Hello readers, its me again, from my prevew story 'My Nobodies Girl' this is the biggening of the real story. This story is quite dark, but may not seem so at first. I wrote this a little while ago, so my writing my not be as good, please remember, if my writing really does suck, tell me about it that I know how to get better. Alright, those of you that have been waiting, this is for you
Disclamer "I don't own Kingdom Heart, or anything connected to it, but I do own the storyline and my OC's"
A fifteen year out boy with spiky brown hair sat on the beach on Destiny islands dwelling in his own sorrow, he looked out over the ocean, the salty air blew past his bangs. After defeating Organization XIII, he finally succeeded on the thing he tried to do for a little over a year. Get back home with Riku and Kairi all was good. But his happiness didn't last long, his life had taken a turn for the worst, his worst nightmare come true, Kairi had chosen Riku over him.
Not long after they got home Riku and Kairi started dating, it tore him up inside and he was angry, but he knew he shouldn't really be mad at them, they didn't try to hide it from him, they told him as soon as they made the decision.Sora calmly excepted and told them it was all right even though on the inside he was weeping his heart out. Though he was angry on the inside, he was still friendly towards them, they were his best friends, but he found that he was around them less and less mostly because it was awkward around the dating couple.
So he was mostly alone during his free time because while he was gone Selphie and Tidus started dating, and Wakka stated dating some random girl. So out of there little group he was the only one left without a girl. Through the two months he had been home he now wished life that he could go back to the other worlds fighting heartless and nobody's along side Donald and Goofy, his most loyal friends. Sora glanced over at the paopu tree where Riku and Kairi were making out, he sighed sadly looking back at the ocean.
Sora could be seen sitting on the sand moping staring at the ocean through a crystal ball, standing next to it was a lady with very pail skin and piercing eyes she wore a sort of hood like nuns but with two long spikes sticking up, and a long black and purple gown fell down her figure and a long golden staff in her hands with a black crow sitting at the top.
She smirked evilly at the figure in the ball, "Just look at him my pet" she said to the bird."He's so miserable, suffering" she sighed heavily, " the only problem is he should be suffering from MY HAND!" she yelled slamming her fists down on the table that the crystal ball was on making it jiggle. "Not from some silly childhood crush."
The witch waved a hand over the ball and the image changed to a younger looking Sora, she looked back at his past adventures, and she started thinking."My plan would work perfectly if he was out of the picture, if only there was a way to eliminate him…no he's too well protected and with that keyblade she would never get close to him, and trying to get him to join her is the same. He may be naïve sometimes but he still has a brain, that's why my plan won't work he'd catch on two fast. And that stupid mouse king is already getting suspicious and it won't be long before he sends for that boy and his friends, there had to be a way to get him out of the picture."
Frustrated with herself she banged her staff on the ground hard making the crow fly in the air in surprise. She stared at the crystal ball watching bits and peaces of the key blade master's past adventures, she noted on how determined he looked while fighting. "So determined, his concentration never wandering as he fights, it makes me sick."
She watched Sora fighting nobodyies with Riku and Kairi then for a fraction of a second he lost his concentration by stealing a glance at Kairi. It was fast but the witch caught it, she grinned evilly."Maybe I don't need to get rid of him…maybe just distract him" she thought aloud.
"Maleficent!" someone called and a giant cat like animal that was way over weight walked in.
"That's it!" Maleficent shouted finally coming up with the answer to her problem. Pete thinking that she meant 'that's the last straw your fired' started begging for mercy, "NO PLEASE GIMMIE ANOTHER CHANCE I'LL DO BETTER!"
"I'm not talking about that you fool, I mean I've finally figured out how to get our plan to work."
"Oh really which one" Pete asked.
"The one wear working on right now" she replied irritably.
"You figured out a way to get rid of the keyblade brat?"
"No, not get rid of him, distract him."
"That won't work, when that kid's fighting nothing distracts him."
"Oh contraire my arrogant minion, he has one weakness" Maleficent said and waved a hand over the crystal ball to show a girl with shoulder length auburn hair sitting next to an older boy with long silver hair, "Her."
"The girl, what do you plan to do kidnap her hasn't that already been tried before?" Pete asked.
"No, no, I don't mean her exactly I mean girls, If he meets a girl on his journeys one that will distract him, by the time he figures out my plan it will be too late."
"Well what do you plan to do make a girl, wouldn't that take too long" Pete pointed out.
"OH YOU" Maleficent shouted suddenly becoming furious, "you found a flaw in my plan, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"
Pete threw his hands in the air shielding his face, "But Maleficent I came hear to tell you something," Pete pleaded.
"WHAT?" The witch screamed.
"It's the new prisoner, no one can get control of her, she's got special powers."
"You just don't know how to handle a prisoner," Maleficent started walking towards the door, "I'll deal with her myself."The witch suddenly stopped short, an idea forming in her mind, "Wait, she will be perfect for our plan."
"She will?" Pete asked.
"Yes, all we have to do is get them the meet."
"How are you going to get them the meet, and what if she doesn't stay with them?"
"I have my ways…get a gummy ship ready," she commanded.
Sora was still sitting on the paopu tree staring out at the ocean thinking about his past adventures, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice, "Sora!"
Sora looked up the see a boy no older than sixteen with long silver hair walking up to him, "Hay Riku" Sora greeted as his friend that sat down on the paopu tree next to him, "Where's Kairi?" the keyblade master asked."
At the mall with Selfie" Riku answered, "I love her and all but I'm not carrying her bags for her."
Sora smirked at him but said nothing, "Is everything ok Sora, you've been kinda distant lately," the older boy asked trying to sound curious but there was a hint of worry in his voice.
"Yah, I'm fine, just been lost in my own thoughts" Sora answered.
"Sure this doesn't have something to do with me and Kairi dating," Riku asked. Sora just shook his head but Riku pressed on, "Are you sure, I don't want a girl to come between our friendship."
"I'm fine with it Riku, I mean there are lots of fish in the sea" Sora said with a forced smile, Riku saw right through it but before he could say anything there conversation was interrupted by someone calling them. "SORA! RIKU!"
Both there heads turned simultaneously to see a girl about Sora's age running up to them."I thought you went shopping Kairi?" Riku asked.
"I was but then I found this" Kairi replied and showed them a bottle in her hands with a rolled up piece of paper inside with King Mickey's signature stamp on it. Sora quickly grabbed the bottle, opened it up, took the letter out, unrolled it and started reading it with Riku and Kairi reading over his shoulder.
Sora I'm very sorry for contacting you so soon, you just got home and all but trouble has occurred again. Heartless are attacking the worlds and the nobody's are running amuck with out a leader, there is lots more I have to tell you but I cant risk it just in case this little doesn't reach you, make sure you bring Riku and Kairi with you, I'll tell you more when you arrive.
Sincerely King Mickey
P.S When you look up form this letter a gummy ship will arrive.
The trio looked up from the little just in time to see a gummy ship landing on the beach about twenty yards away from them, "Does anyone else find that creepy" Kairi asked.
Well there is is, hope your not disappointed, please remember to review, I'll probably undate tomorrow sometime.