Title: A Helping Hand

Summary: Random Tony/Gibbs. Abby lends a helping hand. Finally, the long awaited sequel to Crazy Mind-Reading Ninja is here!

Rating: T-ish

Disclaimer: I don't own. I wish I did. But I don't.

POV: Switches from Gibbs to Tony

Authors note: Another Tony/Gibbs. Shocking isn't it. Takes place before Bury Your Dead.

Chapter One – Jealous

(POV: Gibbs)

"Gibbs," Abby calls as I'm about to leave her lab.

"Yeah Abbs?" I stop and turn back to her.

"You've done a lot for me, you know."

I raise an eyebrow, asking for elaboration.

"You always know when I need something, and you always know what to say and what not to say. You always help me out."

"Point Abbs?"

"I think its time for me to help you out a bit," she explains (not that it helped any).

"You've lost me Abby."

"You're not happy. You try and pretend you are, but you're not."

"Abbs! Point!"

"I'm just saying. You should tell him."

"Tell who? What?" But I know exactly what she's talking about.

"You know exactly who. And what. You need to tell him."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, turning back to the door.

"Yes you do," she runs over and blocks my path. "You're just in denial. Tell him how you feel."

"I can't."

"No, you can. You just won't. What's stopping you?"

"Hmm… For starters, this is DiNozzo were talking about. DiNozzo as in different girl every week."

"I'd like to point you yourself have been married four times."

"Not the point…"

"So the point. What, you're allowed to marry several women and be gay, but he can't sleep around and be gay? Besides, what makes you so sure that he even sleeps around. For all we know, he's just pretending to."

"He's not. Besides, he has Jeanne now."

"And you're jealous," Abby grins.

"No I'm not."

"You're jealous of Jeanne," she says. "I wonder why?" she asks knowingly.

"Fine," I say. "I'm jealous of Jeanne. Because he actually loves her. Not me. Happy now?"

And I turn to leave her lab, but not without noticing the smile forming on her lips.

"No. We're not finished."

I turn back to her, wondering what else she could possibly have to say.

Cliffy! Okay, so not really, but I will probably get several angry reviews about cutting off there.I've come to the conclusion that this story is utterly pointless. Not that I'm surprised by this. There is one more chapter and then its over.

Reviews are loverly.
