied mildly. "Because it's yours"

"Really?" I asked, astounded. Nicky nodded from in the front seat.

"We thought you could do with the car and this seemed perfect." She explained kindly.

"Thank you so much, I don't know how to repay you!" I gushed. Simon waved a hand.

"No need Bella." Simon dismissed.

We climbed out the car and began to unload it. Nicky's gift of telekinesis came in handy as we swiftly sent the bags up to my room. I ran up behind them, eager to see the room myself.

The room had light mint green walls and a fluffy cream carpet that looked brand new. A large window was covering about a quarter of one wall and shelves for my books filled the remainder. A large brown leather sofa sat opposite and equally large plasma screen TV that hung on a wall. On the last wall was an oak dresser and wardrobe made by Simon. Sat on the desk was a top of the range laptop with a sound system next to it.

I opened my bag and started to take everything out. One bag was full of my clothes and the other my books. Nicky glided into my room and after I had complemented her on the decoration of the room she started to put my clothes into the wardrobe.

I spent the night watching TV and making small talk with Simon and Nicky. All to soon it was the morning and time for me to head to school. I changed my clothes and quickly glanced in the mirror.

My long dark brown hair framed my heart shaped face. My face was symmetrical and my perfect features angular. I glanced at my eyes, which I noted, were beginning to darken. Making a mental note to ask about suitable hunting areas, I left the house.

Outside it was raining so I ran into my new car at vampire speed. I steeled myself for the day of loneliness, boredom and torture from the scents of the humans. My control for blood was very good but not quite perfect.

I arrived at the small school and parked my car. The car lot was nearly empty; I wanted to try to register in the office without too many humans being present.

The red-haired receptionist looked up as I entered the school office. She did a double take when she saw my appearance.

As predicted her scent hit me like a wall. The first of the day was always the hardest.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked politely.

"I'm Isabella Swan," I responded. "I start school here today."

The woman nodded then bent over and rustled paper, trying to find the paperwork for me.

After a few minutes she sat back up straight and presented me with a timetable and a school map. For the next ten minutes she prattled on, showing me the best routes to each class. I nodded politely and waited for her too stop.

As if on cue, she stopped talking and wished me luck on my first day.

The car lot had filled up considerably and I saw that my car stood out, being the only new car in the lot apart from a silver Volvo. With wide eyes the students looked at my car and me. Apparently novelties were few and far between in this town.

The lessons all followed a pattern. I would enter a classroom and the humans inside would have expressions of shock due to my appearance. The teachers would proceed to bore me senseless with their lack of knowledge.

Having been through high school four times as a vampire nothing the teachers said would be anything I didn't know. The only reason I went to school was to fit in and enable us to stay in the area for longer without attracting suspicion.

The only good part of the day was that no humans approached me. If ever one strayed too close I would smile and show my teeth, sending them scuttling away.

After four dull lessons I entered the school canteen. Many different scents hit me as I entered the room but one stood out. I froze as I recognise it immediately.


A/N So what do you think? I personally prefer this chapter. Let me know in a review. Hint hint!

Hope you enjoyed!!