AN: Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last posted something, but I've been working on my new story, The Bachelorette. This is going to be a chapter story, with none other than Troyella as the pairing. There might even be some Chaylor in here, but you'll just have to wait and see. This story is based off of The Bachelorette which airs on ABC I believe. Also, this first chapter isn't very eventful, but it sets up the next couple of chapters. So, without further a due, here's The Bachelorette. Please R&R! I want to know if you want me to continue this story! Oh, and btw, this whole chapter is in Gabriella's POV.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words that I have written and the characters that I have created. Although it would be wonderful to own Zac Efron. But isn't that every girl's dream?! (:


This is it. The night I've been waiting for for around 5 months now…

I'm going to be The Bachelorette.

I'm 24 years old, and I have no boyfriend. I live way out in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I've waited all of my life to find that one guy that makes me feel like a princess. That one guy that wants to marry me because he loves me with all of his heart. I haven't found it yet, but tonight, I'll start my search. I get to meet 25 guys, and narrow it down to the one man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I hope that this will be the place to find him. So, right now I'm headed to California to start the journey of a life time, and hopefully to find the man of my dreams.

"Gabs, come on! It's time for you to meet your 25 bachelors!" my best friend, and the host of the Bachelorette, Chad Danforth told me.

"Alright, I'm coming! I had to make myself look good!" I said as we both laughed. We were making our way downstairs to greet the men as they arrived one by one in their limousines. Chad in his suit, and myself in my new black Chanel dress with my new Jimmy Choo pumps. As we walked outside, Chad stopped me and turned me to face him.

"Alright Gabs, I know you're trying to find the man of your dreams here, but just listen to me. I'm not going to interfere in your decision making, but I will tell you now that I'll be here for you every step of the way. Now go out there and find yourself a good man. And makes sure he treats you right, or else he'll have to go through me and Tay." he told me as I smiled.

"Thanks Chad. Love you!"

"Love you too sis. Now let's start with the men!" I turned around to face the road as Chad walked away. Then the first limo pulled up. Out stepped a man with gorgeous soft brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. It hit me then and there that this process would be well worth it.


That night, I met 25 amazing men. Let me tell you just a bit about them.

-Aaron. 27 years old from Los Angeles, CA. Pro soccer player.

-John. 30 years old from New York City, NY. Artist.

-Chance. 23 years old from El Paso, TX. Lawyer.

-Zach. 24 years old from Oklahoma City, OK. Football Coach.

-Tyler. 26 years old from Willmar, MN. Chef.

-Ethan. 23 years old from Hanover, NH. Doctor.

-William. 25 years old from Claremont, CA. Engineer.

-Austin. 28 years old from Asheville, NC. Veterinarian.

-Troy. 25 years old from Santa Fe, NM. Pro basketball player.

-Michael. 22 years old from Dallas, TX. Accountant.

-Cameron. 27 years old from Fort Worth, TX. Teacher.

-Brian. 32 years old from Augusta, ME. Chiropractor.

-Nathan. 24 years old from Denver, CO. Dentist.

-Sam. 29 years old from Benson, AZ. Social worker.

-Chris. 26 years old from Grace, ID. Firefighter.

-Brandon. 30 years old from Temple, PA. Physician.

-Luke. 24 years old from Charlotte, NC. Musician.

-Justin. 26 years old from Bartlett, TN. Chef.

-Nick. 25 years old from Trenton, NJ. Pediatrician.

-Connor. 20 years old from Salem, OR. Photographer.

-Kyle. 26 years old from Tallapoosa, MO. Dentist.

-Eric. 28 years old from Monroe, LA. Plastic surgeon.

-Shawn. 27 years old from Jamestown, ND. Jeweler.

-Jesse. 25 years old from Abercrombie, TX. Dermatologist.

-Chase. 26 year old from Baton Rouge, LA. Police officer.

Man, I really had a tough decision to make tonight. I had to send 10 of these amazing guys home, and possibly break their hearts! I didn't know if I could do it, but I had no other choice. The guys and I sat around for a while and talked about anything and everything, just so I could get to know them. After about an hour, Chad came and got me and took me up to the deliberation room. It was there that I decided which 15 guys would stay here with me.


As I walked back downstairs, I saw all the guys standing in front of me. I stood next to my 15 roses and began to speak to them.

"I just wanted to tell you all how thankful I am that you put your lives on hold to come down here and try to get to know me just a little bit better. You're all so wonderful, but unfortunately I can only choose 15 of you." I took a deep breath.

"Chase. Will you except this rose?"

"Of course." I placed the rose on his suit coat. I did the same for the next 14 guys.















And as I called out the last name, and said goodbye and thank you to the guys that I was sending home, I knew that this show was the start of something new and wonderful, and I couldn't wait until tomorrow when I would get to go on dates with the guys and narrow them down once more to find my one true love.


R&R Please! (:
