Chapter 1

"I can't believe we had to leave the beach early because you left your Sidekick again"

Zac chuckled as he placed his surf board next to their suite's door and reached into his pocket for the room key. Vanessa followed close behind holding the rest of their stuff and wearing nothing but her bathing suit under one of Zac's shirt.

"Well, if someone hadn't been in such a hurry to go surfing this morning, maybe I wouldn't have left it" –She said pouting a little bit. Zac opened the door and stood aside for her to go inside.

"And besides" –Vanessa argued looking straight into his eyes. "I can make it worth your while!". She winked and stepped into the suite they had been sharing for almost a week now.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted surf lessons, remember?" Zac replied as she turned around and swayed her hips seductively…He smiled and stared at her body up and down from behind while trying to reach blindly for the surf board. He didn't want to take his eyes off of her but soon realized he must've looked like a fool trying to reach the board without even looking.

Vanessa put everything she was carrying on the small breakfast table in the room and then looked around, taking in the messy sight. Clothes were scattered in little piles all over the floor, it was like an invasion of shoes had taken place, using belts and t-shirts as their allies and carrying a provision of candies and snacks. One of her suitcases laid opened on a chair with all of her bikinis inside it and a few other beach essentials...that, she deiced, could just as well represent the base of operations for the fashion battlefield.

She sighed – thinking that they had leaned very little of their experience with the casitas during High School Musical 2 – and decided the best way to start was to think of where she could've left her favorite gadget in the first place.

Zac opened the sliding doors to their balcony and took in the beautiful view of the Hawaiian landscape while placing his surf board against the railing…just as he turned back around he saw her heading for the couch and checking every pocket of every short and every shirt she found laying there. Her forehead showed a delicate frown, and she was slightly biting her lower lip.

He smiled and thought how there was no more beautiful sight than that of his girlfriend.

Vanessa looked up from her task to see him smiling at her from the balcony and could only smile back…she shook her head at him and lowered it to continue looking for her phone between the couch cushions. "You know, this would probably be faster if you actually helped me out" –she said without looking up.

There was a sound behind her as he closed the sliding doors and made his way towards her. He stood next to her on the couch and moved some of the strands of hair, which was covering her face, behind her ear. Her hands stopped moving and she looked up slowly to find herself staring 

at the only guy who could ever make her tremble in ecstasy, and a pair of impossibly blue eyes…an intoxicating mix of fire and ice.

He felt as though her eyes looked straight into his soul. So different from his and yet reflecting the same range of emotions...a whirlwind of brown and golden watercolors that consumed and inflamed him all at once.