(Chapter 3: Favor)
A/N: Hey! Thx for the wait! Here is chapter 3 now! Just enjoy it and R&R after k?
I'm writing a new story so update for this story will be prolonged. But it doesn't mean I'm abandoning it! So look if have a chance…hehe
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… Stupid disclaimer… I WANT to own Naruto but I can't! Why me??
(Time skip)
Three days have passed. Naruto was camping and training in the training grounds with the aid of the Kage Bunshins. He went from time to time to the town of Konoha to buy weights. Naruto already wore 180lbs. on his arms and legs while an outrageous 230lbs. on his chest. Naruto was still training at the grounds training with chakra control when he saw the time.
"Oh, it's time already? Better summon one clone." Naruto said as he unleash his technique.
"KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" He shouted as another clone poofed out from nowhere.
"You know what to do." He said as the clone nooded and disappeared.
"Now where were we? Oh yes…" He said as he continued on with his training.
Meanwhile at the Academy…
Naruto was doing his usual strange bahviour while listening to Iruka's teachings. Iruka, still lecturing was thinking of the strange attitude Naruto is showing for the last 3 days. Iruka then began to worry.
After classes, the gang began to discuss about the way Naruto was acting.
"It's been 3 days now and he still haven't change. There's must be something seriously wrong here." Kiba complained.
"And he didn't asks me out on date as usual… Something is seriously wrong here…" Sakura said wimping.
Then emo boy entered the group then suddenly Sakura and Ino ran to Sasuke in slow motion.
"SASUKE!" Sakura and Ino shouted.
"Your annoying." Sasuke replied. Suddenly after the two girls heard this they began to feel the shivering sound echoeing in their ears "Your annoying." It repeated again and again and both suddenly became depressed and cried anime style.
"I know. It seems like he's hiding something from us." Ino who first snapped out of her depression looked suspiciously at Naruto.
"U-um, I think we should not intrude on what he's doing or acting…We might bother him…" Hinata said with a worried voice.
"I agree with Hinata, we should ignore it and besides, it's kinda good he's acting this way." Choji said while chomping on his chips.
"Shut it chip boy! I think we should ask him about it so that we might help him out. Got any reason not to this time, lazy bum?" Ino glared at Shikamaru.
"I've got nothing, I was beginning to get curious about the way he acts…troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.
And so, they began to walk their way to the blonde.
"Hey, Naruto we wanted to speak to you." Kiba said.
"Um, sorry guys not today." Naruto replied.
" But this is important." Kiba said as Naruto raised an eyebrow in question.
"Ok. So what is it?" Naruto questionly asked.
"Naruto, you can tell us what's bothering you. We can help." Ino said.
"Nothing at all. Why you ask?" Naruto replied.
"Because, you were acting strangely in class when in fact you are supposed to prank on Iruka-sensei." Ino said with a glare on him.
"Yea, and you were supposed to ask me out and I reject you. What's with you?!" Sakura annoyingly shouted.
"Um, nothing at all Sakura. But I need to get going, see ya!" Naruto said with a foxy smile and disappeared.
Sakura was shocked when he didn't add a "chan" in her name she thought he seriously lost it.
"Something is up." Ino said.
"Yea, there might be something he's hiding." Shikamaru spoke.
"What gotten into him?!" Sakura shouted.
They're still discussing about Naruto and after a while, they went home.
7 o' clock at the training field…
"(huf)(huf) That was a though day… I can't release that much energy fast as said in the scroll, it might blast off in my face as usual… but hey! I got some intense training! I can't wait to go back home after this week. Oh and need more weights tomorrow." Naruto mumbled to himself.
'Hey kit, you improved dramatically, from where I see it your still far from your old self. But still it's a good start. Wanna try to step up a notch?' Kyuubi said while yawning.
'Sure! Let's see I'm on level 5… ok I gonna go for it!' Naruto shouted.
Next Day…
It was the genin academy test but it was too early around 6:00 am and Naruto was about to go to the academy but not before some warm ups.
"Was it really necessary to send a kage bunshin wearing the horrible jumpsuit?" Kyuubi asked.
'Well yeah! So that they won't suspect anything. And besides… I show them how dashingly I look today WITHOUT the jumpsuit… but I was really wondering why are you glaring at my orange jumpsuit from before? I mean it's not bad right?'
"Uh huh? You expect me to believe this… trash will help you? Think again. It's screaming to the world ' SUCK MY BIG AND SAGGY BALLS LIKE A MAN!' or better yet 'KILL ME! OR I'LL POUNCE YOU TO MY ORANGENESS!'"
'Ok, ok I get it. Sheesh… But I change right? It's all because of your advice repeated a hundred times. Not to mention Ino- chan's reaction to my new outfit!' He replied grinning.
"Oi! As much as I hate to chat with you your gonna be late for school."
"Oh Crap!" Naruto said as he rush to school while reminded again about the incident that will happen today.
"Man, I have to face Mizuki- teme and act again? NO WAY! I'll beat him up to a pulp!" Naruto Shouted as he pumped his fist in the air. Naruto got his things and got ready for school.
Into the shadow Naruto moved as he hid himself in the villages.
" It's time… To show myself to the people! Oh Yeah!" Naruto shouted
'Heh. I bet you would top this no problem.' Kyuubi thought.
The Blonde rushed to the academy awaiting for the test.
HA!! I did it! Sorry for the LOOOOOOOONG Wait. I'm supposed to work you know but anyway Pol1 time!
Would you let Zabuza Live or Haku, or Both or None at all?
None(same story)-
Vote is until after 5th chapter R&R k? Peace out.